Who is the most invincible super hero in each of the Marvel & DC cinematic universes?
Now take those two characters and make them fight. Who would win?
Could Superman beat Captain America? Batman VS Black Panther? Wonder Woman VS Black Widow?
Who is the most invincible super hero in each of the Marvel & DC cinematic universes?
Now take those two characters and make them fight. Who would win?
Could Superman beat Captain America? Batman VS Black Panther? Wonder Woman VS Black Widow?
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Hulk against Super Man
Hulk wins
Superman. He's like a toy from some kid who always is level him up.
From Marvel, maybe Silver Surfer.
I don't see who the dems can put out to beat him
Would they back bernie? would bernie even stand a chance against trump?
pathetic liberals 2bh
>Would they back bernie?
no. he's a literal communist and has communist connections. he's still far too left for moderate democrats anyway
>would bernie even stand a chance against trump?
the guy would get slaughtered in the debates. boiney has no substance. all he does is shout buzzwords and has no real plan. he was never a serious candidate
Superman could solo the Avengers
the characters haven't ever really been scaled equally though
Not with the Hulk and Thor on their side
how could this thread possibly go wrong?
I don't know. People not having a sense of humor? Not ignoring the obvious joke.
On topic, if Disney would just by the DC catalog we might actually get to see some of these battles
To those with a bit of distance from cable news—that is, every sane person in America—Democrats seem to be replaying the exact strategy that lost them the last election. What, pray tell, is the Democratic Party’s message otherwise? That they don’t like Russia, except when they did? That they believe Russia is the biggest national security threat to America, except when it wasn’t? Democrats appear to have spent about two minutes trying to figure out why the voters of Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and, very nearly, Minnesota rejected them only a few months ago. And why, despite an ostensibly popular Obama presidency, they now have less political power than at any point in memory. But this is hard and painful spadework, and what’s unearthed might prove unpleasant. So why bother?
What did the Democrats do to rebuild the faith and trust of the “forgotten” voters they still seem to have trouble remembering? They doubled down. The first thing they did after the biggest political disaster in their history was to keep their leadership team intact. In the House, they soundly rejected an Ohio Democrat (a what?) from blue-collar Youngstown (where?) in favor of a liberal from California, the state that single-handedly gave them the false comfort of a popular-vote victory in 2016. And the second thing they did was Russia, Russia, Russia.
Nothing seems to have been done to reach out to those who almost upended the Clinton coronation. Are Bernie Sanders’ voters now OK with the Democratic Party establishment? Who knows? Do the Democrats have a tax cut plan to aid the middle class, a position on trade to respond to the woes of the manufacturing class, or a plan to fix health care? Uh, boring! By the way, who is leading the Democratic Party today? Obama? Clinton? Pelosi? Schumer? Warren? TBD? Who cares?
Yes, he really could.
Perfectly possible, if he actually manages to improve the rust belt (which I kind of doubt, desu, manufacturing is already returning to the US, but most of those jobs are going to the Southern right to work states) then absolutely. He'd paint the rust belt red for decades to come.
Does he even want to run again, though?
Iron Man v Cyborg
Who wins?
>being too young to remember conservative butthurt during the obama years
He barely beat Hillary to be honest. Dems don't need another Obama to beat Trump in 2020.
>shouting buzzwords and having no real substance
but that's what trump did in every debate
>being too young to realise this pales in comparison to the current libtard meltdown
He annihilated Clinton, who had literally everyone in her corner
>being too stupid to understand confirmation bias
>he thinks the democratic party is the news
This is so true. I'm 40 and I've never seen libs act like this. They're completely insane. These people no longer support democracy. They want their will by any means necessary, even if it includes lies and violence
>he's a literal communist
Lol do Drumpftards really believe this?
