Anybody seen the new Beauty and the Beast film yet???

Anybody seen the new Beauty and the Beast film yet???

Ive seen a lot of ads and promotions for it, but have yet to view it myself!!!

This got me thinking, are women easier to brainwash than men?

Lol what a faggot

Women literally don't have original thoughts other than what the (((media))) stuffs in their hollow heads
If they like a band, or have a hobby that is not basic as fuck it is because they think they are "supposed to like it", just whatever is on the TV or whatever
If you ever meet a girl who has an interesting or "unique" taste in either music or literature, it is literally just imprinting from one of her previous boyfriends
Women are not "treated" like cattle, women ARE cattle, they need to be hooked up to a machine and milked and smash their fucking heads in with hammers SASH their fucking heads in
Males still rule this fucking world. In most of the world, a fucking bitch can get killed for looking at a man straight in the eye. In America and Europe, every day dumb sluts get their holes penetrated without their so-called consent, which isn't rape, just them getting the fucking dick they deserve up their asses.

Sexual abuse is on the rise, spousal abuse is on the rise and more bitches die every year. Fucking cunts. I am so glad I was born a man. I am so glad there is a bunch of retarded sluts jumping trough hoops just to get my cock.

Dude deserved it desu

tale as old as time tbwhwy

Yeah I would be done with that cunt after that. If I was the black dude I would tell her to fuck off and let her use me.

not let her use me*

If you are the black guy, the thing to do is ask her if she needs a ride home now.

Tale as old as time, Cuck and the Bull

Are there actually people who exist that don't know kiss cams are fake faggotry to serve as comedy?

Still disgusting she kissed a nigger though.

That guy did exactly what you are supposed to do in that situation. Both of them, tbph.

To be fair, that was his sister

what show is this from?

fake news

What do you do if you are sitting next to a qt that you don't know.



and then intercourse

Ah I see another man of fine taste, I too watch Kickstarter TV religiously

I would have already moved, qt's don't need me invading their space

Haha right on bro! Fuck women!