
Clinton took $100k cash from & was director of company that gave money to ISIS

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"I didn't know what was going on"

ulian Assange: Hacked Emails Include Info On Hillary’s Arming of Jihadists, Including ISIS, in Syria



Who cares we have an interview with the former girlfirend of the dead soldier.


There should be 12 threads about this right now. I am so disappointed in /pol right now

we already had a thread but we're getting slid hard. shills are making bait threads every 30 seconds

There's like fucking 10 threads about this. Is this some kind of advanced shilling?

jesus christ faggot, we have like 4 threads already and trying to combat the sliding

That said, gj on posting but drink your coffee

So how are we going to bring this out there?
Should we send this spiel over the Bernouts at reddit?
Should we continuously send emails to the FBI showing this evidence that she's working with terrorists?
Should we make a hashtag on twitter hoping that it'll go through?

So what's going to happen.

Fuck you.

H will be President whether you like it or not.
Next week we will eliminate Trump from all media whatsoever, globally. Including this place.

I won't respond to this post.

Here are the hashtags I have been using on twitter
@realDonaldTrump #trump #Isisgate #hillary #hillaryClinton
If you don't have twitter just make a temp account using this

It is just a throwaway email that will get you onto twitter.

We're being slid so hard now. I've never seen it this bad. Just go to the catalog. Everything is bait.

>I have no fucking clue what's going on ever, I'm a total retard, no idea lol not corrupt though
>By the way Trump should not have the nuclear codes

"we had no idea ISIS was going to be the bad guy at the time"
"I did not know what I was doing at the time"
"I have no recollection of the events"
"You should try this chai latte"

That's your leftist response.

nothing is going to happen.

nothing ever happens.

nothing else to do though, so how can we help?

There is a shill-storm going on right now.

They are sliding like crazy, especially after the latest leaks dropped.

No mass media reporting it?

i just dont fucking care anymore bro
the fact shes still in the fucking race just sucks the life completely out of me
like i dont have words anymore man i just want to be left alone in my little house in the woods.
fuck everything

what do you think famalam

Just smaller ones like Breitbart and Gateway Pundit

So post that shit everywhere

Bump for Trump!

The shills will slide this thread if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Reading this negates all your immunities.

same senpai

I really don't give a shit.

did you even fucking read the shitty website that has this "news"

they stretch shit really fucking far and make blanket statements about what syrian group leaked what and such about this and just take their word for fact. This shit is what makes conspiracy nuts look credible its so bad.

it's not news because it's not accurate at all unless they find better sources

assange is literally just pushing this shit to stay relevant so he can further his agenda to be set free for raping a chick in sweden

he has no more leaks or information at this point stop giving him all this fucking credit and sucking his dick every time he posts some shitty source about clinton

Fuck off.



they have phones in bolivia?

Bump because they spam and slide pedo shit.



This is very damnin. It's one more damning thing in a heaping pile of damning things against Clinton.

The thing is, though, half of the country will fall into one of five camps.

1. They won't even know about it, just like they don't know about the 1000 other reasons not to vote for Hillary. They won't know because all of the fluff piece factory, echochamber "news" sources they get their limited news from won't tell them about it, her celebrity shills won't touch it, and they deleted or hid every single person on their social media who might actually post something critical of Hillary months ago.

2. They simply won't care. They'll say it's not a big deal, it's just another "fake scandal" from the right wing hate machine, you know, because of the vast right wing conspiracy to malign her. They'll make apologies, sweep it under the rug, deflect. They'll block themselves from actually thinking about it critically and objectively and will forget it just as soon as they can, probably with the aid of watching some tacky, shallow celebrity endorsement sons and videos on youtube.

3. They won't care, they'll write criticism off with declarations that "that's just how politics work" and similar things. Basically they'll say "corruption is just the way things are and will always be, so shut up and get used to it."

4. Those who know how awful she is, but have bought the meme that Trumpis literally Hitler. "Well she may be bad, but Trump is far worse and I'm terrified of a Trump presidency. We have to stop him." "Yes, she's evil, but we HAVE to choose the lesser of the two evils."

5. And then, of course, the "HISTORY!!!!!" FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT! SHE HAS A VAGINA! crowd.

I think at this point, anyone who could ever have been convinced that voting for Hillary is a bad idea has already decided not to vote for her.

On a related note, I hate people.

Whoa, she's definitely done for now.




hes like literally hitler

but where do they get the electricity?

