Pedophilia should be legal.
Jews made it illegal with their SJW shit.
It fucking became illegal becouse of the 70's feminism.
Pic related, the ones who did this
Pedophilia should be legal.
Jews made it illegal with their SJW shit.
It fucking became illegal becouse of the 70's feminism.
Pic related, the ones who did this
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 banned becouse of CP
Good luck convincing the bluepilled neofags here.
Many people here rabidly defend feminist kikery and refuse to even acknowledge it.
>Jews made it illegal with their SJW shit.
Dont know m9,last time I saw socialists backed by kikes try to present pedophilia as sexual orientation and not as disease.
Also, the "free love" of the 60's included a lot of pedo stuff iirc.
>WAAAHHH someone has an opinion that goes against my feminist brainwashing!
kill yourself greekfag we all know who you are you little newfag bitch
Look you are like ~20 and you are retarded as fuck
Imagine being 12
Fuck off.
pedophilia was banned in 1970, when third wave feminism started.
you know who supported them dont you?
Well bestiality is socially acceptable now so why not
Great idea. Let's have a meetup and discuss this!
No but ephebophilia should be legal.
Once a girl has started puberty it should be up to the parents to protect her chastity, not the state. If your daughter wants to use her 13 year old cunny to fuck the boys at school you were a shitty parent. If she wants to go get slammed like a ten pin bowling alley in Chad 19 Year Old's car, you were a shitty parent. If she wants to meet some forty year old man from the internet to try sucking his dick, you were a shitty parent. But none of this should be punished by the state any more than adulterers are punished by the state.
I dont give a shit who pushes for a idea if its a good idea
Why the fuck would I, do you have no brain of your own?
Is it really? Maybe in Argentina but if I told people I desperately wanted to fuck wet mare pussy I don't think they'd think that was acceptable.
I can understand why a 30 yr old stronk independent womyn would be against 'pedophillia'
I mean, can you imagine the feminist butthurt if men were allowed to marry virgin girls? There's be millions of cougars left out to dry and maybe forced back into the kitchen.
this is what I meant.
>Children can change their gender
>Still can't consent to sex
>Race/Gender is a social construct but not age
>You can't help what you're born attracted to
>OMG you like 12-17 year olds you must be mentally ill you sick fiuck
its completely legal here in canada to give your dog a blowjob or let it lick your genitals
Some things from the past should be left behind, OP.
oh dear, why hasn't this thread gone in the bin yet?
Even in Jewish communities (you know, those people everyone seem to hold to a higher moral standard?) a girl is considered a young lady from the age of 12, not a child, but a young lady.
Dogs seem kind of shit tier, I guess peanut butter feels nice but I really want a mare.
Because a group of womyn said so? Nah.
Sex with little girls is good if it's in a proper relationship(if it's just in the family or within marriage). It's bad for girls to be sluts.
A girl should be married young to a man her father chose for her.
Dolphins are where it's at. They can control any muscle in their vagina. it's said that with that amount of stimulation no man would last longer than a minute.
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That's good but mare is very nice and squishy and wet and also more attainable
Not an argument
>Pedophillia should be legal goy!
>It was toally da j00z who made it illegal, because we all know how much (((they))) hate degeneracy!
> Oy vey, pedophillia was banned around the time third wave femenism came into being, so therefore every rule and law that came after that time period is a jewish trick!
>Now let me introduce this aryan 12 year old girl to jamal goy!
Why don't you take a seat over there?
you didn't have an argument to begin with >it's a good idea
>you're 12
That Argentine poster must be white, because pedos are mainly white people.
>implying you would accept any kind of argument
>implying you won't just cover your eyes and ears and scream pedo at everything
Kinda like leftists when confronted by facts on race.
Is there no perversion you won't sink to?
but jews are not white
All men are pedos deep down, some just stop lying to themselves.
There's no reason for it to be legal. Trauma, humiliation, possible suicide, illegal (in most countries), creates victimization, creates crime and profit,
ur mom
spot the muslim
When I was 12 I was fucking horny, and I'm pretty sure you were too
Zoofilia is disgusting when the fucking slut says that she loves the animal as a husband
Muslims live more closer to nature than us. Really makes you think, huh?
