We get these threads a lot, but a lot of times is guys posting unpopular normie opinions. I want unpopular opinions by Sup Forums standards.
Unpopular opinion by Sup Forums standards
"I think everyone deserves to undergo Sexual reconstruction surgery at any age if they feel they would be more comfortable at their chosen sex."
Are you happy Goyim?
That's bound to be unpopular in Sup Forums
"Jews are white"
they aren't btw
Trump is such a bad idea.
Jews are not our enemies
welcome merchant what takes you to such an unplesant place
I should have clarified. I want unpopular opinions you hold yourself.
If you took the Halal meat, the not liking dogs, and the praying all the time out of Islam it wouldn't actually be that bad.
the reptilians did 9 11
obama sacrificed a baby to get the presidency
the french killed jfk
the jews are causing the muslim war
vaccines are little ufos and cause testiclur cancer
beds are antenna grids
sarah silverman is funny
stern got better once he moved from terrestrial radio to satellite
I have no problem with dickgirls, as long as they're feminine and cute.
I personally think the pride parade should be kept outside of Jerusalem or other holy places in Israel.
Don't tell the Goyim though
Trump is literally the worst presidential candidate of all time. The only people who support him are autists, retards or edgey shitlords.
Taxation is theft
>have to believe a fucking sandnigger is the perfect man
top cuck
religion is nonsense
national socialism is economic failure
women need to work and get of their lazy asses and not only beg men to do stuff
basic governmental provided healthcare is a good idea
conscription is wasting time & money or just more education when regular education fails
jews were mass murdered and are not only ones to blame for shit happening, you can blame WASPs, and oil muzzies, etc too
loyalty is just doing something for lesser pay or benefit for yourself
Europeans need to move to USA is shit
degeneracy or everything is degenerate is shit
banning things because they are icky is shit
tariffs, stopping free trade and increasing regulation on creating wealth is good and anti-semite is shit
MAKING NEW EMPIRES AND PAINTING NEW MAPS OF GREATER POLAND, GERMANY, SPAIN WHATEVER is childish idiocy for people that have noting to be proud of in their personal lives sot hey grab onto glory of idealistic empires
if you want something that big may i recommend UN or EU?
move the way of switzerland not centralization like france
Child pornography should be legalized and we should be working to remove the stigma of being a pedosexual.
-Earth is not flat.
-So-called "Natsocs" are unoriginal autists that jumped on Hitler just to be contrarian.
-The majority of Sup Forums would be killed by the Third Reich. It would not be a hugbox for Sup Forums's feelings.
-Infographs are fucking retarded and not supplying actual peer-reviewed scientific articles for people to read is a bitch move.
-Christ-chan is a cringe-inducing shitfest.
-"Degeneracy" is another way of saying "that's problematic and so it offends me".
>MAKING NEW EMPIRES AND PAINTING NEW MAPS OF GREATER POLAND, GERMANY, SPAIN WHATEVER is childish idiocy for people that have noting to be proud of in their personal lives sot hey grab onto glory of idealistic empires
>if you want something that big may i recommend UN or EU?
found the shill
but for real if those are your opinions then what are you doing on Sup Forums?
Animals should be protected.
If you think our larger brains give us the right to subjugate and imprison them- Then it would be totally fine if aliens did the same thing to you right?
Don't forget the golden rule.
French are badass. Not taking WWII into account they have kicked ass for as long as written history can remember. Nowadays everybody only seems to be able to remember how they lost during WWII but, truth be told, not ONE country could have fought off nazi Germany in 1940, not the USA, not the USSR and certainly not UK. UK only owes its survival to the heroic last stand of French troops at Dunkirk and to the fact that UK is separated from the rest of continental Europe by sea. Guess that's the price France had to pay for losing the only war won by the US doing anything but bombing shitskins from planes.
holocaust happened
>French are badass. Not taking WWII into account they have kicked ass for as long as written history can remember. Nowadays everybody only seems to be able to remember how they lost during WWII but, truth be told, not ONE country could have fought off nazi Germany in 1940, not the USA, not the USSR and certainly not UK. UK only owes its survival to the heroic last stand of French troops at Dunkirk and to the fact that UK is separated from the rest of continental Europe by sea. Guess that's the price France had to pay for losing the only war won by the US doing anything but bombing shitskins from planes
Jews did it all
>unpopular opinions by Sup Forums standards
/pol mods do such a great job keeping shills in check. Sure is nice seeing nothing but Trump, Shillary and Hand over the delegates Dahnold threads. Its just wonderful how hard working the /pol mods are in keeping the board shill free.
