Where were you when CNN filed for bankruptcy?
Where were you when CNN filed for bankruptcy?
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wtf I hate cnn now
I always hated them
Guess I'm a #RussiaTodayMissile now
He's not wrong. I sat down and watched CNN for like half an hour this morning, for the first time in a very long time. It was wall-to-wall Hillary shilling. It was brazen and unapologetic. It blows my mind that people watch this junk and think they're getting objective reporting of any kind.
I remembered when they were like OAN. The 90s happened though.
I love this madman
Isn't CNN like the 7th biggest donar to the Hillary campaign?
Isn't CNN like the 7th biggest donor to the Hillary campaign?
Journalists in general should not be allowed to vote. They do enough damage/support as it is during election seasons.
Nice try donald... But CNN donated to Hillary not Hillary donated to CNN. You can't bribe someone by taking their money. I would worry more about Fox news which has thrown logic and integrity out the window to support Trump.
>crooked news network
How can CNN be a reliable source at this point? they are even worse that mashable and huffington post.
yes. send the emails that prove that the DNC is giving CNN orders.
wtf i hate the msm now
Tbh it doesn't matter what he does anymore, CNN has Clinton's cock down their throat so deep.
>Trump cures cancer
"BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump eliminates more jobs, doctors fume."
>Trump solves for world peace
Today on CNN: How Obama set in motion the parts for World Peace
>Hillary Clinton kills people and commits massive fraud
Today's top news story: Look at this cute cat that thinks it's a dog!
wtf i hate trump now
MSNBC as well. One of the emails showed the President of MSNBC was in direct communications with the DNC. These faggots were literally receiving orders from the DNC.
The same with Politico.
>not reading both RT and western media
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If find extreme joy in knowing how much damage Trump does to CNN.
They will go bankrupt if nothing is done.
Both of them are propaganda but from different sides. At least RT manages to give you info that the Western media may try to block out.
>reading media
>not getitng your news from Sup Forums
retard detected
also for that last one
>republicans cant stop persecuting hillary because they are sexist and racist bigots. more at 11 as the fbi director says its totally justifiable to arrest her but wont.
>not getting all your news from the homeless guy in the local park
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When the tax records for CTR are released next year that list all of their employees...
6 gorillion dollars will do that.
It's reciprocal, they donate to the Hill, the Hill funds to them.
>tweeting every minute ike a 15 year old buttdevastated teenager
this isnt even my final form...
I get all my news from Sup Forums
>implying tweeting constantly about a legit corrupt presidential candidate not being reported is not the good thing to do
shill go away
Reminder that fucking INFOWARS gets more viewers on average than CNN. I hope Trump revokes their press credentials and gives it to Alex Jones.
CNN used to be based when Lou Dobbs was on it.
I always wonder why Trump even bothers criticizing CNN. Trump even saying their name is a huge advertisement for them, and probably gets them half their viewership any given day he tweets about them.
CNN is trying so fucking HARD to make the Khan thing into a huge controversy but it isn't working at all. Nobody cares anymore. They have really lost their composure this election cycle, constantly shilling for Hill and taking every petty little jab at Trump they can, and it's absolutely embarrassing to watch. God I hope they go bankrupt or Trump shuts them down. We don't need this extreme amount of bias in the most watched news network in the country.
people unequivocally believe what cnn says. and cnn has been laying it on thick. he better do something
Reading exactly that timeline on my shitter
Is it fucked up that I do as well? I like to think that I have healthy skepticism about everything posted here
>Fox News
>supporting trump
Do you not remember when Megyn Kelly and basically everyone else at fox besides Shaun Hannity tried to stump trump every single day in the primaries?
I wouldn't call giving him decent coverage now that he's the nominee supporting him.
Going to Trump's Twitter, BRB
It's real. It's all real. Holy fuck Donald Trump is the man.
The main man. The toucan sam
My can of spam. His name ain't Pam
All the people saying 'Trump, hot damn!'
He's a bad mammerjam.
Another stomp in 2020 is the plan.
>actually believing this
what country even are you?
Never mind, sorry based Hong Kong.
The don't even attempt to look impartial to the goyim , CNN has taken it's final form
we're at 1932 lügenpresse levels now
Hannity is a hardcore trump shill. He probably has the most biased show on TV
24/7 until the election
4 years if Trump wins
I miss news
Le Self Made Man illusionist
Le living advertisment man
November, the 8th
Drupmf is a little cocky bitch who will be wiped out of business.
holy fucking shit 9gag get the fuck off my board before you skin you for wallets and lamp shades
>not automatically regarding everything on RT as a lie until proven otherwise
Retard detected.
Trump is going to fucking crush this thing.
By November, no amount of deception will be able to deny reality.
Trump draws 10s of thousands of people inside, and puts speakers out for the people waiting outside, just hoping to get in.
Hillary draws less than one hundred, and most of those people only took the time to show up because they wanted to boo her off the stage.
The lies on display right now are red-pilling every citizen on Earth as to what is happening, even here.
6 months ago you couldn't find a Trump supporter here. Now only idiots don't support him.
This is happening folks. This is really happening.
Believe me. Believe me.
>not automatically regarding everything you read outside of Sup Forums as a lie, even when proven otherwise
step up goy
Do you do the same with (((western media)))?
Son killed by radical Islam
>Khan: How dare Trump stop radical Islam entering US
can't make this shit up
I read that as "expanding modern day slavery"
Hitler would have voted for Trump.
Brexit 2:American Bogaloo can't come soon enough
wtf, I guess I'm going to have to watch Fox news now
Any suggestions for real news?
I enjoy drudge and info wars but both are a little memetastic at times
Source material. If you have to hear it through other people, take it with a grain of salt.
Check out what happened, not what other people say is happening.
If you have to hear it through someone else to form your opinion, your opinion is worthless.
Who cares what you have to say about what happened if you heard what you had to say through someone else?
Vote Trump
He openly states that on his program and doesn't try to act like he's some independent journalist or reporter.
>Trump cures cancer
"BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump eliminates more jobs.
I can completely imagine the American media doing this.
CNN presents: "9/11, Tragedy in Retrospect"
Esteemed Emmy Award winning CNN presenter, Fahreed Zakaria looks back on the tragic day 19 Muslim Refugees died in a plane-crash while escaping their homes Middle East, which were ravaged by republican imperialist wars for oil.