There are lots of women who just want a husband and kids. You are just too much of a faggot to ask white women out. Why is that? Politicians, especially in Europe, need white people to marry more and have more kids.
Why doesn't Sup Forums want a family and kids?
I allready have kids.
3 kids, all of them boys.
Two with blonde hair and blue eyes,none with brown hair and blue eyes.
Never been prouder.
Soon they shall be proud soldiers of the National Socialist idea..
Those "women" that want to settle are the same ones that have been riding chad's cock for the past 10 years. No one wants to marry a piece of used up trash.
You know I fucked up really bad. I only had a few girlfriends in my Life, but nothing too long term. No plans for a family or anything.
And I have this Friend of mine which is good looking, fit and shares my politcal ideas. We basically grew up togheter since we were 5yo.
One day She asks me if I'm in a relationship and start flirting with me. She told me She wanted a fucking family and I pussied out like a bitch. I now lost my Best friend and I realized that I love her. I don't know why I'm writing this here, I never told anyone.
Pls no bully, I feel like shit whenever I think about it
I would like a family, but I'm not in a position to support one right now.
I have 1 son with a racist republican girl.
Get your faggot asses into a church and you can too
Admit your love to her, Luigi. Go back and get her. She can still be yours, go now before it's too late!!
just talk with her and try to make a family.
>There are lots of women who just want a husband and kids.
that is, they finally got tired of partying so they want a beta provider to come in and support her so she can stay at home, and then divorce me a decade later, run off with the kids (regardless of whether she's been a poor mother or not) and claim alimony and child support.
Oh yeah and the whole bit about bringing children into a world that's shittier than ever and continuing to get worse. Yeah. Sure. I'll get right on that.
This. Do it, Luigi! It will be beautiful.
Nah I can't go back, I basically ran away when she told me. I'd look like an idiot. I'm trying to get over it, but I live in a small town and it's become really awkward. I have to pretend we are friends like before.
I would like to discuss with her, but I don't want to make things worse
Because I dont have longevity problems anymore.
And im not interested in Raising children. That being disciplining your kids, and sitting your son on your lap and teaching him how to tie his shoes... etc.
I dont think ill ever be interested in that.
>I allready have kids.
>3 kids, all of them boys.
>Two with blonde hair and blue eyes,none with brown hair and blue eyes.
>Never been prouder.
Congratulations. I think you are one of the good people who hold up European values. There should be more of you.
>Those "women" that want to settle are the same ones that have been riding chad's cock for the past 10 years.
That does not matter. Just marry one of them, have kids and provide for the kids. It is the white kids that count.
I don't know. I'm too afraid to make it even worse and lose her completely. She is/was my best friend and almost like a family member
>I don't know why I'm writing this here, I never told anyone.
Is she married now? Is she still available? Just call her up.
Only the bold ones succeed in life.
Fix it. Make your life great again!
You're being stupid and you're autistic anyway.
>pool of viable wives/mothers dwindling every day
>job market absolutely annihilated
>houses cost an arm and a leg
>debt before even going into college/university
I could go on.
>I'd look like an idiot.
Who the fuck cares!? It's your life man. Call her now. Send her an SMS, send her a whatsapp, whatever.
What's better, to be an idiot your whole life or being called an idiot for 5 minutes and then have a wife and kids that you love?
Trust me, I have screwed up in the past too, many times - some shit I would not want to change, but other shit, HELL YES, I want to change. Even if people called me an idiot for screwing up.
>I'm too afraid to make it even worse and lose her completely. She is/was my best friend and almost like a family member
Then just ask her if she wants to go for lunch or for a coffee etc. First talk, then talk more - win her over.
The world needs to be populated with white babies. You can do it.
>implying im white
>implying im not a snownigger
Just doing my part by not reproducing
I think she is, it happened just two weeks ago. I wouldn't even know What to Say. I feel like I'm 16 again
It could go both ways. I could lose my best friend completely. I probably offended her
>>pool of viable wives/mothers dwindling every day
Canada - you got more educated white women than educated white men. There are lots of desperate end-20s, beginning 30s women who want a husband in your country. Lots.
>>job market absolutely annihilated
Canada is thriving, what are you talking about?
>>houses cost an arm and a leg
Not in the countryside, they do not, right?
>>debt before even going into college/university
Work hard, get a scholarship. Plus, you know that interest rates are at historic lows, right?
>it happened just two weeks ago. I wouldn't even know What to Say. I feel like I'm 16 again
2 weeks? It's not too late man. Send her a whatsapp now - ask her how she is doing and if she wants to go for a coffee. Women love talking. Especially Italian women!
Make her yours, dude!
Eh you are probably right.
Anyway, sorry, I didn't want to turn this thread into a blogpost, but it's the only place where you have some anonymity
This. This must happen!
Don't be a bitch. If you want her you go and try to fight for her. If you just wanted us to pity you then fuck off.
Tell us tomorrow how it went. Be open with her... but don't fucking tell her you love her right away (wait for that 1 month into the relationship). Just go out, be fun, be there for her - show her, you are the man she wants to grow old with.
We need more white babies! Do it for us, for Sup Forums.
>Canada - you got more educated white women than educated white men. There are lots of desperate end-20s, beginning 30s women who want a husband in your country. Lots.