>age is a social construct
So math and numbers are oppressive now? Damn.
>All men are pedos deep down
(Citation needed)
>some just stop lying to themselves.
>Hurr durr every desire and hedonistic pleasure we can indulge in should be legal. Because we want it to be.
The Main Stream Media and the Government.
The idea was that it was supposed to make families grow apart with all individuals by criminalizing nudity.
It worked.
Pretty much this.
Age of consent used to be 12.
They say girls are maturing at a younger and younger age, but actually it's the age of consent that is moving higher and higher.
If my grandparents were young today, they would go to prison.
How will gentle loving sexual activity be tramautic?
Most antis seem to be under the impression all adult/child sex is violent rape.
Every fucking time. Supporting stable marriages and girls not being sluts doesn't make one a 'slime.
People go through trauma because they would suffer from PTSD. Things like rape and abuse towards children will do damage.
Not all pedos are rapists.
The fact that men need to be brainwashed by the feminist establishment to not be attracted to young girls is more proof than I could post. You are ruled by women, they decide who you are attracted to or not. It's a fact. If you want to accept it, it's up to you, but I won't.
Yes but when you are 12, you don't understand the ridiculous baggage that comes with sex.
You dont understand that you are basically condemning your whole psyche
You arent smart, you are open to be abused and cheated.
This is why before the age of consent, purity was being put on a pedestal
And it was up to parents to consent to their child having sex with someone
>Race/Gender is a social construct but not age
This was the funniest thing to me about articles relating to Stefonknee Wolscht AKA the fifty year old man who left his wife and family to live as a six year old girl. Every single news site that covered it called him "her/she" but would not acknowledge "her/she" as six years old, as if that's somehow where they draw the delusional line in the sand and say, "We;re not going to accept "her/she's" identity at this point. It's like they know deep down it's fucking insane and can't bring themselves to wade that far into the mire of madness to follow "her/she".
Especially because "her/she" said she's getting sexed in the butt every other day by her boyfriend despite being apparently six years old. But nope it's not at all just sexual perversion.
Give me one good reason why pedophilia should be allowed.
You cant
Age of consent was around before 1970.
A peer-reviewed scientific journal study (Behavior Therapy 26, 681-694, 1995), conducted by Kent State University, 1995 (Lori L. Oliver, Gordon C. Nagayama, Richard Hirschman) was conducted on a sample of normal (adult attracted) male volunteers using the "penile plethysmograph".
The team carried out hundreds of tests exposing men to female adult and child images. 95% exhibited arousal to the female adult images.
A staggering 88.7% exhibited arousal to the female child (less than 12 years old) images.
Prior to the study, 80% of the participants claimed to have no attraction to children and all of them had no history of illegal or legal youth attracted behavior.
For credibility information about this study, simply type in the citation info from the beginning of this post. The full report is quite detailed and it explains the many controls that were in place to ensure the result were accurate.
No similar studies have been conducted since this one because people know the results will be the same and they don't want further proof about how common attraction to preteens is.
((( OP )))
Because nowadays parents are sick fucks that you can't really depend on keeping their child safe
so you wouldn't mind your 12 yo daughter getting fucked by 50 year old men?
Trips of truth
It was raised in the 70s by feminists. It even says' on the wikipedia page.
>defends child sex coupled with a gif of 6 years old
absolutely degenerate
I can understand it if (((you))) argue that girls can have sex once they start having periods but you go full retard
Why would my 12 yo daughter want to get fucked by 50 year old men?
because otherwise you're a bigot
you dont want to be a bigot, do you?
so let that grown, white man from argentina fuck who he wants
To raise birth rates.
Kinsey was 100% for pedophilia, idk what kind of double think garbage is going on in this thread. It's pure degeneracy.
Because you are a good parent who teaches her about the world
( This is exactly why state needs to impose such things, because there are degenerates like you in the world)
UK one has been 16 since the Victorian era. Ours went down and up since end of Soviets.
