Anybody have any oil drillers, coal burners, yellow feaver, burritos chasers, etc in their family?
Anybody have any oil drillers, coal burners, yellow feaver, burritos chasers, etc in their family?
>tfw everyone in my family married/bred within their own race
gg ez
why is this so hard for whites
I fucked up my post
Guy in OP is my second cousin
I don't why he went with that gook
My uncle married a gook
He is a bit of a weirdo
My wife's son is a fourth Filipino.
My sister's dad is black
Because they're happy togother?
2 people can marry, it's their freedom, not your problem. you've no right to stop them.
>Seahawks fan
Not surprised
Good looking family tbqh. And I bet they're way happier than your miserable ass. Spreading white seed to other races is fine, it only becomes a problem when white women bear mixed children.
my father is white, my mother is brown.
doppel keks
Whites are naturally cucks. It's genetic
Dad became a millionaire day trader in the late 90's and then moved to Jamaica, married a Jamaican woman with a Jamaican son, then had a half-black daughter of his son.
Yes, Im serious.
TFW 5 sisters and myself. 3 sisters married to white protestants, 4 sisters with a total of 6 white kids (one widowed), and 1 sister who only dates white guys and me with a white fiancee.
My step brother is married to a... Flip? Thai? Some shit like that, jungle asian. She's hot as fuck though, they've got like 5 kids.
Also my stepmother has some other relative (her sister maybe?) that has nigger grandkids... She always talks about how gross it is lel.
By blood I'm not related to any of that sort though.
of his own.*
My sister in law is married to a Nigerian guy. Was a player, is a player. They had a kid out of wedlock, then got married. counting the days till she becomes a single mother. God I hope it happens. she comes from a totally conservative family, none of them really liked the guy.
So they are both brown
One of my sisters dated a negro once.
I told her he was a massive prick and basically convinced her he was wrong for her (didn't bring race in to it).
She's now engaged to a white boi.
I'm Asian (ethnically Japanese) and pretty much all the women under 40 in my family (aunts, cousins, my sister) are married to white men. The younger men in my family all go for third world Asians like Filipinos and Vietnamese.
My wife is 1/4 Philippino, 1/4 Mexican, and 1/2 white.
She has a brown pussy and nipples so I'd saw she's not white though.
>Anybody have any oil drillers, coal burners, yellow feaver, burritos chasers, etc in their family?
I'm basically the only one out of my immediate family that does this. I love latinas and Asians and refuse to date white women.
How the fuck do you even not realize you don't get kids that look like you when you breed outside your race?
Or are people just too cucked nowadays?
Both of my brothers married potato niggers, but all of my nieces and nephews have blonde hair, blue/green eyes.
my sister in law fucks multiple black guys and mexicans and brags about it
she's one of those really annoying liberal Self conscious cunts who literally hates her own race
she's also an elementary school teacher but the biggest slut I've ever met
My brother married a white Swedish girl.
She gets to feel the fulfillment of raising kids without having the responsibility of raising them.
Lots of my relatives have dated Asians and me too but I'm not sure if it actually counts as race mixing when half my relatives look like tall blonde mongoloids.
My dads German but my mom is Puerto Rican, who are like 40% white
My uncle married a black girl, not a sheboon but a mixed race, and their daughter is a frizzy haired latina
Not sure what to think
>The younger men in my family all go for third world Asians like Filipinos and Vietnamese.
Vietnamese girls are actually pretty though and they're nice... Just don't be dark skinned or you'll be a nigger to them.
'Murica everybody
Jk you're alright. Your uncle should be ashamed tho'.
>My cousin had a child with a fucking paki
>find out later he was here illegally, knocked her up to get residency
Eternal anger for her, that paki and the fact that we share a bloodline
Protip: not your sister
Shut up, shitskin!
They are not free and they are not allowed to do what they want.
>How the fuck do you even not realize you don't get kids that look like you when you breed outside your race?
The fuck do you mean? Where do you imagine they get their traits from if not their two parents?
Afternoon Zhang
she quit her job half way through the year actually. has a masters in "urban youth" but couldn't handle the real deal
I don't mind racemixing with asians. It's only the brown races with lower iq-s that fucking give me the creeps. Cousin had a kid with a black dude, and lo behold he leaves them. What a fucking surprise right there.
Pics. For science.
My uncles third and current wife is chinese. They ve had no kids.
>my biological father
it's not fine in any way you beta faggot, go make a gook insecure slut your slave
>I don't mind racemixing with asians
you are an idiot
Little-known segment from the 80's show "That's Incredible" of a Japanese man whose biological Father was full-blood Native American (Cherokee) and his mother was African American.
Kudos to anyone who can find it on the etherwebs...
Because the like each other?
What I mean is if I'm [race-1] and I have kids with a [race-1] woman, we get kids that look like us when they grow up, almost strikingly so.
But if you're [race-1] and you have kids with a [race-4] woman, you end up having kids that have less of a 1:1 resemblance to you or your spouse, aesthetically
My dad
I have an asian gf. I know this is technically racemixing, but the pussy game ridiculous
Nope, and I have cousins pretty much all over.
If you're going to be with a jungle gook at least pick the least monkey looking one
get back in your hole
He looks pretty happy to me. Hating your own family is pretty detestable by the way friend, they're the only one you have.
