Why do people like him? His films are completely ordinary and unremarkable.
Why do people like him? His films are completely ordinary and unremarkable
What a pleb opinion. Go watch some capeshit, maybe the avengers can hold your attention better.
If that's the case, which films do you consider extraordinary and remarkable?
This is how you know someone knows absolutely nothing about film.
>completely ordinary and unremarkable
Yeah, they are now, because everyone out there and their mother have been copying him for over 50 years now.
>Alfred Hitchcock called this an "icebox" scene, meaning it's the kind of scene that hits you after you've gone home and start pulling cold chicken out of the icebox. "Hey," says the hypothetical viewer. "How did Kim Novak vanish from the hotel? Did we ever find that out?"
hitchcock was a hack
Maybe ordinary in that filmmaking copied so much of his style.
You wouldn't have Silence of the Lambs without Strangers on a Train and Psycho. And that's just one example of his most famous work.
I'll agree The Birds is a pretty cheesy B-Movie although it is done nicely.
For its time The Birds was pretty damn impressive. The work they did to overlay the shots of birds flying (attacking) and the actual actors was pretty high-tech and innovative, although nowadays it looks dated. I still always liked it though. I just recently rewatched Strangers on a Train and was really impressed with the amount of tension and emotion Hitchcock achieved just through the framing of his camera shots. People don't do camerawork or editing like that anymore.
>His films are completely ordinary and unremarkable.
What bullshit. Try and watch a Hitchcock film that hasn't been meme'd to death by pop culture and predict the ending.
Even then, the meticulous planning that went into every single scene Hitchcock shot makes him pretty unparalleled
I thought they were neat when they premiered in theaters. I guess I am just getting old.
Yeah I remember as a kid my Mom telling me I should watch The Birds because it's just a damn good movie. And I mean it is but at the same time it's mostly just a woman screaming while being chased by birds and it feels kinda silly.
And yeah I'm well aware there's deeper interpretations of The Birds being about femininity and sexuality but I just don't think it's a film you're meant to ponder over.
I cringe when I see fucking kids talk shit about Hitchcock or Robert Aldrich, they made challenging movies, films that don't just spell everything out for you like modern Hollywood crap.
Literally Nolan tier
Hitchcuck is shit and literally one of the first proponents of the soulless anglo-american cinema
Guarantee this guy loved Guardians of the Galaxy
The shot in Strangers on a train where the tennis crowd's eyes are darting back and forth with the ball while Bruno is just staring at the antagonist is pure unmitigated Kino
Yes I love that shot in particular too. I always remember the shot of Bruno's shadow overtaking the other boat as they go in the tunnel of love, and the murder scene being displayed through the broken glasses. There's lots of great stuff in that movie. It's one of my favorite Hitchcock movies.
Are you a redditor, OP?
watch rear window
Put it in context. They now seem ordinary because he set the norm.