>This is SJWs trying to make Sup Forums look bad
Pedophilia should be legal. Prove me wrong
So you dont actually post any proof that "all men are pedos"
>The fact that men need to be brainwashed by the feminist establishment
again (citation needed)
>You are ruled by women, they decide who you are attracted to or not
Modern society has whored and made young girls into sluts and whores, your line of reasoning makes no sense at all. You're just twisting popular "anti-establishment" logic to fit your sexual deviancy.
Now go fuck yourself.
Literally Islam tier this thread.
>Because you are a good parent who teaches her about the world
>wants to fuck 50 year old men
Sounds like I was a bad parent who taught her nothing then.
>I need government programs to substitute for my shitty parenting
Those always work so well right?
Me and pretty much all of my friends around the age of 10-12 were horny as fuck (evidently by our literal circle jerks and dick measuring contests). As for me I had dreams about milfs seducing me around that time. It would be interesting to hear out stories from females if they experience such things
Google it you baiting faggot
WTF is wrong with you people? Do you seriously think feminism has anything to do with protecting children from sick fucks like yourselves??
>(citation needed)
Try leaving the house, mate.
>Modern society has whored and made young girls into sluts and whores
Yet you, a red blooded male aren't allowed to touch them.
>being this brainwashed
Just look at all the people who go:
Oh damn she's hot.
Wait she's 16? Nope not hot at all.
People can't tell the difference.
They are just lying to not be branded pedos.
A girl is never too young for sex.
Yes a 10 year old (or younger) has the mental capacity and maturity of an adult.
Where did I say 10?
Feel free to directly quote me where I said it.
Exactly. They delude themselves into thinking that horny as fuck 14 yr old girl is not attractive because she's ''too young'' lol. Those aren't his words, they are programmed into them by feminist establishment. I for one don't give a shit, I like young girls, they're prettier and nicer than older bitches and they like me too, so suck it bitches.
Obvious Bait, not even trying at this point.
im so indoctrinated now bud i dont think i could go back. plus sexual assault would skyrocket and the judicial system would have to pardon probably close to a million nigs and pedo trash so you can crush on a 16 year old. fucking grow up man
That's how it begins, 'where did I say that'?
We all know how it ends irl.
I agree that gov programs don't ever work.
But Im arguing that in our current culture decriminalising it would backfire
Media would instanly start shilling it as curturaly acceptable , negating shaming of pedos abusing girls as "conservative old men"
You would start seeing headlines like
"Why its okay for my 12y daughter to date a 30year old"
"Why im glad my daughters boyfriend is mature and reliable"
"Bigoted, ageist men shame shame a beautiful relationship"
You would see "P" added to LGBTQP
So you can't.
Alrighty, just making sure.
>Try leaving the house, mate.
Not an actual source.
>Yet you, a red blooded male aren't allowed to touch them.
So your line of reasoning is that you should be able to fuck a little girl because society has made them into whores?
Where did your whole femenist establishment go?
You're just trying to make your sexual deviancy legal so you dont have to face the consequenses of your actions. You're literally just as bad as ((them))
We weren't talking about pedos in this quote chain m8,000,000. You're mixing arguments.
>So your line of reasoning is that you should be able to fuck a little girl because society has made them into whores?
Umm, yeah I guess. Got a fucking problem, faggot?
Change society and make them children again. Not playing into liberalism.
One question, why on Earth would you want to have sex with a child?
I don't see the attraction is prepubescent girls. They're cute and innocent, I can understand wanting to hug them and pat their heads and shit, but why exactly would you want to have sex with them?
Also, pubescent girls may have a body of an adult but are still children in mind (one could argue that women never grow up).
I believe that the age of consent should be 16.
16-18, they're in their prime.
If you say you love children (romantically), why do you want them harm? Having sex with them is harmful, mentally and physically.
>just in the family
A 13 yr old is not a child.
Not pointing the finger at you actually I just made a question to everybody respo ending to you.
Yes they are
>Jew defends capitalism
OMFG dem joos defend capitalism because they are rich motherfuckers and want to keep us proletarians fucked!
>Jew defends socialism
OMFG joo bastards want to take away my freedom!
>just in the family
Oh look it's the old
>Pedophiles are actually this retarded.
>If you say you love children (romantically), why do you want them harm? Having sex with them is harmful, mentally and physically.
This is the indicator that it is mental illness, surely.