Probably because they don't waste their time doxing their family members on Sup Forums because they aren't bitter kiss-less virgins.
>racemixing is ok if they can cheat on tests decently well
I'm the product of Yellow Fever so yes.
Also, my Oklahoman uncle has a Thai wife.
quality thread
does it count if you're a mutt?
My grandparents were:
Pgf -> Scottish/Irish/Native American
pgm -> Chilean/German (Chilean raised, of mixed descent)
Mgf -> Drunken bastard offspring of the exiled aristocracy of France, picking up english and québécois blood over time
Mgm -> Swedish/Icelandic
Pretty much the last non-mixed person in my family was my Native American relative and before that the scottish ones
That should just show you that enforcing conservative ideology has a counterproductive effect. Tell a gal not to date blacks, she'll run right along to Tyrese. Tell a gal to make her own decisions, she'll mostly likely end up with a white guy.
I have a Japanese gf that I met in Japan and brought to America.
>dad divorces mom
>marries chink
>has autistic happa children and ching chong extended family that hate me and insult me when I'm around them
Shame on her shitskin
Truly end of times
happa children are very dangerous
My cousin married some African black bitch from Ghana, met her on some retarded Christian cuck missionary to Ghana, she was Christian too so they married. I wonder if he'll get AIDS. I did not know she was black until long after the wedding, I'm glad I decided not to go to the wedding.
>posting family member's faces on Sup Forums
>But if you're [race-1] and you have kids with a [race-4] woman, you end up having kids that have less of a 1:1 resemblance to you or your spouse, aesthetically
Is that actually a bad thing somehow? The important thing is that your child is a mixture of you and your wife, not that your child looks like a clone of you.
If anything the fact that you made that child together is more pronounced if you're of two different races.
I've creampied a bunch of white teen girls in my younger days. As a Filipino I have had an easier time getting white girls using the exotic card than brainwashed Asian Americans.
>married a Jamaican woman with a Jamaican son, then had a half-black daughter of his son
That sounded hilarious dude. Sorry to hear you'll have to share the inheritance with some brownies.
On my part, no one in my family have ever stepped in that territory. There only one moor looking guy that married my cousin, but he is just a "tanned spaniard", and that's pretty common here.
On my
My dads side are all potatonigger farmers in Kentucky.I have 3 uncles and 4 aunts on this side and they almost all have families with 3-4 white kids each.
My mothers family are all super liberal cucks from Massachusetts(fuck this place) and no one else on this side of the family had kids. I have literally zero cousins or second cousins on moms side while on my redneck dads side I have 30+.
i wouldn't know, I haven't seen my dad in five years
So unemployed/fucks blacks? Honorary nigger.
I'm a white guy and I rather like black women.
...well this is awkward
I dated an arab chick some years back (this was before Sup Forums)
Is he a Mormon?
I guess it's just my narcissism/ego speaking out, but I just always assumed one of the best things of childbirth is having a little human that ends up not only acting like you but looking like you
The baby has a SF giants ribbon on its head.
why do they insult you?
Those nigresses must be bred by a white bull.
Then you're probably not White, because a real White man knows the face of a beast subhuman when he sees it.
You beastialists sicken me.
No, some kind of modern American version of Protestant Christianity like baptist or methodist or something idfk. He also went to fucking shithole Cambodia to spread the "Word" to the little shit niggers there too, trying to convert man lady freaks into honorable Christian.... men? women? things? idfk.
No but I have a cousin who is a Doctor that married a whale when he obviously could have done much better for himself.
Is your dick really little or is that a meme?
I didn't notice that
>I just always assumed one of the best things of childbirth is having a little human that ends up not only acting like you but looking like you
I mean that's cool and all, but for me the idea of the child also looking like the woman I love is what makes in beautiful in my mind. Seeing yourself and your lover in the features of this little human you made together is what makes it special.
because at gatherings there are 70+ Filipino people and the only whites are me and my dad
the kids there, and there are are always 7-15, will shit talk me and call me a white shit
my half siblings have taken part and don't know better
the adults look at my dad like he was a nigger that married in the family
racemixing is degenerate, racial acceptance is a lie, that red pilled me more then anything
my aunt married a black dude who went to prison and they got divorced. She remarried some very rednecky white guy they live in West Virginia. She's pretty dumb tbch, I think she actually had some learning disorders and generally just low iq.
Yeah. So I typically go after womanlets so it still looks big but not fatal to them.
Yes me. I chase white girls. My only mission in life is to marry a blue eyed aryan angel and put at least 4 children in her.
My sister dated a polish manlet.
He was sort of brown.
Only me.
White women aren't attracted to me but I've fucked a lot of Asians and my current Chinese GF is pretty redpilled and enjoys me sharing dank Sup Forums memes with her.
Sup Forums would have me remain alone and a virgin forever.
I see.
I just assumed Mormon because two out of the six Mormons I know went to Ghana on missionary trips.
Apparently they have a big presence there.
Your dad married a low class barwhore, sorry mate.
I dated all the races but Australian, from about 30 different countries. But ended up with a white wife.
Let's see OP, closest of my family is a second cousin married a Brazilian.