Is it really any different than how Americans worship the founding fathers and the constitutions as perfect and not needing of change.
Hispanics are white
milo is a fucking parasite that is hijacking our movement
Most Turks are actually white.
Sup Forums is the chosen people board now. I'm pretty sure the mods are Mossad agents collecting information to smear us all if the need ever arises.
Islam is the only way to save the west.
Sharia law results in countries with the lowest crime indexes on earth while Catholic countries like Honduras and Venezuela have the highest crime rates on earth. Think about it, would people steal if their hands got chopped off as punishment? Would wives cheat and destroy families if they faced death by stoning?
I think trans/homosexuality is immoral, it's just something that has disgusted me deeply since a child
90% of things Sup Forums blames on Jews are actually cause by natural and inevitable decay of an affluent society (gypsies are responsible for remaining 10%).
Women are equal to men and there is no single reason to discriminate against them. MRAs, MGTOWs and all related groups are pure cancer.
Should it be possible for us to go to other planetes I'd doubt we would eat whatever species we will find there. Hell 99,5% of of the people who have never eaten a dog wouldn't eat one.
Eating meat is a human convention. It's okay. Making animals suffer unecessarily is bad though.
Ayy lmoas wouldn't want to eat us anyway. I can only hope they wouldn't want to make suffer...
8/pol/ is superior to this Sup Forums in almost every way except for the amount of posters. Half the threads here are off-topic shit that should belong on Sup Forums. Discussion is harder and harder to find because everyone is suddenly a meme-spouting faggot master. I can feel my brain fry when I spend too much time here because of all the trash and repetitiveness of everything. I only come here for /cfg/ and /sg/ because those are relatively fine.
>Women are equal to men and there is no single reason to discriminate against them
Same, also i despise if a man hits or hurts a woman in some way, call me a feminist idgaf i just don't think it's ever justified
not in Norway, dunno about Germany, but in the US hell yes they are
freedom of speech is a meme in germany so you have to use this to see it: proxfree.com
start from the bottom, they're all fucking jews
>But they hate puppers.
How do you come to this conclusion? Not thinking that they are, but why would they be our friends?
can you post your rare merchants?
>there is nothing wrong with incest
>there is nothing wrong with being Jewish
>All MEN are created equal, even the inferior shitskins
>I dont care about somebodies race as long as they can prove themselves/contribute to our society.
>Would wives cheat and destroy families if they faced death by stoning?
Well I don't Akhmed, why don't you go back to your shithole of a country and tell us about it?
protip: people still rape, steal and do fucklots of shits because they are sandniggers more akin to animals than to human beings.
>men and women are equal
"opposite genders"
They're mine
hate SJW
hate commies so much I find it hard to talk to people holding lefty views (everyone in croatia), thankfully i am an extrovert and can overcome that
like freedom of speech
far east asians and European males pretty much made everything
dislike pretty much every group on this planet
dislike centralization of power, supranational organization and actual idea of nations and being locked up in it (cannot change or choose your own destiny, cannot form your country even though we are grown ups and think differently than southern grown ups in the same country)
dislike shitskins, niggers, chinks (except smart ones), ameridnians, abos, females, retards, greens, PETA, gender crap, farmers, philosophy majors, that broken cunt S. Hawkins, public sector employees...
why should i stick to my own kind? i like to argue with people
Not every issue is black and white
I don't think there is such a thing as white culture or a white nation and I therefore don't think racemixing is bad
However, I think there is a western, christian culture, that is or at least was until 1914 superior to other cultures.
I generally view all non Anglo people as being the same and have very little distinction between them, or any care or interest whatsoever into their lives. There is no difference between a Finn and a Brazilian, a Swiss and an Angolan. They're foreign, they don't matter, I don't care what weird food they eat or shit they learn in their schools. I'd like it if they didn't exist, or at the very least stopped getting in the way of everything.
