Black and Pink

Black and Pink
Fight Night
The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world
Diversity versus Feminism
Kangs versus Vaginas
Nigger vs Jews
Black Panther versus Wonder Woman

what did the artist mean by this?

wow 12 years a slave really did a number on whats her name again


>bald bitch with no powers vs literal demi godess...
It shouldn't bother me but it does...with the exception of Hulk, WW would rape the entire MCU.

>wow 12 years a slave really did a number on whats her name again

Black panther will out-gross wonder kike, guaranteed. You can take a screencap and laugh at me if I'm wrong


>slaps her into the Sun

Heh, nothing personnel, nigger...

No, the world doesn't have this fascination with black dudes you people have...except for Get Out that shit worked everywere, then again it was a good movie.

>implying they would team up to defeat the Cis White Male Patriarchy

This is not Lupita


Wonder heeb won't even beat dr strange

Nice plagiarism

>WW would rape the entire MCU

would pay soooo much money to see that

The fuck are you idiots arguing about

wonder woman finna BTFO



Yikes this is pretty anti-semitic of the Marvel community...

Are black people going to watch it twice for every racist that won't myself included?

is there anything more cringey than warhammer fags?


that quote would be even more powerful if the background was gaza.

Black racists

Does anybody else feels like this movie is going to go the Ghostbusters 2016 way of running their adverts instead of what WW did?

I foresee an endless shitshow of sjws vs alt-righs all over this that completely failed to catch on with WW.

Does anyone actually like Warhammer?

It looks like it's for absolute cretins

Are they for real? WW is a a goddess.

>Does anybody else feels like this movie is going to go the Ghostbusters 2016 way of running their adverts instead of what WW did?

this jpg has so many fucking artifacts this tweet looks like its from the 70s

I loved Dawn of War 2 for the pc, tried to read the Horus novel and gave up like two chapter in...its not terrible, but it just not for me.
That said, most Warhammerfags are retarded.

It's Marvel. They don't have to worry about any outrage over their movie because they're going to make a gorillion anyway.

why can't race and gender be equal

its a mp4 of a gif that twitter compresses to hell

>my ancestor :)

>join me, and together, we might stand a chance of smashing the patriarchy once and for all

Pretty much yes.

But as the other user said the MCU isn't Sony

Remember if you're a black twitter user who wants to make a passive aggressive post about anything make sure you add an I love New York gif especially with the vh1 logo in it

>white washing Gal

Of course. Just because she's not black they'll paint her white.

look the same to me lad
not even racist


Not in China though.

Thank you

Literally perfect

wow thats good

you are good
credit is given where credit is mtn dew

>Get Out worked everywere

blacks in general

>disrespecting WW


all credit goes to my man ben garrison, dude's on fire lately

>defending a Jew

>Art of Jamar Logan

>muh juice

If you can appreciate camp then yeah it's great. Unironically my favorite fictional universe.

I'd love to see her try to move Wondy


I am so tired of all this shit. The superhero movies, the politics surrounding them, Hollywood, the West. Thank God above I'm moving to Asia for a few years and I'll get some sweet respite from this never-ending bullshit.

I'm a big 40k fan but I have no idea why you're spoamming it in this thread

based ben

>going to asia to get away from soulcrushing big budget hollywood garbage
oh you're going to be disappointed desu

leftists hate jews. Have you paid attention to Jeremy Corbyn and BLM's rhetoric?

Sup Forums and some sand nigger countries were literally the only ones upset over WW, all because of the jew actress. It's impressive how out-of-touch Sup Forums as unlike ghostbusters 2017 which pissed off many nationwide, nobody gave a damn that the WW actress oppresses muh palestine

It also helped that the director of WW never antagonized social media with confrontational comments and the lead Gal Gadot, unlike Leslie Jones, repeatedly said the movie was apolitical and just meant to be taken as a superhero film

weebs are so pathetic

Sup Forumstards going in tryhard overdrive is so amusing to me. all over a movie kek

>repeatedly said the movie was apolitical
Well no shit Sherlock, jew knew how to lie


The Chinese will skip on Black Panther and that will crash its block office.

Nah, if Fast and the Furious with hits mess of different races and hip hop music can make bank in China so can BP

am I the only one who actually likes jew noses around here? I'd love to have a gf with a nose like that

>"Black Panther won't do well in Asia!"
Get Out's biggest foreign market was South Korea. The movie was consistently #1 at the box office there. This is despite Koreans/Asians being "huge racists" towards blacks. Hidden Figures also did really well there.

These movies didn't open in China or Japan like Black Panther will, but there's a clear market for black movies in that part of Asia.

>but but but the force awakens!
The Force Awakens was the seventh part of a series of movies that weren't popular or as beloved in that region. Of course they did poorly because of that.

Black Panther will do just as well in that part of Asia as it does in the rest of the world.

What did Hollywood mean by this?

Roman noses are pretty nice but like most facial features they can make or break a facial aesthetic.


Sad part is that it's actually more realistic this way, and deep down inside you know it's true.

He should've made Wonder Woman's fucked up forehead more accurate.


East-Asia is famous for how beloved black people are there. I don't know what these people are thinking.


It's people desperately holding onto Asia (mostly Japan) as this bastion of anti SJW culture, meaning they're supposed to hate non Asians(with exception to whites) and hold traditional values.

>niggers fighting jews
>Sup Forums tears

user, you're drinking semen...

I was being sarcastic.