So, they hired the actress to be in the movie that is an adaptation of a book that wasn't ready yet. Where is the movie?

So, they hired the actress to be in the movie that is an adaptation of a book that wasn't ready yet. Where is the movie?

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Wait, what?

What is Queen of the Tearling? Is it a Game of Thrones book?

Does it annoy anyone that they call the series Game of Thrones instead of A Song of Ice and Fire?

Based Emma. She's a decent actress and not even a bloated bulldyke landwhale with neon hairdye kind of a feminist. She actually takes care of her body and only makes token feminist gestures like promoting women's rights in third world shitholes like Angelina Jolie likes to do. Why Sup Forums hates her is still beyond me.

It's a new fade, do you know how every game is "just like Dark Souls" and how every book used to be "the new The Lord of the Rings"? Now we say it's "the next Game of Thrones".

ah thanks!

She's horrible, I don't know why people pretend she's great, everything she does she overacts and she isn't humble to recognize that she did a bad job and needs to improve, just check out this speech she made:

Arrogant as fuck

confidence is sexy

She appeals to autisits that like to project their fetishes onto the prudish brit girl they grew up having a crush on.

>female game of thrones
so a medieval version of real housewives of la?

I didn't think something could be more bad than ASOIAF but fuck everything I read from this shit is awful.

>ywn get spitroasted by Emma and Sophie

I believe she is on the hunt for boypussy.

she's an AWFUL actress

oh shit, is Emma gonna star in a good movie for once in her godddanmm life?

Check the dates.

>' ' "
as a programmer this makes me want to vomit

emma my sweet

Nah. The Song of Ice and Fire is a very homosexual title.

I've cummed to Emma so many times. More than any other girl easily.

And the way she smirks at the camera, you can tell she knows that at that very second men everywhere are cumming to her.

Another feminist feel good movie?

For me to cum to!

Shes not even that hot dude. Almost any porn vid has a hotter girl than her

>that ONE worst emmafag

Which one of you wrote this?