Learning another language is also fucking pathetic. I respect the ones more who don't speak English.
If we stop importing beans, intervening in the mid east and manufacturing overseas life in America won't be as comfortable as it is today.
oh boy
>Abortion should be mandatory if there's a high chance of birth defects, and illegal in all other cases. Not because of any religious bullshit, but because abortion being easily available encourages casual sex, i.e. degeneracy.
>If you're born into a poor family you should get shitloads of government assistance, but if you became poor because of your own dumb choices you're left to rot.
>Donald Trump is a massive retard, but at the same time the best possible choice, which really tells you something about the state of the U S of A.
He's not evil, he thinks he's doing good, but in eight years you burgers will be left much worse than you currently are.
Hipsters always say that haters are just jealous and with me it's true.
kick doge
Not every black person is bad
I am pro-choice and believe it's possibly cheaper in the long run than paying 18+ years for welfare. I think it should be the woman's choice, since she is the one who has to give birth. Men should also the ability to sign away all rights if he's just going to pump and dump
Milo is a fake who just panders to people to gain popularity. I'm glad he was kicked off Twitter.
I have no issues with being with a single, divorced or widowed woman who has a child. At the same time, I believe a child could do well in a single parent household, especially if he/she has a welcoming extended family
>However, I think there is a western, christian culture
>somehow not white
Why would that save the west? It would basically replace the western world with Arabia 2.0
That happens to be white
causation =/= correlation
See I only support because the alternative is Clinton I would just rather have a loud and proud idiot than that cloak and dagger cunt. Realistically he is the shittiest candidate the right have put out for as long as they have had a voice but its just the lesser evil at this point.
Age of consent should be 14.
Race mixing is fine, but be prepared to get called out for it.
Whites in the west had a big hand in fucking up their own countries. (libshits)
Jewish control of the media is benign, and society at large needs to take responsibility for the content they consume.
Transgender people are 99.99% mentally ill, but they can indulge their degeneracy as it often ends in suicide anyway.
I like Trump's policy and do-it attitude but his constant stream of stupid insults and inflammatory statements makes me constantly like him less. He hasn't become more presidential at all for the general and it's concerning me.
Whites aren't that great because we're the only race that would intentionally glorify and encourage our own destruction. Never have I seen a Hispanic apologize for being Hispanic and wish death upon all brown people.
>White people are not as smart we make ourselves out to be
>White people project their miserable self-loathing onto blacks and other races, hence racism
>There is no one on Earth more corrupt than a white male
>White men are more gullible for pussy than any other race
>Every possible fuck-up in history was due to some white guy not getting laid
>Eastern Asians aren't smart: They're good at repeating things and following strict rules, but they aren't good at creating things
>Asian Indians SUCK as Software Developers
>Donald Trump isn't the problem: His supporters are
And before you make your assumptions: I'm a straight white male, moderate Republican voter, and served active duty in the armed forces.
Like Hillary really is crooked, but he says it so often I now cringe every time he does.
yeah, especially when he puts out an otherwise mature statement but keeps saying "Crooked Hillary" in it. it's like a playground insult
I really like Ben Shapiro and agree with almost everything he said about Trump.
explain to me how their reign is a bad thing? ashkenazi are the smartest species on earth, the literal masterrace, they deserve to rule
There is nothing wrong with sexual liberalism
There is nothing wrong with economic liberalism
Ko te hrani pizdurino?
Israel is ok.
Oh, and modern/post-modern art is actually great
Awoo is a shit 2hu. Aya is the only reason why she is notable.
smart doesnt mean that it is good for us you fool.
Ashkenazi IQ is equal on average to East Asian IQ. Also ashkenazi tend to score way lower than average on spacial IQ.
>Women are more empathetic to other people and that's kind of what the world needs more of
(within reason).