Social democracy ≠ communism
who gives a shit, Trump is the beginning of the end of America anyway, better start learning Chinese cause we're full speed ahead for the Asian century
>muh pretty red picture
lol another trumpkiddy who doesn't understand population density
that's because you've never been more plugged into a circlejerk of people who agree with you and trade stories of teh epic librul butthurtz XDD
Nah she could've won with about 10K more votes. Even the liberals I know hate Hillary. All the Dems have to do is run a candidate their base doesn't hate and they'll make up that 10K and then some.
She has the electoral for California, you're joking right? She was expected to take Florida as well and if she did trump would've lost, she had the population density, she still lost. She lost by like 90 electoral votes. Not only that it's even higher because electoral voters decided to not back her. That's how corrupt she is.
This is good bait but I'm actually a democrat who voted for Bill Clinton
It's behavior like yours that cost the Dems the election and alienated millions of people like me. I'm sure Trump would be proud of you
Not even remotely true
Getting 304 electoral votes is considered a landslide. Sorry your Mexican horde votes in California aren't as valuable as other states.
>304 electoral votes is considered a landslide
lol, by one person.
34% approval rating. But hey, the polls are rigged anyway.
>he lets shitposts on Sup Forums make him feel alienated from a political party
yeah, you sure showed all us latte librul elites what happens when we hurt your feewings
>implying trumptards didn't get triggered to fuck and back just last week over the Kathy Griffan picture
Again, you're an imbecile whose just doing the bidding of those you're supposed to oppose
but don't you get it? our side is the good guys who react reasonably to everything and their side is the bad guys who are comically ridiculous at all times. this is how adults think about politics!
Here's another good question op.
Who is the most evil villain in the Marvel / DC stable?
>evryone who lieks things i dont liek is BRAINWASHED mannn, i've seen some really redpilled youtube videos!
Saudis are top tier in the shadow jew hierarchy. It is literally impossible for the american president not to play ball with them.
You can see it in her eyes
>Sup Forums is this delusional that they post fake news to corroborate fake news
>Sup Forums continues to post shit on Sup Forums thinking it's their home away from home
>Sup Forums will fight the Comey testimony and agree with Trump that he's """""""vindicated""""""" by it
>Sup Forums is THIS deluded that they think that they're tired of winning
You enjoy that Titanic you're on. "It's not sinking. It's just a little scratch on the hull. Our Captain says it's nothing!"
>It is literally impossible for the american president not to play ball with them
lol this gets to be an excuse for trump, but apply it to any liberal politician and it's why their one of the EVIL GLOBALIST INSIDERS WHO ARE RUNNING WASHINGTON THROUGH A SHADOW GOVERNMENT
t. reddit
t. benis
>People who disagree with me and my god emperor are redditors
really makes u think
Time for you to go back.
t. Butt blasted, delusional, scared.
Bernie will be 80 years old by then user.
The US is the most moral nation of the western world. We are the only one's that fought a war to end slavery, the only ones that conquer land and then return it to the people rather then holding it as a vassal state, hell compare our revolution to the barbarism of the French for example. While the US makes mistakes, it has always led the way in terms of right and wrong and set an example for the world - a moral leader.
Not sure what you're rambling on about. Any politician gets to use it as an excuse, regardless of their party. It's not Trump's fault he wasn't aware of a shadow government before being president.
Has colbert told them to pick which side yet?
Yes but Trump is likable and was funny, and he also had a message focused on jobs which is what people care about. Charisma is more than half of winning the presidency. It's how Clinton, Kennedy, Obama, and many other presidents won. Bernie is not charismatic (and neither was Clinton).
The latter Clinton I'm referencing is obviously Hillary. Bill had loads of charisma.
t. reddit
The DNC has no future in America. Even the DNC itself realizes this is true. Clinton destroyed the party. She was the worst thing that ever happened to them. Now they will spend the next decade trying to recover from the damage she has done. If you're a true Democrat like me it's horrible thing to witness.
She polluted and poisoned the minds of her voters. Made them all just as crazy as she was. She alienated millions of Bernie voters. No one got cheated harder than that old man.
