So what's really the difference between Sup Forums and Reddit?
So what's really the difference between Sup Forums and Reddit?
Sup Forums is dumb people acting dumb
reddit is dumb people trying to act smart
Reddit is culturally relevant, Satan.
Required registration and usernames, anything you post is tied to you, so you can't samefag or backpedal.
Voting system, so people post for upboats and only upvoted posts get read.
Layout, the reddit layout is impossible to navigate or understand.
Sup Forums is people of angry virgins acting stupid and trying to trigger eachother.
reddit is full of mentally disabled people that fellate eachother with upboats so they can all feel better about themselves
A few things
are you the dude on the right :^)
reddit has mods
You get shut out of the conversation if your opinion is contrary to the mainstream on reddit. On Sup Forums you're just told to kill yourself
Sup Forums is for intelligent people with a superior sense of humor and wit
reddit is for cucks, atheist and dumb liberals
Why does the neckbeard think archiving ever achieves anything? I spit on you, parasite
>intelligent people
We might have a few smarty farts here but the majority of Sup Forums posters are probably average in intellect.
Is this bait
Sup Forums is on more layers of irony than reddit
got that off reddit, did ya?
why won't you answer which one you are, neet?
are you going to change filenames again :^)
3 post in a row, all correct.
So basically the difference is reddit is pretentious
>Sup Forums is for intelligent people with a superior sense of humor and wit
Top fucking kek
I browse Reddit when I'm at work due to the fact that some Australian is usually posting cuck porn on here when I'm working.
There is a difference. Reddit is basically just normie Sup Forums where everyone is just patting each other and themselves on the back. Every attempt to be funny on there is some of the most lame humor I've seen because most people there seem to be afraid of posting anything slightly controversial. Also the numale meme is fuckin real there. The amount of unjust positivity towards anything there is probably the stupidest thing. Whether it be towards movies or games.
>we're the cool kids, here on Sup Forums!
This pensive boy has a community within himself
More OC comes out of Sup Forums than reddit
why won't you answer??
you have 62 with that and 51 with his one
are you the guy on the right??
Yeah, I guess that's why every fucking thread has regurgitated twitter-speak in it.
It's not 2013 anymore.
This, OC memes like baneposting is proof of our superiour intelect.
74 with this
looks like you're the only one posting that image yet you're still here??
i feel like the average poster on here is more informed than the average reddit poster
Gotta thank Sup Forums for that.
They force us to know about world events like happenings and rapes even if we didn't want to know about it
based Sup Forums
all of reddit isn't the same. almost all the boards on Sup Forums are very similar in how they behave and talk. reddit has a lot more variety. not every subreddit is the stereotypical r/atheism fedora tippers spot. for example the opie and anthony subreddit is very clearly full of a bunch of Sup Forums posters.
you have to go back
our unifying trait is not intelligence or anything like that. you can't even say social life is different, since plebbitors are mostly losers as well.
the main distinguishing feature of redditors is their pride and their egos (as reinforced by their internet good boi points). with this shared emphasis on ego, their discussions are always alongside this corny self-righteousness, complimenting, and groupthink that comes from being conscious of the social interaction itself of posting, which doesn't really belong on the internet.
the people who post on plebbit aren't necessarily the way they are by the training of using plebbit. they are a certain type of faggot that you could identify right away. the quintessential redditor in HS would join anime club or robotics club whereas the user counterpart would be at home watching anime or building robots.
if user is an abnormal person who doesn't give a shit about being abnormal, the redditor is an abnormal person with the mind of a normalfag.
yeah i will later. i actually found Sup Forums first and then made an account on reddit years later. i don't frequent the site everyday. only when i'm looking for something specific, because there is literally a board for everything over there.
not too long ago I needed advice for something and i posted the same exact thread here and on reddit looking for help. Sup Forums gave me memes
and reddit was informative and helpful. take that for what's it's worth.
that's because Sup Forums is 60-90% plebbit posters who came for the election, joined the Sup Forums cult, and never left.
that subreddit reads exactly like posts on here, though. they even hate the rest of reddit.
Sup Forums was a fun site and Reddit ruined that fun site
reddit is full of normies and autistis who can't handle bantz
>So what's really the difference between Sup Forums and Reddit?
Nothing because there's an over 90% cross over rate in the user base of both websites.
This statement hasn't been true since 2010
Both are complete shit. Reddit's upvote system is retarded, and everyone on there seems incapable of having a negative opinion on something. Then there's this shithole, which is nothing but shitty memes, BLACKED, and legitimate pedophillia. You cannot have an actual fucking discussion on a movie here
>anything you post is tied to you
i have some bad news for you about current day Sup Forums
> so you can't samefag or backpedal.
user, I also have some news for you
pepe's still count as OC
>i feel like the average poster on here is more informed than the average reddit poster
the average poster here is a 15 year old who can't stop jerking off to anime while calling his mom nigger
Reddit is an implosion of conformity.
Sup Forums is an explosion of contrarianism.
-tells you what to think through upvote system
-actively uses up and kills memes
-encourages forum circle jerking and nepotism through account system
-moderators are massive egotistic twats who censor and police as they please
-literal paid shills on the more popular subreddits
+more focused discussion on smaller subreddits
Sup Forums
+those with differing opinions garner more responses --> less circlejerk
+no thought police
+anonymous, can speak truthfully
+anonymous, can change mind without losing face
+ moderators do a decent job
+actually funny memes
-occasional porn, cp raids
-more disruption prone discussion
People on Sup Forums know their autistic and roll with it.
Rebbit "people" are autistic but pretend theyre normal.
Try posting an image on reddit
one is a bunch of faggots; reddit
another is a bunch of tryhard edgelord autistic faggots; Sup Forums
>-actively uses up and kills memes
Man, ain't that the truth.
Let's face it. Reddit sucks incredible amounts of ass but you can't really have any kind of discussion on Sup Forums. It's just memes and shit posting now.
When people repeat memes too frequently it actually damages their brains and their ability to communicate. Plus phone posters can't be bothers to write anything more than a few words, so mindlessly repeating memes is great for them.