How long would you last? What would your strategy be to be the one who wins?
Also, thoughts on the movie itself?
How long would you last? What would your strategy be to be the one who wins?
Also, thoughts on the movie itself?
5 minutes.
Shit flick.
Shit movie that's been done a million times before. Only good aspect about it was them being edgy and having the last guy kill the preggo woman and child
The final scene makes it even worse
>Shit movie that's been done a million times before
Can you name other similar movies?
Cube series
The exam
13 strangers
Killing room
9 dead
There's more but "strangers trapped in X and forced to do Y" is a very overdone plot.
Because you can name five movies where it happens. No it isn't. Circle sucked but these movies are usually inventive and fun to watch once. I welcome more of them, Cube is a very comfy series.
wtf was up with that last scene tho-seems redundant.
The aliens were unnecessary. But it showed other survivors from other "Circles". Most of them were kids and pregnant girls, because the people decided they should live. Whereas the dude survived only because he was a cold hearted, sjukked manipulator and deceiver.
The silent guy survived for a very long time because he was silent. He made no enemies. He didn't draw attention to himself or say anything that someone might want to vote on him. Many people lost because they were racists, criminals, liars, etc. Being silent is a good strategy at first, but once you're down to about one third or one quarter or survivors you need to start looking for allies.
I think it's wrong for others to decide who should be the one to survive and live just because they are for example young or pregnant. I would try to convince people to not vote at all and instead let the game randomly kill 1 person until there is only one, because randomness is fair and not biased.
i didnt get that at all, it looked like a mixed bag of people at the end. because of that i thought it was showing us the beginning of the film, not the end.
I liked it. Some weak acting, but it was good enough and interesting enough that I watched to the end and found some ideas compelling.
My headcanon was always that the guy knew about the aliens for a long time and knew that they're looking for 1 person out of millions to survive so he attached himself to groups with pregnant women knowing how the machine works and that killing the baby would let him live again and again until he is the last one to be chosen
except for the cube those are all complete shit and I bet you just googled them now
I thought it was funny that whenever they didn't know who to kill off, they'd kill a black or "foreign" looking person, like the muzzie girl, lmao
that's just your nigger brain confirmation bias mate.
On paper that's the best way to go about it. But there is sure to be at least one, if not multiple, people in it only for themselves killing anyone they need to to survive
I laughed when the black racist believed he should be allowed to win only because he's black and because the evil white people have a history of being racist to him and his people.
You could almost always tell who was going to die because they'd start off with a good point but then they'd keep talking and push it too far and make themselves look bad
poor cop dropped too many truth bombs at once
lol i think you put more thought into this than the filmmakers desu