Are there any based, non leftist white Canadians?

I believe they exist. If so come to America and let that shithole burn. Because it is about to.


Trump supporter here, I'm sad I can't vote. I try to convince all my left friends very subtlety to see the lies the left holds.


I'd rather stay here though. Legal weed and all that. Maybe after I graduate uni I'll move to Colorado or something

>an american thinks he knows what left wing and right wing is

Did somebody call for Lauren Southern?

I want to spunk many little, happy, fat, white babies up Lauren Southern.

What a miserable junkie cunt, stay in your woods, don't disturb good folks with your mediocre way of life.

Come in through Minnesota and vote.

Why wouldn't he?

send me a green card and ill be there tomorrow.

>Right wing
Pick one
He's radical center (pure populism)

Shit when did we get Alaska?

>Legal weed and all that
its not legal

his idea of "left wing" would probably be considered centre right in our countries friend

the only person in the maritimes who voted for harper reportan.

You're retarded. We don't have legal weed. Kill yourself retarded dude weed man.

Im jewish so if that counts as white then sure. Was in DC last week. Pretty cool place. Would vote trump if I could.

Fair point.

OP is a leaf on a US IP. Nice shitpost, leaf.

Army bro here. Most of us are right wing whites.

No voter ID laws maybe I'll head down and vote, or do I have to be Mexican

Right here lad, pic related is my wall

Love America with a passion and have hated Canada for some time now and can't wait to move.

Waiting for my Trump gear to arrive in the mail and planning on getting some Gadsden flag and confederate flag shit.

Too many fucking niggers

You're going to go down in flames before us, and abandoning your country when it is in need is disgraceful so no I won't be coming to America.

No.fuck Canada

You stole it. I go to Canada every once in awhile and I have never met a bigger group of fucking thieves in my life.

In Ontario stealing is practically a sport.

French Canadian here. Partly separatist.

Why don't you Ameribro come here and show us how seceding works?

Yup, majority of the prairies are conservatives.

Hey, Ain't my fault is Ontario is cucked enough to have BLM.

I'm in love.

I hate the left.

But I'm not white.


I'm a non left white male. This country is cancer. Our prime minister is a dunce cuck who spends all his time at pride parades and PC culture runs rampant. When I go outside I barely see any white people anymore, just shitskins and mudslimes everywhere (who give me dirty looks, probably for being white/superior).

I've lived in Canada all my life and our culture and heritage is dead. Canada is now just a place for all the subhuman leeches to live a better life. Honestly it feels like America lite up here, at least it isn't that dangerous.

Still, wish I could carry. These apes living among me today are not worthy of being called Canadian, they are a disgrace to this country and what it used to be. I think this country is too far past saving, but I wouldn't give up on it.

Yes, I exist. It is a shame, however, that there are not any good right-wing parties in this land. Conservatives are the closest, but thanks to Stephen Harper they won't win for many years. We are stuck with Trudeau for now, but perhaps some day a new party may rise. A party that may reignite the fire that burns in our hearts is one that I speak of. One day... I hope!

why dont you come up here and live innawoods

Like I said, come here.

Canada and Sweden will be examples to the world of what not to do.

It can't be hard.

Yes there are but we are a minority

>reignite the fire
Sharia party it is. But if it wasn't of you meddling anglos, We would have gotten a nice Christian Utopia here in Quebec!

>Are there any based, non leftist white Canadians?


Harper is cuck, Canada is a lost cause, I grew up around more blacks and arabs than whites, all under Harper.


>mfw me, my whole family, and most of my friends support Trump

Not everyone here is a beta cuck

Honestly if things get bad enough I won't have a choice. Can't defend myself from the swarms of niggers without a gun. I have some right wing friends and everyday I try to uncuck people who are close to me but honestly, Canada is too far gone. It's been my dream to make a party and flip this country on it's head into a powerful sovereign nation, but I doubt thats ever possible.

Can you recommend any nice mostly white areas in the US? I want to start considering. I plan to start a corporation in the US as well, because making money in CAD sucks ass.

That's me.

I'm white, about to graduate Uni w/ ~92% average in Finance, and I have two white, blonde-haired children.

I will be trying to immigrate to the US as soon as I have a job there. My plan is to work at a bank here like TD that has American locations, and immigrate to somewhere like Charlotte.

I want to live in the country, though. Not a fan of huge cities. So I'd live outside the city and commute.

I was thinking about the Yukon but no shit my dad had a friend who lived there and went stir crazy and blew his head off.

All the territories are shit. Maritimes are only slightly better tbqh senpai

Hongcouver here.
Yes. Only cuz they haven;t killed me yet.

The French are truly detestable and are truly the laughing stock of Canada. I would have loved for you damn Quebecois to seperate, if only to rid the glorious province of British Columbia of your hoardes of barefoot freeloaders. Also, it would be nice to cut that dying language from our glorious and free countrry as well. Ah well, the past is behind us and we are forced to be allies for now. Won't you join us in arms and stand valiant against the enemies of the future?

Depending who's the enemy surely. If Trudeau pulls us against russia because of "Intolerance", Nope. But if it's Chinks, I'd come.

>dying language
Thanks to Africa's baby factories, French is actually growing.

I'm a white Canadian anti libtard. We exist but we're very clearly outnumbered.

You are.

Come here, friend.

I hope you're not implying the imported niggers are a GOOD thing.

