Can any of you Drumpftards provide evidence along with historical precedence proving that Drumpf's proposed policies regarding Muslims and illegals aren't unconstitutional?
Can any of you Drumpftards provide evidence along with historical precedence proving that Drumpf's proposed policies...
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The best lawyers say so
Jimmy Carter banned the emigration of Iranians into America invoking the Nationality Act of 1952.
The same act precludes emigration of people who practice or condone polygamy (I wonder who they could have been talking about)
Illegal immigrants have no rights under the constitution, certainly not any rights that allow them to come to America.
Nowhere in the constitution or even the first amendment does it say that a President can't ban people of a certain religion from entering the country.
>Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.
1952 immigration law also forbids "Aliens who are polygamists or who practice polygamy or advocate the practice of polygamy". The admission of faithful Muslims into America is a violation of CURRENT U.S. law.
>Chinese exclusion act
Why don't you just google it retard?
what about muslims?
KYS you fucking shitlord.
They're not american
Here's your (You), leaffaggotin
>1 post by this ID
Obama did it, so it must be okay.
You just turned a completly valid question into a joke. Congratulations. Also,
>1 post by this id
Educate yourself before you shill.
based leaf
It's actually in US Code law that the PotUS has the authority to issue executive orders denying entry to foreign individuals or groups deemed a threat to national security.
Constitutional rights don't apply to foreigners.
>You = buttblasted
Because the Constitution says fuck all about what Trump is proposing.
Absolutely nothing about what Trump is proposing is against the law. It's against the fragile sensibilities of pissbaby, bleeding heart liberals that would rather see our country overrun with Sharia terrorists like Germany than confront the uncomfortable.
Islam has perpetually proven itself to be incompatible with western culture.
What the fuck does Drumpf even mean? Are you faghots having a stroke?
It goes against the vibe of the constitution
It's a meme leftys use to say that Trump will lose no matter what and that you should drop him. Basically Trump propaganda.
Obama banned people coming from areas all the same
If they're citizens of the USA, then they get constitutional rights. Some Muslim in Pakistani backwaters don't have constitutional rights.
This entire post captures my sentiments exactly as I feel but better than I could say myself.
Muslims where banned in 1952 and there is a law stating that Muslims are not allowed in the USA.
> it is "unconstitutional" to exclude worthless savages who hate our civilization
Fucking leaves
Yeah it does. The part of the Constitution where immigration policy is a power of Congress, not the President.
Your 1952 immigration law was proposed and passed by Congress, not the President.
And immigration law has to pass by the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.
Congress can ban immigration from a part of the world, or by country, but not by religion. Which is what the Republicans in Congress are telling the press as they try to walk back everything Trump says without personally calling him out.
opinion discarded
This. Also, quit feeding the fucking troll. I am not supportive of either candidate and am aware of my shortcomings as an American in not voting. However this kindergarten pronunciation of his name is absolutely cringeworthy and you fucks are reinforcing it by entertaining his or her (lol) post.
cant you just try to pass a law that can make you do whatever the heck?
There is nothing unconstitutional about what he proposes.
Since when do liberals care about the constitution?
(((1 post by this ID)))
"non-americans don't matter, they can all fucking die for all i care" - Constitution, Paragraph One, Sentence One.
All this argument over whether it HAS been done and CAN be done, and yet scarce discussion on whether it SHOULD be done.
Did detaining the Japanese in WWII stop anything? Did any of these policies have any effect? Is gutting liberty worth the absolute 0 return?
>immigration policy is a power of Congress
congress passes the law but the president is in charge of enforcing it. ICE, USCIS etc are all executive offices. Immigration courts are Art. III courts. thats why there was "the dream act "(law) and "the baby dream act" (executive order). the president has pretty much complete control over who gets deported and who has their cases administratively closed or is granted deferment from removal.
as far as "banning all Muslims" you couldnt outright do it but you could limit the amount of visas you grant to particular nations or just stop them all together while simultaneously giving christian immigrants from those countries TPS or asylum
Oh no, he said it again! Guess OP's rampant and blatant germanophobia will make me vote for that crooked politician that I despise. Curses, you unabashedly racist progressives!
just to add on....
>immigration law has to pass by the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.
how could an immigration law that keeps people out of the jurisdiction of the united states have any 14th amendment issues if the 14th amendment only applies to people inside of the jurisdiction of the united states?
Leaf, the constitution is not a totem, a fetish, a talisman, or any similar type of magic item that a random mud person can snatch up and wave around as if to ward off the right of the Indo-Europeans who founded this nation and still control it to control their borders and regulate who can and cannot enter it. I don't expect a savage like you to understand things like rule of law, though, so don't sweat it.
>gutting the liberties of non-citizens to come fuck up our country
Who cares?
she's a barely closeted white nationalist at this point. based.
Technically they are not unconstitutional verbatim, HOWEVER
His policy is reactionary and idiotic. I despise Islam as a theology, and I believe most Muslims are deluded in their understanding of their own religious prophet and holy books, but banning all Muslims "until we figure things out" or whatever nothing phrase he's been spouting off accomplishes nothing. Most Muslims coming into our country are highly educated (despite believing their retarded religion) and go into high tech professions. Accepting normal Muslim immigrants is a different idea than accepting poor Muslim refugees from backwards Islamic shitholes.
You guys always decry Liberals playing on peoples emotions, but Trump is doing the exact same thing with his proposed ban. It is not logical nor reasonable and just plays on the minimalist threat of Islamic terror (at least in the US). Way more people die in this country from other forms of violence and accidents than die of an Islamic terror attack. You are more likely to be struck
I believe we should accept anyone into our country so long as they WANT to become an American, understand our countries history, the bill of rights, etc.
The Constitution does not state that immigration into the United States is a right. Therefore, fuck off, we're full.
The Syrian engineer who applies for a visa. Is he going to build bridges or bombs?
>help me americans I can't read your constitution because i am a retarded leaf
someone fix the spelling in that. otherwise it's great.
unless it's a british spelling or some other correct form of pronunciation, but it's probably better to have american spelling on american political memes anyways.
Funny how people have never cared about the constitution suddenly are now evoking it. Weird.
s'okay, libs are supposed to be illiterate.
Per 8 USC §1182
“Whenever the President finds that the entry of ANY aliens or of ANY class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of ALL aliens or ANY class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens ANY restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
Article I, Section 8, Clause 4
The Congress shall have Power To...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization...
And Congress wrote the following into law over 20 years ago.
8 U.S. Code § 1182
>(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
>Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
So it's all Constitutional and that asshole can go fuck himself.
You are correct. ISLAM is my enemy and the enemy of my country. Don't like me to post Khan con?
Islam is the enemy. I called Khan and Hillibeast con out.
You don't like it tough.
It's really not for us to determine if it's constitutional or not. That's a job for President Trump appointed judges. You know, according to the Constitution.
Libtards are promoting a globalist interpretation of the constitution.
Obama did it just fine.
If you're speaking of the Muslim ban, then I must inform you that it is well within a President's power to bar a particular group entry to the United States.
>not using Ask Jeeves.
Most people that immigrate have to have a job lined up, or family already residing in the US. The vast majority of immigrants (legal that is) are not coming here to fuck shit up, but to make a decent life for themselves.