Yall racists act tough on Sup Forums but secretly you love listening to arab/black musicians
Yall racists act tough on Sup Forums but secretly you love listening to arab/black musicians
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You're right, OP. I love listening to secular Arab nationalist music.
I'm listening to Nazi marches at the moment now actually.
Truely amazing, how the music is used by actual instruments BEING USED instead of a white made computer editing system.
When is Gucci Mane's baby due?
Damn bruh look at that lean-gut, looks so much better rn. Prison can be benificial for real niggas
You're projecting.
Nigga just got out of prison and is jacked now
Never heard any arab music.
Black music is great tho, and A Love Supreme by the John Coltrane Quartet is arguably the best album of the century.
>tfw no white person has made anything as worthy as The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady by mingus in the last 100 years
What am I projecting?
arab music sounds like the pussiest motherfuckers singing in the world. entire language is for faggots tbqh famm.
literally cant think of a single arab musician
Legionarii - Europa Nazione
A lot of the music I enjoy is derived from African American forms of music, its true.
But that music over time has become part of the fabric of Americana at large.
I won't speak for anyone else here, but I hate niggers (i.e, garbage tier blacks), not music.
Go fuck yourself.
Do any of these bands have black members?
No, no they don't.
I listen to memerwave, so 9/10 of the """musicians""" are just anonymous youtube/soundcloud accounts
gg nerd
german rap is masculine through and through compared to fags like young thugger and so on
How can you listen to this crap?
Who the fuck are you trying to impress? Girls? They must think you're an autistic little weirdo for listening to this shit
not that guy but you don't have to be trying to impress someone constantly you fucking eurocuck, are you too far gone to realize that you can actually ENJOY music for yourself?
Lil brand new sprinkled in there to keep you nice and depressed
>listening to music to impress others
If you think I listen to this when I'm driving then you really must be some kind of mong
no i only listen to asian music desu
Yes all I do is listen to black rappers
High as fuck on cocaine listening to gucci mane now
Fuck my life, I'm so out of my mind I want to die.
Someone be my friend plz
That fucking roid gut, holy shit. He's doing everything.
>he actually thinks you need a social reason to enjoy various styles of music
Yes. I love Gucci Mane. Guwop is redpilled as fuck.
modern black music is garbage. All the good black musicians are dead, I believe. Like literally, they're in the past.
Don't listen to black music.
You think Kanye is good?
I wonder if non-americans will ever understand the trappin' lifestyle
no good music made in the last 10 years. been listening to video game ost and animu ost. everything is more dramatic now. ready for a race war or WW3 or civil war
>he """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""enjoys"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" meme music which literally only exists so you can virtue signal to your other autistic little internet friends how fucking cool and alternative you are
I don't think they're that depressing, at least that album isn't
Their first album is the only other one I've heard, maybe the others are more depressing but I wouldn't know
I'm going to camp in this thread
you're right gucci mane
>he complains about using music to "virtue signal to internet friends"
>as he uses his music to virtue signal to his fellow Sup Forumstards how cool his music taste makes him
>black musicians
There hasn't been one of these in a while, unless you count monkeys rhyming words and pushing buttons on a drum machine
No, I openly detest nigger "music"
I'm a big hip hop fan but in the past few months I haven't listened to any hip hop/rap at all. Now that I think about it I haven't been listening to any black musicians.
Currently listening to some early 2000's hipster shit
No idea what they're saying, but this has been my shit for the longest.
I love Ink Spots and Armstrong.Never hid it.
Suggest me top tier oud recordings
Have you ever listened to a band called Blink 1488?
I heard a Gucci Mane song the other day. It legitimately sounded like the guy is slightly retarded.
I know it's a bit of a meme and "cool" to sound retarded on purpose nowadays (like Lil B or whatever), but this guy sounded genuinely stupid.
This one is O K but there is a racist nigger saying cracker
15 year old black retard saying he deserves respect and shooting bitches in the back is not a music.
RAP - Retards Attempting Poetry
after soultrain died no.
Black ≠ Arab.
I'm pretty sure quite a few Arab's would take offense to the suggestions that they are "sub-saharan".
But you clowns go on bolting together your frankenstein victim-coalition.
>secular nationalism
The ultimate dad pill
I dunno, maybe it's a millennial thing. I don't listen to popular music at all.
Except Sup Forums fucking hates the music I listen to and tells me I'm a gigantic pleb because I'm not listening to their memecore
This whole vapourwave bullshit is literally just a gigantic fucking meme. The only reason you would listen to that bullshit is so you can talk to your internet buddies about how special and kewl you are
Firstly no one in the real world listens to that music so if you're listening to it you obviously have no real world friends. And secondly the music is just so patently fucking shit. It's just samples of 80s and 90s music with computer beebs laid on top. Hipster meme virtue signalling. Pathetic.
Just googled it, looks like a lol.
> Arab musicians?
> Act tough.. yet listen to..
?relation there?
Go back to sleep Pooty
Your the one that needs musical enhancements to your delusions of toughness.
horrible don't post this again
I talk to literally no one IRL or on the internet except when I post on Sup Forums, and I can count the # of times I've talked about vaporwave on here on one hand
you need to quit letting your emotion preclude your logic because you're being hypocritical as fuck right now my man
A German black cock worshipper, such a shitpost
Shit you got me...
fuck off you god damn jigaboo, rap is garbage and is not an art form. arab? what? nasheeds are for queer muslims,
get the fuck off this board, who taught your ape ass how to use a keyboard
then why did you post kurdo ?
I don't hide it. I'm a hiphop-head and redpilled, wanna fite me bout it?
I remember when it was cool to listen to nasheeds.
Now, whats you opinion about the african space project and colonialism, user?
OK guys the cocaine is wearing off I'm good as fuck
I like old black music. James Brown and shit. I don't get rap at all though. It's just monkey noise to me.
*tips spiked helmet*
fuck off normie no one listens to rap above 15
it's called a pickelhaube you fucking pleb
I don't listen to any nigger music actually. It gives me a headache. And I don't know of any arab musicians either.
I've got no beef with blacks but mainstream music and culture is fucking garbage and mainstream radio-nigger music is the worst.
thats not what virtue signaling means
also kill yourself retard
I really don't listen to rap/arab music
im genuinely interested to hear what you listen to since rock music, hip hop and jazz are all 'nigger music'.
People honestly say they listen to Blink 182? They are pretty much a joke in the States.