What went so wrong?
What went so wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
>be muslim
>send ur kid to die for israel
DRUMPF is a huge fag.
He's going to loose and everyone knows it.
Trump was Trump. Its a genius move by the Democrats really. He was fucked no matter what he did.
The father could have said that Trump is a Nazi paedophile Communist Satanist and they would have spinned his reaction to "Trump hates dead soldiers" no matter what.
>Being a shitskin using a shitskin son as political weapon.
This went as expected. Typical Dems.
The dems pinned all their hopes on feels
Sage and report these shill treads
>Its a genius move by the Democrats really.
Not really, Hillary's speech was mediocre so they are trying to push this Muslim thing that no one cares about
it was just a matter of time until trump became bojack
>$.05 has been deposited into your account by the Israel for Trump Super PAC - Shalom!
No actual American ever would take direction from the Islamic faggot Khan. Media has no idea what this guy and his wife looks like to us.
Manufactured kike bullshit.
Trump hates dead soldiers
Because they died
Why'd ya have to die man, you coulda kept on fighting.
Trump is a spectacular example of Dunning–Kruger in action. He is an unskilled and/or incompetent individual who doesn't have a clue about just how bad his act is.
He's just going to keep fucking up. Get over it.
And to you, competence is selling your nation out to its enemy? You treasonous faggot.
Loose? You are delusional and probably too poor to buy a ticket back to the rubble pile we made you.
Go away liberal and or mooslims. Ever heard what happened to joos who thought they could safely stay behind?
Wrong. Americans see through the Deception.
Also the papers written by Khan shows his mooslims loyalty.