why lefties compare trump with hitler when in fact stalin was way more evil than hitler why the holodomor is never mentioned while holocaust is always mentioned at least Holodomor is 100% real unlike holocaust whre we have some controversial facts ? also they say that in holocaust where 6 million deads while in Holodomor died over 7 million people
Let's say that the facts about hitler are 100% real but still stalin did way more harm to this world
In history books, allies scums are showed as heroes but in reality they were more evil than nazi they helped a monster like stalin to take over easten europe and kill millions of people by starvation and working camps and fucking wiped out 2 big cities using nukes if Nazis where that evil they say the allies scums where 10 times more evil
relly make you think about the history books if they present us the allies scums as the saviors of the world
Why lefties compare trump with hitler when in fact stalin was way more evil than hitler why the holodomor is never...
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btw i don't want to say that nazi were the good guys but allies were as evil as them
No idea m8
hmmm let's see let's see an ideology that pushes for racial homogeneity and overt nationalism is simultaneously attacked by both (((capitalism))) and (((communism))) hmmm really makes you think huh really tingles your tinglees huh really thunks your thonks eh
But Sup Forums said Ukraine was not a real country?
and i think that we should pay more attention to holodomor just imagine how evil can some one be to kill 7 million people by starvation
Reminder: Stalin was a Jew
why do you care about hohols? you have cernauti and ismail to reclaim
This faggot hated russians too. God i hate liberal scum.
Tell me about Stalin. Why does he wear the stache?
doesn't matter if ukraine is a real country or not the sad thing is that i never learned at school about holodomor while we had endless chapters about holocaust i'm not saying that we shouldn't learn about holocaust what i try to say is that they should teach kids in schools about holodomor too
btw i just want to ask you Sup Forums do you remeber having lessons about holodomor in your history hours when you were at school ?
well i find it suspicious how they are trying to hide from us horrors made by soviets
Stalin killed corrupted people, people filled with hate, rage and greed. They were a waste of oxygen. Something that should be done again imo. The likes of Trump and his supporters i.e. are a holding the evolution of the human species and they should be wiped out.
Hitler killed jews because they were jews, something they could not control, since noboday demands to be born.
Enemy of people... if came to power would ruin our industry... give critical parts of economy to private owners... make our land just a resource addition to western capitalism... and enslave our country by making endless debts.
Wew 100% accurate.
nothing suspicious
president of the european comission, juncker, is a jew
president of the european parliament, schulz, is a jew
no deaths matter besides the (((chosen people)))'s
you'll find that is it illegal to deny the holocaust in romania, but not illegal to deny the holodomor in RASSM and the 1946 starvation in RSSM
jews are the natural enemy of mankind
Because history is written by the winners.
>trying to bring up anything but the 6 gorillion
Did you even watch Schindler's list? When was the last time you went to a Holocaust museum? Consider discussing these anti-semitic sentiments with some well adjusted individuals on Facebook so they can right the misconception you are struggling with.
wow wtf, i love stalin now!
>the holodomor
New York Times reporters were in Ukraine at the time, they said the claims of mass starvation were bullshit.
also here it's illegal to wear nazi symbols but is not illegal to wear commie symbols
fucking triggered
Communist Sympathizers.
>(((New York Times)))
really makes you think huh
War with Romania when?
>Soviet famine of 1932-1933
>7 million Russians die from starvation in the RSFSR
>Kazakhstan loses 47% of its population
>Ukrainians instantly give the famine a nice nickname and start milking it for shekels
No wonder in Russia we have a proverb "When the Khohol was born, the Jew started to cry"
>start milking it for shekels
Ukraine had no fucking reparations after the holodomor unfortunately people barely know about this genogice
fuck off kike
we are one people
ever heard of famine before?
Lefties are retards, nothing new.
In Germany, the majority of people are leftist scums.
t. hitler
Famines happen all the time.
the russian government denies the holodomor, while the krauts cannot even ask if the holocaust is real hahahahahaha
Stalin dnw.
Hitler for them is not a historical figure, he is a way of saying Haman or The Devil.
Nobody says this enough anymore:
Who's the guy with hipster hair behind Adolf? Is it a tan Germany?
give me proof for holodomor. it was something of such a small scale, only during (and after) ww2 the nazis (and nazi sympathizers) started going on about it so as to take the heat of their backs for their own shit. fucking idiots still fall for these meme
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