Republicans are aggressive, authoritative, assertive, forceful, commanding, violent, decisive, demanding, tyrannical, compelling, constraining, imposing, bossy, dictatorial, oppressive, overbearing, totalitarian
Republicans are aggressive, authoritative, assertive, forceful, commanding, violent, decisive, demanding, tyrannical...
and egotistic
So is the rest of the world.
And rad fem dems will not vote for Clinton because they secretly desire to be dominated by a Trump presidency
Whereas, you're redundant shill.
The other shill thread isn't even cold yet faggot.
WHy is every bad person in his comics alpha as fuck
Better than being a massive faggot.
Exactly why they are born leaders.
Jews fear the samurai.
That'd be amazing to see.
Yeah i completely agree with that.
And theres nothing wrong with that
>Horsey is such a cuckold that he actually thinks that will be perceived negatively
>new face
Isn't what the liberals have been painting the Republican Party as forever
>assertive, commanding, decisive, demanding, compelling
>libshits think these are negative qualities
Not a fan of Trump, but these leftist are so retarded and blind. Can't wait to see Hillary get BTFO.
When given a choice women will always choose to submit
>im scared of anything manly
>if you are not a numale you are BAAAD, m'kay?
They are basically irrational animals? Yeah, I agree.
Why is a male hormone bad?
It's melanin or esteogen bad?
>Being manly is wrong
He's a big goy
>face of the Democratic party
>Being a large WHITE MALE is inherently bad
What if he was a gay bear? Is he ok to you then?
>masculinity is evil
So all of the things we need to survive in this brave new world you shit libs created ?
4 jew
That's antifa
What's wrong with testosterone? You want to be able to raise healthy kids, right?
Looks baller as hell. I need that belt
But neither muslims or blacks are Republicans
>implying that is a bad thing
They are so straight up with their hatred towards masculinity
This is bad...why?
I'm down with that
I'm failing to see the insult.
Oh lawdy! Is that sum misandry faggotry I sees.
More "fuck men" bullshit from the SickFucks Injustice warriors.
Is Horsey the ultimate cuck?
What, you mean the stuff they pump into Female to Male transgenders?
Horsey a transphobe confirmed.
When you insult half your country, how can you expect to win?
Normal people are getting real sick of the constant 'politically correct' police out there. Until the left can address this; they have no chance in November The constant name calling, jibs, and just plain flat out hate towards literally 50% of the country that you need to vote along side you; doesn't make you guys any friends.
Why the fuck is testosterone constantly associated with aggression?
you're a big guy
Because some people are fucking morons.
>Republicans are like my dad, they make me do stuff, and won't let me be a fat NEET disgrace to my nation/race
Also, Democrats get destroyed by fish.
In other words, #Based
I think there's some Freudian shit going on but I'm not sure.
you know that you are are not allowed to use that word anymore, right?
Just like the leftist.
Huh, how about that, a Horsey comic I actually like. It really catalyzes cognition. I guess that horsefucker finally realizes that his side can't win, so they might as well submit to the white, male, superman, overlords.
Because in the femtopia, all things masculine must be demonized.
>A man with no more options left
Did Horsey shot himself in the foot?
What's is better: an alpha like pic or a numale beta?
That is supposed to be a bad guy?
>testosterone is bad
>being male is bad
>lifting is bad
kys nu-male faggot feminist shill
To continue the demonization of masculinity in white men.
Horsey's dad probably beat him one too many times
Horsey doesn't even have a lower body by now mate
>Nothing wrong the post.
I'm 5'4, crossdress and masturbate with dildos, I would vote for Trump if I were an american. Thus, I conclude this picture is objectively wrong.
Nice full house
Horsei boi pocci
>not wanting glorious Republican mass
You seem pretty low test famalam
You should thank him for the compliments.
Ha, that's the first time getting dubs.
But the people that listen are already on his side.
This particular comic confuses me. Is Horsey for or against the new more muscular Republican party?
Does he secretly want to be dominated by a strong Alpha male as depicted ?
So conservatives are cool and alpha as fuck?
Wheres the original
>liberal "men" think this is an insult
No, being alpha as fuck and buff isn't cool.
That IS the original.
Buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword, buzzword.
without fellow bros that were all those things youd be getting pinned and pooned by less friendly bros that are all those things
Mirin bear mode and jaw
>Oy vey goyim, dont u know that being a masculine, strong high-test man is sexist! Dont foyget ta take ya estrogen shots
Horsey must have an editor right? Makes you wonder how many people saw this and unanimously agreed "yes, this is an unflattering portrayal of our enemies"
not often are there good complements on pol
thanks user that is a great pic
Literally the best compliment the GOP has had in ages.
Beats being a pudgy asexual beta who jacks off to
>2 posts by this ID
>There is a problem with this.
Testosterone or a male culture is the reason the West is going to collapse and the reason that Slavs will still be around.
the shilling on this board is at the moment unbearable
>Looking big
>looking solid
>looking thight
>he's not a beta numale Clinton supporter with dyed hair and thick rim "problem" glasses
>he must be racist/homophobic/xenophobic/sexist/
Don't be such a regressive pussy and build your test levels.
Never gets old.
stop posting edited horsey cartoons
So they are Alpha? That doesn't seem bad to me.
>Republicans are aggressive, authoritative, assertive, forceful, commanding, violent, decisive, demanding, tyrannical, compelling, constraining, imposing, bossy, dictatorial, oppressive, overbearing, totalitarian
They either call us this, or weak losers, or old dying white men......they will call us anything as long as it makes us look bad.
and also they all have small dick
Is this supposed to be negative? Looks alpha as fuck t.b.h.
so being a pussy makes you a Democrat.
thanks for admitting that mate.
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