ITT: absolutely based character actors / small part players

ITT: absolutely based character actors / small part players

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Probably the greatest character actor that ever lived.

he's neither of those


got damn he looks much older than the last time I saw him

When will he play Robert the theater nig in the inevitable biopic?

>not postlethwaite

Hey, Crab Man.

More like "Henry Fonda and the 11 Most Based Character Actors Ever"

libcuck reddit movie

The greatest

Hey she's that bitchy mom in MITM right? What else is she known for?

>when she gets killed in Speed

dumb bitch

And Donnie Darko now I think about it

Little Miss Sunshine
Donnie Darko

Shit, she was even in NCfOM


My pilot pitch: He and this guy should have had a show together called Bad Cop, Bad Cop where they're both tough guy cops trying to prove whose more of a hardass.

William Fichtner needs some bigger rolls
The Dark Knight
The Perfect Storm


I've always wanted to fuck Beth Grant long and hard, just to see what her face would contort into when she came.

Read this in my grouchy voice

>Don''t be an asshole Deckard, I've got 4 skin jobs walkin the streets.


Shes looks like a fucking bitch to me.





>30 posts in
>no stormare


Deeply underrated.

>still acting, smoking and drinking all day
I love this dude

Ugly actors are the coolest, prove me wrong.


>Powers Boothe
>Stacey Keach
>MC Gainey

These are apparently different people

That's how time works

Also gets ruled to death by Chucky on child's play 2

She's also in Crazy Heart as a band slut, and gets married to Earl, in "My Name is Earl".