>africa is 3rd wo-
Africa is 3rd wo-
What's supposed to be special about Iron Man if there's a whole country on earth with space ships and technology that's better than his stuff?
>Hollywood has to use CGI to make Africa 1st world
They're an isolationist society that doesn't share their advances with anybody. They have the cure for cancer, but refuse to share it, because they believe the western world will weaponize it.
>the skyscraper with the straw roof
>100 story grass hut
>el dorado is in south amer-
>They have the cure for cancer, but refuse to share it, because they believe the western world will weaponize it.
Is this real?
Truly The policy of "fuck off were full" is what builds empires
the flying car was too much. willing to over look everything except that.
its like plasma guns for the amazonians in wonder woman makes no damn sense
How come this space age African society doesn't at least give a little aid to African countries in extreme poverty?
What do you think AIDS was ?
is this real?
One of the main conflicts of Black Panther as a comic is just how isolationist Wakanda is. T'Challa is basically a progressive with how much he allows the Avengers to break Wakandan law and shit
reparations? dat shit be for whitey
>keeps others out with big wall
>good guy
what did marvel mean by this?
I'm not gonna beat around the bush here guys, I won't like this film because I don't like black people.
is there a trump shop of this?
You have no idea.
Apparently Wakanda invented guns, then invented technology to make all guns in the area just not work, before the rest of the world invented guns.
If you think Batman with prep time is bullshit Black Panther is Batman with all the time prepped centuries ago by his ancestors.
Hudlin's run is loathed for a reason
That said, Kirby and Priest's runs were great
It's ok if blacks do it.
>blacks are allowed to do it but whites aren't
At least you're honest
Wakanda's not entirely noble
Advanced and lucky yes, but its history has its sketchy parts
White people problems, user.
Africans don't care about other Africans (outside of their tribal unit) except for using them for a reason to get gibs.
1.) This was made before trump's wall became controversial
2.) Marvel comics aren't always left-wing politically, in fact until about 2014 most weren't
3.) It isn't shown that Wakanda is good here, it's morally ambiguous
Is this shit a fucking joke?
XD! Good meme, fwend!
There's probably something under it and they put it on for decoration
Same tbqh
Which is ironic since I liked Straight Outta Compton. Marvel is pushing the Jew version of blackness here. Jews have always looked down on blacks as subhuman.
>mfw some animator put it in as a joke and no one noticed
Guys it look like fun usual marvel movie stuff, but what in the fuck isn't this ridiculously patronizing to black people ?
>Reddit is bette.....
>getting mad enough to reply to me
>tv getting pissed off at a fictional world that exists in a franchise involving a Norse God from another dimension, a talking space raccoon, and a Russian spy whose superpower is she can fight whilst wearing tight pants
>Reddit is bett...
>isn't this ridiculously patronizing to black people
It is but don't expect BLM to make the connection
All of that is more believable than niggers running a modern society on their own, let alone a super advanced and futuristic one.
>It isn't shown that Wakanda is good here, it's morally ambiguous
>It's morally ambiguous that you priorities are with your own people
>it's morally ambiguous to save your people and not some random stranger
The west really should fall
DC btfo yet again
>blacks with a functioning society
wow this really is fantasy!
If I wanted to look at R*ddit posts I'd go to R*ddit, pleb. You have to go back.
>Wakanda's not entirely noble
>Advanced and lucky yes, but its history has its sketchy parts
Hey just like America, amirite?
Wakanda is the comics is just this weirdly racist Mary-Sue-topia. Its pretty much pure WE WUZ KINGS level delusional fantasy.
I really wonder how they're going to handle it in the MCU.
secret civilization can be seen on google maps
haha you replied on a forum HAHAHA
top kek
>that mud hut
Oh fuck.... my sides.... hahahahahahplease send help
>we need a futuristic "African theme'd" city
>let's just make skyscrapers with mudhuts ontop of them
Why not just use Nubian or Kushite architecture since niggers and liberals are too dumb to check a Atlas anyways?
it will look like that in the future when natural resources run out in the west and the white man, once again, comes around to make things better
Hol up... so you sayin...
*completes mathematical formula*
Ayo hol up
*discovers cure for common cold*
So you's sayin...