I've lived around niggers my whole life because of Quebec's immigrant selection and to put it mildly I DREAD coming home when I travel.

Not that. I meant that statistic wise, French is "Growing"

Agreed, but for all the wrong reasons

All the non-leftists ITT are dirty fucking traitors who don't know shit about patriotism.

I'll go down with this ship if I must, and I'll stay loyal to my country. Fuck this right flight.

Literally walked into a "dispensary" near downtown Ottawa with no ID and grabbed some bomb kush and a couple of honey sticks. Didn't get arrested and the store is still running after 1 month with no problem.. it's coming sooner than later

>based and non leftiste

Nice meme

every awoke white person i know in canada left canada or are trying to get out so good luck finding them. Meanwhile degenerates from all over the world are immigrating here.

I'm french, wife is Québécoise, we're living in Québec. We both hate Trudeau and his bullshit cuck adoration for the muslim and the LGBT.
We both think being part of Canada is a good thing for Québec. But I, for sure, want Quebec to speak french (and english) . Quebec, and the Canada are like a mix of the best 3 western cultures, french english and american.
Without all the cucks this place would be heaven.
Love you canadian bros, excuse my poor english.

Canadian from Toronto here.

I throw red pills at everyone around me and on Facebook. I'm actually a very well liked guy as well because I'm always laughing and I'm good looking. I'm keeping up the good fight, bro.

Well you never know.

I'm also trying to get out of Canada. More and more Canada just seems like a country with a dying/self-destructive ideology and it's time to jump ship to America or Australia. Those countries still reverberate potential for the future.

>based and non leftist
>choosing to stay in a liberal country
It's a good thing I love cock up my ass though

>confederate flag

based leaf

Justin Trudeau is an international embarassment.

Newfie here, voted for Harper too

Trump supporter here.

The prairie provinces, Quebec, the Maritimes and Newfoundland are still pretty based.

The only cancerously left places in Canada are British Columbia and Ontario. You'll still find a lot of leftists in every province but it literally only reaches cuck/SJW levels of leftism in these two areas.


filled out a form and walked out with muh green

Trump supporter here

I would move to Australia in a heartbeat. Problem is I hate spiders with a fucking passion, and there are some ugly large big fuckers there..

This is true.
I stole so much as a kid that I have to fight the impulse to this day.
I still take little things here and there to satisfy the urge. Usually on the bottom of my grocery cart.

I would go to the USA, but you have too many niggers for my liking. It's a good thing we have the great lakes to separate Detroit from southern Ontario.

Race war first, then I'll move south.

I don't know about America (America is arguably among the most cucked places in the West), but I'm definitely looking into Australia since I have relatives on my father's side over there. America's 62% white and dropping, they have black supremacy groups spreading like wildfire, and there's a serious chance that they could elect a PROVEN traitor and criminal into power in November (they've elected a bull for 2 terms now). As for now I still have hope that the Prairie Provinces and Eastern Canadian provinces can still continue to stand up against Trudeau's cuckery.

why are americans so in denial?

america is the least white out of any developed country by far, has a cancerous culture, really high crime rates. it was the best country in the world 50 years ago, now it's a shithole

>implying we'd voluntarily live in a 60% white country


Yes there was.

probably toronto fag

America's not cucked as long as its got its Constitution. With that, it's the freest state in the world. No arguments.

It's definitely on a slippery slope right now, though. If Hillary wins, it's most likely over for the country.

I went to fucking WINNIPEG and it was nothing but niggers and poo in loos.

The West has to sort it's self out now or we are going to die.

|'d like to but I was Canadian born and I will die Canadian, no matter how shit she gets.


Proud leftist here and Trudeau voter. AMA.

At least niggers aren't imported there unlike some countries I know. Niggers aren't immigrants in America, we can't forget that.

Also it's not their fault they're next to a country that's so shit people constantly want to hop the border into their country. It also doesn't help that these people happen to breed like bacteria.

Honestly, I hate you right wing faggots as much as the left wing faggots.

Best part about Canada is all the empty space to be away from everyone.


Niggers in Winnipeg? That actually surprises me, almost all of our niggers are contained in Montreal and Toronto.

If you consider abos niggers then you are absolutely correct, Winnipeg is stocked with them.

Damn I thought Canada was white, looks like another self-hating white cucknation.

I'm more right wing than most of the Americans on here. Pretty disgusted by the amount of liberal sentiment from trump supporters in the last year or so DESU. Your little faggot colony on reddit decided to make a colony here. Nice work, fucking idiots.

I think he is talking about Métis.

look at the crime rate in winnipeg. No shit there's niggers.

how can you be stable in colonial rule you think our provincal system isnt fucked by powercorp or some other federalist scum

America's only free in constitution though, american liberals are some of the most vocal, violent, entitled and destructive liberals I've ever seen in media, lad. If they can get Hillary into power America's fucked even more than it already is.

You have that in America too, it's called Wyoming, Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas. Not to mention also all the incredibly rural places you find in basically any state.

All our empty space doesn't even have roads and is a frozen wasteland for 10 months of the year.


I'm serious. leaf.

The underbelly of that city is all niggers and shit-in-streets.

I could not believe my eyes.

Stefan Molymeme obviously

What is the most right wing/white city of canada?

il ny aura plus de francais en france...

Quebec City? Charlottetown? St. Johns?