Does Sup Forums like Emma Watson?
Does Sup Forums like Emma Watson?
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no shit no
I admire the recording artists who ran her auto-tuner in her last flick
what the fuck does she actually want
like what the actual fuck is her problem?
I like her toes
I appreciate her commitnment
she would want sex and shoes like all women. but since shes frigid, she just wants shoes and make misserable as much men as possible.
Everyone who has posted above me is 100% correct
wonky tits and ugly legs
I like her pusy
so is that because she has a dick or what
>only popular because of being in cringe tier gen z children's franchise
>autistic footfag fans
she was perfectly cute in this, how did we get current emma?
Along with Ellen Page one of the few wizards capable of looking like an underage boy way up to late 20s. God bless
too much pedo cock ruined her
she cant enjoy sex and hates men, so she devoted her life to make them pay.
I would laugh if it was emma that actually made this thread
but isnt her job being the local UN pump
Would you be able to say no to him?
It's not rape if you pay money you know
>tfw you will never be rich enough to make Emma Watson "willingly" give you sex in public
that look on her face when she was brought to a jew orgy
>wasting those fuckable browsand that permanently adolescent face on a frigid, man-hating cunt
There is no god.
jesus christ
>Orlando Bloom knows what is about to happen
>he wants to top it but he is too weak
is that the russian billionaire who got rich fast and is buddies with putin?
Sup Forums is Emma Roberts territory! You want to post Watson? Fine, do it on Sup Forums, /hr/, /s/ or even /bant/, I don't give a damn, but THIS land where you are standing right now, it's not for her, this soil is protected for only one best Emma - Emma Roberts!
Theres some low IQ happa that does
who is that blonde
>Emma Roberts
>a literally who
>dumb frogposter
she looks like she shits the queen
who might that be
I like her little tits and accent, does that count?
he was always (((rich)))
Ummm actually he's a jewish olygarch who was exiled by strong man Putin the saviour of white race, sweetie
No, her accent is horrid
it's abramovich, you fag. stfu
she's a female equivalent of a fag yet her being qt keeps her relevant on this sad forum
You just KNOW
>His family is Jewish
Thanks for proving I'm right
so? he wasn't exiled by putin, you dumbass
not one bit
Nothing against her but I had to stop watching Beauty and the Beast because of her smug fucking expression and bland singing.
Wtf were they thinking?
Kind of. She's cute and an ok actress. Her politics stuff is annoying but it's easy to ignore.
>tfw you realize this is what Roman is doing with all the profits from Chelsea
>she will never teach you about feminism by repeatedly kicking in the balls
why live bros
Fuck no, her she's only famous because she made boys pee-pees tingle whilst watching a childrens movie.
fuck you
this. she's a dumb turbo feminist. she can't act. can't sing. her british voice is annoying. she has a pretty flat unexceptional body and ugly feet. but I still love her