Post the most ridiculous WE WUZ KANGZ content here.
Other urls found in this thread:
>We wuz Romans
>We wuz Conquistadors
>We wuz Vikings
>We wuz Crusaders
Plz we wuz kangs is just Sup Forums memes for black people
>JoJo's Nigzarre Adventure: WE WUZ CRUSADERS
at least all of those are true. black people make up the most ridiculous shit.
White people were all of those things
Black people were in fact, not kangz
neva foget
we wuz kaingz whitey
I dare everyone to beat this one
Iggy because niggers hate dogs
Wait, wait
Outdoing myself on this one.
this cant be real.
We wuz mexicans n sheit
But we wuz all those thangz. Blackies, however, wuz never kangz.
>people on facebook are stupid
No self respecting black person believes this trite.
I have a similiar meme
I didn't make the original but here I updated it
Do they think all black people are Egyptian?
We wuz knawlij n shit
that made my day, I toast a whisky to you Sir!
> corn
> without human interference
I've attached a picture of what corn really looks like without human interference.
Well, I can trace my family back 700 years and at one point, we were Kangz, Emperors and Crusaders.
Real Kang cumin thru
what's wrong froggy?
Some do, just because the Kush empire invaded for a bit, did fuck all and got BTFO they think the blacks built the pyramids.
A Look into the Nation of Islam.
Reposted on because ilfe is too large and includes sound.
You weren't any of that shit. People from 1000 years ago was.
Pretty sure Greeks didn't invent civilization for you to shitpost on Sup Forums in your moms basement.
A lot of Blacks surprisingly believe this
You could counter with Rome built baths all over Europe 2000 years ago, but Romans were Black too apparently
And ancient Greeks. I've even seen some say the original Jews were black and Israel is really in south America.
Well that's some funny looking corn, jackass
Top zoz
middle fef
and now for a based black person moment.
>lets make a deal/plea bargain
>come dressed up as a prisoner
WE WUZ KANGZ website
>strength of 10,000 moons
Shieet, we wuz tides and shit
>That's why they stopped using them
Top fucking lel.
>we wuz maize n sheit
>You weren't any of that shit. People from 1000 years ago was.
People a thousand years ago were not Romans or conquistadors. But, self-evidently, when I use the first-person plural, I am referring to the group identity to which I belong. QED.
My ancestors, people who lived where I live now and whose culture I have inherited, did those things. The modern Spanish are the descendents of conquistadors. The modern British and French and Germans are descendants of crusaders, vikings, etc, etc, etc.
Our current identity, the languages we speak, the borders within which we live, the culture we enjoy, the religions we practise, the laws we obey - all of these are our inheritance from our fathers, grandfathers and distant ancestors. We, in effect, are what they made us. We are an extension of them, their society, their culture, their history and their identity.
If we are not the same, what are we?
>Pretty sure Greeks didn't invent civilization for you to shitpost on Sup Forums in your moms basement.
Greeks didn't invent civilisation, my mother is dead and I don't live in a basement. Your argument is a pretty weak form of ad hominem. I know that Arabs like yourself don't understand this, but invective is not a refutation.
This boils my blood because I know my ancestors weren't some shitskins
>#blue eyes white privilege
It's fucking ridiculous how they go around trying to warp history and appropriate everyone elses culture because they have none of their own.
Why haven't any of the real cultures said something?
They are literally trying to claim every culture and people as their own.
Yeah they do
Neck rings that would make Sonic clench his anus in excitement, white paint, spears, you name it.
and deer foals can run on day 1, this makes them superior to blacks?
he looks like fucking wojack
why would anyone be jealous of a poor country?
how the fuck is that baby fully colored at nine hours old? that kid is at least four months, source my brother married a black girl and I held my half nig nephew when he was 10 hours old and he was whiter then a ghost, the doctor told us that it takes at least a week or two for the melanin to kick in.
>Abraham Africanus Lincoln
Because Europeans call themselves "Europeanus" all the time - right?
no lol it actually makes them them inferior r-selected species
I didn't know moons where a unit of measurement for strength
Orca's should be called "whale killers", btw.
why does no one point out that chess is a racist game?
>white get the first move
>thus white get more initiative and advantage
>white has a higher win rate both played by human and computer
>scientists theoretized that in a perfect play, chess would end either a draw or win for white
Literally a game that favors white
Guys, seriously. Quit fucking around in slide threads and get in here
Found a really insightful website. Warning: It will change your life.
they call themselves cucks.
That is one disgusting finger.
>that finger
Lol a more physically able body at birth indicates a smaller, more inept brain.
I know this article is bullshit, but if they push this they are admitting they are less intelligent than whites.
>chess is racist
no wonder
Because we were the smart to invent the game in the first place. No wonder we are predestined to win Muhammad
>a game that originated in poo in loo nation
>practically extinct
predecessor =/= modern chess
lol i dunno
I made this myself
r8 plox
black people
take this L
>1 post
>Lol guys let's post our favorites memes!
Slide thread you fucking mongs. Sage
>I hate fun
lel, ok fag
I used to believe it was just a Sup Forums meme. Then I saw a dindu wearing a shirt with a Pharoah on it.
>a more physically able body at birth indicates a smaller, more inept brain.
No it doesn't.
It just indicates less caring parents.
....which is probably true.
because we have an history besides being always at the wrong side of it?
The thumbnail looks like a penis.
also overpowered
Actually it does.
I wouldn't expect you to understand biology tho, m8.
If you don't try you're being a lazy nigger.
1) Who the fuck puts the knot of the noose in the front???
2) Thought the orange jumpsuit was a black astronaut for a moment there.
>Black people were in fact, not kangz
Some of them were, there were one or two kingdoms in Africa over the millennia.
do black people thinks that egyptian ruler were blacks?
IIRC egyptian are one of those hashemites and basically are just roman/italian who successfully crossed the mediterranian?
loser Sup Forumsbeards BTFO
This, but it can also be for everyone, hell the original vocaroo was done by a black guy who regularly posts on Sup Forums
According to that picture, blacks started off with bad clothes, got enslaved, achieved peak culture, then went all beatnik and was almost executed, but then their sentence was changed to life in prison.
This shows you should never abandon the cowboy.