>having kids with desperate sluts trying to escape their slutty lives
How about fuck that?
>Canada - you got more educated white women than educated white men. There are lots of desperate end-20s, beginning 30s women who want a husband in your country. Lots.
Nice try, Schlomo.
>Canada - you got more educated white women than educated white men. There are lots of desperate end-20s, beginning 30s women who want a husband in your country. Lots.
Good idea, I'll live in the country and drive myself, my wife and my kids 2 hours to and from work/school every day.
>Canada - you got more educated white women than educated white men. There are lots of desperate end-20s, beginning 30s women who want a husband in your country. Lots.
The fucking point is you shouldn't have to go to school to have a decent paying job when you can support a family. My grandparents did it, my parents did it, I couldn't do it even if I wanted.
These are simply not times for the majority of Gen Xers and millennials to start families.
>reproduce for the sake of your society goyim!
I'm too lazy to. I imagine when I get a job I'll want to get a gf/wife even less
>3 kids
Maybe I'll give her a call tomorrow. It probably won't get worse than it already is, plus I Can always pretend I was joking
I'm probably a faggot for posting this here. Thank God we don't have permanent IDs
>It probably won't get worse than it already is, plus I Can always pretend I was joking
You are a faggot, if you don't call her. Even if there isn't a romantic relationship coming out of this, at least you are a grown up man and talk to her. That's a decent thing to do.
But I do!
I need to finish school first and get a decent job before I have one tho. That and find a gf..
>tfw no gf
those same poleticians OP mentions also empowered women to completely destroy men and reduced the role of the father to a paystub and powerless incompetent ninny. So men don't have the authority, respect, or power over the woman or family any more. So why bother -- it's a liability without much benefit. In the past you came home to an orderly home, sex, and well prepared food. At least that was the ideal. Today you come home to none of that and a bitch who will dump you any time she likes and walk with a meal ticket forever until you die.
That is the difference between whites and non-whites, and why whites have much lower birth rates than non-whites.
Whites are realistic and plan these things. By the time you graduate, get a decent job, get married, and have 1 kid, Tyrone has 14 kids that he has been popping out since age 15
We either need to start breeding like bunnies or we are just utterly fucked. Tyrone doesnt care
Yea you are right. It's pointless to just avoid her. Thanks for the talk, really. I know it sounds cliché and faggy but I appreciate it.
we need to abort tyrone-niglets
If you actually believe what you just typed you are looking for the totally wrong kind of woman.
Not a great example, but I got drunk and hit my wife once in our lives. Do you know what she said the next day? Im sorry. I know I deserved that.
The kind of women you are talking about would have had me arrested. If a woman wont say the word nigger, spic, and expects anything other than to cook, clean, and provide you happiness, she is worthless
because kids are little dumb shits that will waste your time and money, and women are big dumb shits that will waste extreme amounts of your precious time and money. I prefer to do drugs and play vidya and watch the world go to shit, i wont stick around long enough to see its effects anyway, and global warming would fuck the place up even if there were white kids.
Be realistic.
You dont see white men in the south refraining from children "until the time is right". They will breed their wife every 10 months until the trailer is too small, get a bigger trailer, and start over again.
You now also see why so many people say our children will not have lives better than our own. That kind of economic stability no longer exists in the world
Well that's the thing, I want to find a girl that wants to have AT LEAST two kids if not more.
No. I have no desire to raise and take care of more humans. I don't need that stress. Besides, having that many kids increases the likelihood that they'll all end up hating you.
>yes, goy! more slaves for the working class
I don't want to give this world another slave. Just got snipped on Friday.
Most people on pol shouldn't be having kids. We don't need to worry about it though since they're all too beta to get girlfriends.
>talking to women
>going outside
Geordie detected.
I don't know any women who haven't slept with a huge amount of men already
Call me prudish or whatever you want, I'm not judging them or calling them bad people, but at the same time I have absolutely no attraction to them.
1. Bloodlines and "family values" are not important in the USA as it's a low-quality new-world country and people are deprived of heritage and such which you need for actual family values or importance of nationality.
2. The US is a *terrible* place to raise children or have them exposed to, from having them exposed to estrogens and neurotoxins from the "food" to the crap culture to the high crime rate and obesity rate. Circumcision is still an epidemic problem although it's dropped a lot since the 1970's, but still it's a nasty anti-white thing and there are still brainwashed anti-western girls who "prefer" mutilated, so even if you're smart and don't have him cut he might still run into such brainwashed girls. Overall the US is worse for males than it is females.
3. I loathe bodily fluids and excretions and anything related to that, far far more than other people. Having children would have to greatly outweigh my utter loathing for diapers and stuff
4. The upsides to the USA, such as low taxes, escapist entertainment culture, potential for lax responsibility, mobility, entrepreneurship, all favor a single, bachelor lifestyle. SINK and DINK lifestyles are best fit for 'murrica
Being a childless manchild in Austria might be a loathesome and destructive idea, but in the US it's perfectly moral and acceptable to do
i do want kids and all that cliche crap but i cant because im sick as fuck so i dont bother trying. i have been trying to get better though. idk though its rough.
Geordies have all had dark hair/eyes in my experience
until the beta uprising happens of course