*pilots starship*
*activates warp drive*
We wuz
*enlightens humanity*
We sum finna
*builds mud hut skyscraper*
Sum finna
*levitates pyramids with the power of melanin*
*becomes kang*
>without white people invading us, enslaving us and stealing our resources we would be exploring the stars now
My god, it was true!
there's no way this is real.
>super advanced society STILL doing this shit
Liberals are the racist ones. I'd have no problem with nogs if they created and succeded in their own countries rather than shitting up ours.
If I insert disc 2 would he die?
You used "finna" incorrectly. Afraid I'm going to have to report you.
>I'd have no problem with nogs if they created and succeded in their own countries rather than shitting up ours.
To be fair it's kind of our fault they are shitting up the West.
Every day I try to imagine an America that didn't import these people then set them "free" on the government dime.
why are you so upset
this is literally the most racist shit ive seen all year
>that prequel-tier CGI
I haven't read the comic, and know nothing about this shit, but just guided by what I'm seeing on thar trailer I can say that this whole thing looks stupid as fuck and will definitely suck ass. Though cancerous normalfags will eat this shit up like they always do(they like to eat shit), so I predict this will end up around 400mill worldwide,
You have millionaire rockstarts that are full of tattoos and rich chinese that throw hundreds into dumb fin soup that taste like shit. People always do dumb shit.
I know, but it's the meme, friendo. The original memester used it incorrectly. Call the jannie I don't give a fuck.
dam bruh u got mad af
how is this shit not cultural appropriation?
i thought this was bad, liberals. make up your minds.
it takes 300 animators and a committee of writers to give Africa a functioning country
Trailer made the movie look pretty fun though.
Black Director
A tattoo doesn't impact functionality of a body part. This is more akin to an ear guage but even that is decoration and a convenient way to totally wreck a person in a fight.
Grossly distending a membrane meant to form a seal to keep the oral environment clean is not even on the same order of body modification. These people, IN REALITY do this because they live in a microcosm where that sort of thing is normal.
Fin soup... rich people spend money on shit, so what.
fucking regressive left
those mud hut skyscrappers make my blood boil
Is he African? Like, born and raised.
Or is he American or worse, British.
>he says when there are thousands of white teenagers with stretched and spaced ears
>Cure for cancer
>Weaponize it
Boy niggers sure cover every angle.
American, filmed in Africa
cant wait for the next year of 4chin, will be constant neckbeard crying about this movie
>A nigger movie
Yeah, I ain't seeing that shit bro. I'm not a racist by the way.
Too colonial.
*hip-hop music plays*
Actually I don't even know
I see this all the time what is this any why do that do that?
If i pull it off would he die
>Wakandan computer technology is much more powerful than that of the rest of the world, and is completely immune to outside hacking, as it is not based on binary electronics; it can, however, emulate the behavior of such electronics at hugely enhanced efficiencies, allowing it to easily hack almost any conventional system.
fucking christ.
and you know this "WE ISOLATIONIST" provides the original writers cover for why such an advanced country could exist in the midst of donkey-ass sucking poverty.
America is a super advanced society yet people do this to their ears.
yeah spidey bro fisting obama wasn't embarrassingly leftist or politcal or anything
Because they are fucking stupid.
To create movie Wakanda they probably looked at the most debased nigger village they could find and said, "what if they were super advanced kangz n shiet?"
Sorry to break it to you, but the kikes where the ones that imported niggers, go ask Sup Forums for proof.
Yeah I know
>Sup Forums
Just do it.
No I'm good. My heroes owned slaves, that's how it is.
I guess it's kind of cute when you put them in people clothes and they try to learn to speak like you and are utterly subservient, etc. And the pussy is tight af
Now we get to reap the government and whites being put in the untenable position of slavery being bad, but can't send them back.
goofy looking ears on hipster baristas versus giant slapping slobbering lip on an educated (evil?) supervillain.
"I will stop you, I'm black panther"
"We have a Hulk"
Not sure what you're pic is supposed to prove. All that shit was made by white colonials.
It honestly does look like a cartoon. I would assume it's racist tripe if it wasn't MARVEL
And I imagine that's going to give this most paternalistic bullshit a pass.
Armond's review will be AMAZING
>One of the leading possible cures for cancer is a genetically modified virus
>could easily be weaponize and used to rewrite genetics on a massive scale
Are you sure you aren't a nigger yourself?
>"We have a Hulk"
>America is a super advanced society
is this the most diverse cast in motion picture history?