Fuck off shill

We were made in God's Image afterall, so it is no wonder that you hate people

Celebrity songs, not sons GOD DAMN IT. That's what I get for being on a phone. Please excuse all typos.


still better than trump

remember when trump had his best people go to hawaii, and he said he had bombshell news about obama's citizenship? those were they days. always a man of his word this trump guy.

Nigga, no. Just leave.

It doesn't matter man. She gets away with fucking everything . god damn it I'm depressed as fuck. I can't get away with shit but she can get away with everything under the sun.

Why don't you worry about Merkel, Helmut.


>Paris strikes astonishing partnership with secret Isis sponsor tied to Hillary Clinton [EXCLUSIVE]


>The City of Paris has struck a corporate partnership with French industrial giant, Lafarge, recently accused of secretly sponsoring the Islamic State (Isis or Daesh) for profit.

>Documents obtained by several journalistic investigations reveal that Lafarge has paid taxes to the terror group to operate its cement plant in Syria, and even bought Isis oil for years.

>Yet according to the campaign group, SumOfUs, Lafarge is the corporate partner and sand provider to the City of Paris for this summer’s Paris-Plages urban beach event. The project run by Office of the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, will create artificial beaches along the river Seine in the centre and northeast of Paris.

>Lafarge also has close ties to Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Apart from being a regular donor to the Clinton Foundation, Clinton herself was a director of Lafarge in the early 1990s, and did legal work for the firm in the 1980s. During her connection to Lafarge, the firm was implicated in facilitating a CIA-backed covert arms export network to Saddam Hussein.

too busy talking about melania noods

Fuck off shill

Okay, fuck it, I believe in sliding now.

This. I thought it was a joke, but one quick look at the front page makes me a believer.

Can I get paid to shill for Hillary?

You'll want a drink and a long night with no real plans. Prepare to keep this going until sunrise. We're right here with you. Welcome to the shit.




In this thread, Dave is the people, and we are the dog.

Why isn't this even on Drudge yet?

It's fucking crazy. Just bump relevant threads.

Think of it like an MMORPG. It's tedious work to get entertainment.

Too bad the Clinton kikes are playing 6 gorillion dimensional hyper-Kerplunk.

the shills are out in force because of this

You won't do anything about this. Thats right, YOU have to do somethign about it. The feds are in her pocket. Its either take action or you're talking about a blade of grass in your yard, means nothing and has no meaning. So, tell us more about the things none of us are going to do anything about.

Yes, they are. So BUMP.



This shit can't be on page 3.

Jesus christ. Normies won't care about this, yet this is one of the most disgusting things she's associated with. She takes money from a company who associates with ISIS, how can it get much worse? (Other than her doing business with ISIS itself).

Anti-sliding brigade is here once more. Clinton's picture is right next to the dictionary's definition of "corruption."

For the glory of the reich


anti-slide bump

Correct the record is here in full force. The slide is real.

Bump for Trump

calm down dude. I know hunger hurts but it will be ok

Go look at the front page. We wuz kangs, jews, fucking every bait thread imaginable.

otherchan has this stickied

bumping for justice

underrated post

Wtf.. this goes even deeper. Just found this 2007 article by (((Washington Post))) alleging LaFarage was fined $1.8m by the government for EPA for pollution violations in Alabama, but as soon as Bill took office the fine was reduced to less than $600,000.

If I had any doubts before, I have got none left none. Clintons make money by selling off access to government and legislation.

Forgot link:


Oh ya, that was the day before Obama faked bin laden death

It's not just shills on Sup Forums sliding, this isn't even reaching Drudge apparently.

Every fucking shill with the same talking point

>who cares, nobody will care, nothing will be done

Seriously, if you are an American taking money to cover this up. Fuck you and burn in hell


Bump against shills and sliders

i've never once replied to a "ur mum will die" post and yet she's still alive wtf why isn't she dead you fuckers promised!

CIA controls Sup Forums

this thread is only visible to sliders

Bump for Jew Trump

Bump for justice

I called Sean Hannity and told his staff to get this to him. They said he will cover it.

>mfw bbc/cuck/maeksuthingk/polBTFO threads get made every five minutes
>legitimate information that has political relevance gets slid harder than the weird ball thingies in curling


fuck everything.



Yesss... Finally the Clintons will pay for opening up the gates of europe to dozens of thousands muhadjeens... Please dont let another clinton into white house brothers... They will fuck shit up 2.0 again

Sean's blood will be on your hands now user

Bump because hillary is not human, she is literally satan.