Now Trump is destroying Obama's legacy. Barry never liked Clinton. In fact he hated her, but the poor guy was forced to support her because it was "her turn." What a debacle
>Not sure what you're rambling on about.
it's pretty simple to follow though
>Any politician gets to use it as an excuse, regardless of their party
lol tell that to all the people who voted trump because HURR TIRED OF TEH POLITICAL INSIDERS #DRAINTHESWAMP
>It's not Trump's fault he wasn't aware of a shadow government before being president
lol are you guys ever gonna admit to a thing that trump should've learned before taking office?>likable and funny
yeah, it's hard to match the wit of "crooked hillary" or "lyin ted"
We know where you're from. You don't have to keep reminding us.
You're still rambling. Most voters don't believe in a shadow government, so I don't know why you would bring them up.
This is the ideal male body, you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
I didn't mention wit, I said Trump was funny and likable. I think most democrats would admit he's funny even if they don't like him. And Trump did an amazing job of branding throughout the campaign. Lyin' Ted, low energy Jeb, and Lil' Marco basically sunk all of his main primary competitors' campaigns. Hitting on Hillary's corruption through branding also was damaging to her since people already didn't trust her.
>I don't know why you would bring them up
maybe you should reread the very basic conversation we've been having until you can follow it properly lol
Re read it. Nothing in there that would warrant bringing up the opinions of ignorant voters.
The only reasonable post in the thread. The rest is just partisan bickering.
>I didn't mention wit, I said Trump was funny
lol trumpkiddies, everyone
>I think most democrats would admit he's funny even if they don't like him
i think you're vastly overestimating people's opinions of trump
>Lyin' Ted, low energy Jeb, and Lil' Marco basically sunk all of his main primary competitors' campaigns
no, the fact that they weren't very good candidates did. nobody went to cast their ballot and then stopped to think about le ebin nicnames
who do you think got trump elected?
People who voted Trump. What does that have to do with anything?
Trump is America's greatest super hero. He saved the nation and thee true world from the clutches of an evil psychopath.
Future generations will remember his name with honor.
t. reddit
(((He))) will (((continue))) (((to))) (((make))) Israel (((great))) (((again)))
He would have won without Florida because of Wisconsin
>duh joos are the reason I'm a loser!
Wewlad, I remember the 2012 election. Obama, the debate moderator, and the media all smuggly mocking Romney for saying Russia was a threat. Obama scolded him "lmao, the 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back!"
Just 4 years later, the Democratic party and media are losing their minds over Russia, who is now around every corner. While republicans are basically "dude chill out"
This is IRL insane irony
Spamming is bannable offence.
I'm sure it's a lovely place but you're not allowed to advertise here.
That's one of the reasons I voted for him.
t. reddit
Meanwhile back on Sup Forums
Boy this sure was a fun thread taking about cape movies. I'm sure glad so many of you have a sense of humor and aren't stick up your ass cunts who cry about the slightest mention of politics.
Did you get lost on your way there?
hmm what did he mean by this
Don't respond to trolls you fucking newbie. Report, hide and move on
They're going to try Zuckerberg
t. reddit
Nope. First he won't abandon his multi Billion dollar company to run for office.
Second, he'd already have to be preparing to run now.
Nice delusion alt cuck
I'm old too and I remember the militia groups, bombers, conspiracy theorists, and special prosecutors during the clinton years. There were the union, environmental, and anti-nuke protests during regan's administration. People tolerated bush and carter more.
There's nothing new about this, other than social media.
I remember all that stuff too but it's far more intense now than it ever was
Democrats and Republicans actually got along back then. They socialized with each other. That would never happen now.
>he won't ever run for president!
>he won't ever win the nomination!
>he won't ever survive the latest controversy!
>he won't ever win the presidency!
*You are here.
>he won't ever win re-election!
>Mike Pence won't ever succeed Trump!
>he will build a wall!
>he will ban all muslims!
>he will deport 10M illegal immigrants!
>he will repeal and replace obamacare!
>the Russia controversy will just disappear!
*You are here
>he will win reelection!