>Putin isn't all that great, he's kind of a dick
>SJW's will try to ruin your reputation but have now become a bogeyman for the right
>National Socialism will lead to economic ruin
>Trudeau is the most manipulative jew in the world and is only playing at being a cuck to push his agenda
because they're all lefties, greedy, and don't give a shit about the people who live in their host nation. they want them to stay wagecucked, not prosper and live good lives. now this isn't exclusive to jews, but jews sure as hell are like this
1. Jews aren't out to get white people
2. Using the key and lock analogy to justify your male promiscuity is fucking degenerate, male whores are just as bad as female whores.
3. Cutting the excess skin off the tip of a dick isn't ok but its not anywhere near comparable to cutting a woman's clit off
4. Gay is ok desu
Gays and Trannies and related are ok as long as they're not doing stupid shit / shoving it in my face
I think minimum wage should be raised. not $15, but $9.50-$10
riveting stuff, I know
Wtf I hate you all now.Fucking retards
yes, they destroy nations to gain power over them, green left cuckery is their weapon.
define "good for us". the smartest leader is obviously the "best"
eastern asians are not capable of innovation, they're only good at reproduction. they outplay other races in maths, but for centuries there was not a single contribution to it
i never said they destroyed nations. just keeping them from reaching the potential they have.
>smartest leader is obviously the "best"
wew you're a fucking retard. who would you want as a parent, someone smart and evil or average intelligence but nice?
It indeed did happen, yes. Everybody saying something against it, is an idiot with no education.
>define "good for us"
Are you really that stupid?
Do these smart people stop immigration?
Do they deport all shitskins and niggers and mudslimes?
THAT would be good!
We need a war.
If we (and by we, I mean western civilisation) is to have any chance of survival, we need to boost our birth rates substantially. And not just to the point where we're comfortably above replacement rate - we've had so many decades of depopulation at this point that we're going to have to go for an Africa-tier population boom, doubling every 25-30 years, if we're going to make up the lost ground.
And the only way we can do this is if we go after the children. We need to convince them at a young age that having sex and babies is a good thing. And we need to get them breeding by about the age of 14. It might be enough to simply feed them propaganda rather than going into all out pre-pubescant pedophilia, but that might end up being necessary.
And since that's never going to happen, we're pretty much screwed. We're like the Chinese Empress who banned steam trains because they were noisy and dirty: staring the means of our salvation in the face, and yet not going through with it because it's unpleasant.
>I want unpopular opinions by Sup Forums standards.
1. Canada isn't cucked.
2. Basic income will eventually become a necessity in the developed West. It's not a matter of if, but when.
3. Ron Paul was America's last chance at having a good president. (Much of old Sup Forums would have agreed with me.)
What a surprise, the user from malaysia is fucking dumb as hell
The Jews aren't our enemies, this is a red herring to distract us from Islam.
>unpopular opinions by Sup Forums standards.
Free trade is a good thing and makes the nation as a whole better off.
Immigration is not a problem, only lack of assimilation
Abortion should be legal, no questions asked, until the child is born
>eastern asians are not capable of innovation, they're only good at reproduction. they outplay other races in maths, but for centuries there was not a single contribution to it
East Asians are pretty innovative. Innovation and creativity hasn't been show to have strong links to IQ. It seems to mostly be a taught trait.
Also stop being a shabbos goy.
There is nothing wrong with being homosexual.
With that being said, the parades that we have are quite a bit excessive.
why is basic income a necessity? its literally gibsmedats that will put even more incentive on immigration
I think we should have nationalized healthcare because the privatized health insurance industry is inherently predatory and damaging to the public good. Yes, I believe it should be paid for through a tax hike. Pretty much all my other beliefs are standard Sup Forums fare
East asians have a high IQ, but whites have a higher verbal IQ. That's why we are so much better at diplomacy and nation building while they are better at maths and things of that nature
Basically a race of autists
I would be in favor of this plan in a homogeneous white society where abortion is illegal. How do we create such a society?
>there is nothing wrong with being a homosexual
Gonna have to disagree with you there
>sarah silverman is funny
You deserve to be locked up.
Universal medical care and education takes priority over everything.
I think the real cause of the slow decline of the USA is that the country is not as Christian as it used to be. The USA was special because of its freedoms and capitalist system, but also because of its morality and belief in God.