im on my way
trump 2016
And don't you dare be come with all that mess now.
Im from the US, the north of Norway is pretty comfy.
My body is ready.
I wore a bandana to blend it with the Indians.
Turns out, I just blended in with the gangsters.
Now, I sell coke.
What do I do?
come down near Oslo, and it is a shit hole
Whats wrong with Olso, haven't been. I am up in the Arctic.
Serious question: why aren't the tons of unemployed Eurofags migrating here en mass? I was hoping for millions of Greeks and Italians to come here by now.
Because niggers.
It is over run by migrants, im not kidding. Some places now are no go zones, like green land in Oslo. When i grew up it was a nice place, i could walk down there no problem when i was a kid. Now police won't even go there at night.
If millions of them come here we can have legitimate power again. Italians have historically been the noble defenders of our inner cities but once they moved out to the suburbs the dindus started to ruin Chicago, St Louis, Philadelphia, etc.
never come to brazil then
>All these yuros coming to the US now
who knew it was this easy
>why aren't the tons of unemployed Eurofags migrating here en mass?
Don't we have to have relative in the US to migrate?
South Brazil pls brazexit and come here pls
Because legal immigration is fucking impossible, there isn't much euro immigration
Trust me, if it was as simple as getting a job and flying over, I'd be on the plane in a few hours
Not that I don't love my country but the women are hideous and I wanna shoot guns which aren't bolt action and designed in 1905.
m-marry me senpai
Because H1B Visas are all taken by curry niggers.
>it's easy to go to America legally
I'm going.
No need
no thanks
I would love to honestly. What states can you recommend? I love moderate climates and jobs
Are you a girl? No gay shit.
Because it's actually near impossible for white people to migrate to the US.
Does fag marriage count? if it does we can marry over others and then just divorce
That's one way to do it. But as long as you have a college degree and find a job that basically says they'll hire you it should be easy to come here.
Wew lad. You must be in the army. Are you FFL? What's your regiment?
No wonder there are so few argentian immigrants
Ah nice, ill just get a job then, hows the us market? like ours i assume
I just arrived, now what?
I think the conservatives from Canada should come to the US and liberals in the US should move to Canada. Then, we crate a northern wall as well, and we have a great social experiment: which country will have greater success, conservative-run US or liberal-run Canada.
America's garbage
what we need is to carve off a big hunk of that 99% white north-central region and make a new country
It isn't.
I've been reading into it since I was 14. You need a really good job waiting for you to even be considered, and wait years.
if the US gave free green cards to white, english speaking europeans i'd be on the plane tomorrow
New Jersey desu. Nice suburban neighborhoods and doesn't have nearly as much nigs or spics as you would think.
d-delet this
I always thought middle Pennsylvania was really nice. Not cash rich but decent weather and gun friendly
Hahahaha, I'm imaging it now, thousands of gay Sup Forums weddings and divorces.
Very hard to move there. You need a job before hand even if you have money to stay there for years in an apartment, and it's hard to get approved sometimes the job will not do it.
it's easiest to go there as a tourist and just stay there indefinitely. Sweden doesn't have visa checks either so we can go there without applying still, but I wouldn't wanna do that since it's illegal, and Trump would kick me out :)
New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah,
Switch to crack to maintain a higher margin
Buy a gun
>if the US gave free green cards to white, english speaking europeans i'd be on the plane tomorrow
How would trump feel about this?
Yes need. In the US you don't to enroll into the army and go risk your life in a shithole at the other end of the world in order to have one of these
Why? To get shot By cops?
Why would I emigrate in a country in which whites will be a minority by 2040?
>Anonymous (ID: xkDaMJKH) 08/01/16(Mon)21:20:18 No.83757663▶
Fuck off, I want Europe to take back their own countries while we take back ours.
A strong UK, A strong German, Russian, and even Roman empire. Unite your own countries in the wake the failed EU. Replace the NWO with ine of our design! This movement is Hitler's will. Heil Hitler!
don't give up, i moved here from Brazil 16 years ago and got my green card 3 years in, just don't come illegally.
I have thought about similar projects a lot tbqh. The USA pretty much used to be the country that united white capitalist minded people from all over the world. We should cleanse it or start a new project all over again, for redpilled people this time
>implying I would leave my comfy surburban euro village for a 40 million nigger invested country like united states of mud people
If only.
Unfortunately our immigration department doesn't give a fuck about educated, non-criminal Europeans. It's easier for a poor, wanted-for-robbery Mexican to get citizenship.
Seriously. If all the white people of the world could illegally immigrate like the Mexicans, we'd be fucking god-tier.
Liar. All the major cities are shit except Jersey City but that's only in downtown area. The only decent place is Bergen county but then you have to deal with koreaniggers, jews, and high property taxes
and a cowboy hat
the Famas is shit, i did the marksman course with frenchies while in Kabul and your """special""" forces couldn't hit targets beyond 250m
even a m4 with irons can
Nice, how is the trigger pull on the FAMAS? Most bullpups I have encountered feel like you are finger fucking the Jet Puff marshmallow man every time you squeeze the trigger.
Hey, some of you whites are pretty cool. Come to America tomorrow if you want to live.
We have 1965 to thank for that.
We definitely need a cleansing. Starting over, with all conservative-minded people would be a great start.
people don't understand american exceptionalism anymore mate. it's a thing of the past, can we revive it?
why leave my 100% white village to be surrounded by niggers and mexicans, i don't get what OP is asking.
We sure can.
The base version is good, I have no problem shooting until 200m.
But the famas used for war is not the same.
Don't know because it's the only rifle I've ever use so to me it's look normal.
I think an America lead by conservatives would be a large step towards reviving it. It would be like an adrenaline shot to the heart.
k give me a house
I now pronounce you neckbeard and weeb.
>used for war
>it's the only rifle I've ever use
>I've ever use
I'll wait until trump is in office and actually does what he promises.
So are you FFL now or not?
Can you become a US citizen by marrying one?
who knows, probably prefer it to mexicans and muslims.
my ideal immigration policy would be:
must pass english test
must pass american history test
never allowed any form of government welfare
no criminal convictions
whaddya think ameribros?
Only if i can be a cop. Will sell every thing to go then.
Way ahead of you buddy
>marrying my burger gf in a year once I'm done with my Master's in Great Britainistan
Contrary to popular belief, not anyone is welcome in the United States. The requirements to legally immigrate here are tough to meet for somebody with no contacts or connections in the US already.
Of course, this only applies to whites. Niggers and shitskins have a much easier time
French army is the lulz. Enjoy your 40yo FAMAS and your clips that don't even fit anymore because of the wear, nothing more fun that having the clip falling to your feet while firing that pos. Also iron sight is shit, blocks almost your entire FOV.
Yes absolutly
No thanks mate. Too many niggers for my liking.
Na, I rather fight the muslim hords with wild slavs, its funnier then fighting against stupid nigger.
>All white people, come to America now and join the miscegenation cesspool party.
No thanks, mutt.
sure, just stop prioritizing low skill immigrants and I will be right there (same goes for you Britain)
Good. Warms my heart.
wew lad get on my level
this isnt even half my guns
How did you get an American gf in the uk? penpal sites? so far marriage seems the easiest route
You can, but it's hard to convince a girl living on another continent to marry you.
I probably will if Trump is elected. If Hillary wins you're just as fucked as we are. Don't become like Sweden, please elect Trump.
No, regular army
It's the base version.
Of course there are better version you can shoot with like the felin version
Which one is Hillary going to take first?