Before/After Humanities

Sup Forums, this is pure gold. Some dudes are doing a Before/After series with people who went to college for studying humanities. Here is the result. I'll post others

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Literally cherry picked picturees of no statistical meaning, this thread's only use is to lynch people.

what is

shut your mouth, wimp.

nothing useful, social science

and this is a problem how?a purge is overdue. you want a bunch of hipster sjws with dyed hair in their 40s telling every one what to do?

you gota destroy their base which is hungry niggers and trany faggots

This should be an international trend. Come on, Sup Forums, you know someone who went to the Uni for studying sociology.

More like a cherry tree

Why be a plain white rice boy, condemned to a life of struggling for affection, when you can be a fabulous girl that everyone will fawn over?

Humanities whitewashed a nigger, noice

Looks like where the SJW factory begins. These people are brainwashed into an archetype.

More like a cherry tree forest.

Check the catalog retard

gender is entirely an invention of 20th century social science, never before had that idea existed the way they made it. they literally pulled it out of their ass. they came up with 'racism = power +..' shit


Jesus Christ. Trannies weren't like that in my day.

I can't imagine being the dad of a kid you work your ass off to send to college so he gets a shot at a better life than you had just to see him turning in a turbofag.

This is infuriating. The gull, the selfishness of those cunts.

Why not just reject human affection and get a dog?

Once you don't need women they flock to you, when you need them they leave you.
The only choice is the never need them, because men are disgusting and a non-option.

Their life choices are none of our business and we shall not interfere. As a american you should know that.

You've got to be an idiot to let social sciences and humanities change you like that.

Ancient religiosity genes coming to the service and claiming people for the neo-religion of the secular world.

If you're into social sciences and humanities, that's like being a theologian for secularism.

Give me money.

Let's clone these people and dump them on ISIS. Let's see if they become suicide bombers.. in the name of science.

Is extremism in the genes?

"their" choices. Wow, you are truly ignorant. This is programing, plain and simple.


Spartan Program.

As it is my right to mock them.


We alone hold the truth.

we are objectively right.


At least he seems well adjoosted.

>tfw I went to college as a degenerate long haired hippie
>tfw chose history and economics to study
>tfw am now a Nazi sympathizer and I want to gas the liberals

I had like the opposite experience as all the idiots in itt.

Why not just enjoy the best of both worlds?

Become a deliciously fabulous girl and... still date girls, all while enjoying the attention you get from boys? It's a win-win situation.

>Before and after Sup Forums

Same here.

Sure, but its a political board, if you want to lynch people maybe Sup Forums is a better place for you.

Make a one-pic compilation so I can steal it.


Blame the professors. They take kids uninformed in world knowledge and fill their heads up with this bullshit. As a matter of fact, Sup Forums needs to start a movement against college professors. A reign of terror, to give you the right idea. We plant drugs in their offices (make sure you don't get caught on the security cameras) and call the police. We vandalize their property, we rob their communist bullshit. It will take years for any right wing politician to achieve this, but we can end the indoctrination in a few months if we play it stealthy and aggressive. Just make it look like someone else did it and watch the magic happen.

>not even once

That's why you never pay shit if your kid turns into a turbofag or goes into a degree that is dog shit.

People like you are why this shit is happening, why our kids are being brainwashed while the establishment cheers them on. Maybe you should move to Sweden if you want to be a cuck.

we must enact the unholy alliance

Yes, but this is political correctness at is zenith. So, it is Sup Forums tier. Plus, they are public photos, and this is not a personal vendetta. The original twitter is here. Once again, all Sup Forumslacs should do the same. This does deserve to be an international thing.

You really think it's just a coincidence the vast majority are smiling in the before pic and not in the after?

What we need to do is weaponise SJWs, send them to the Middle East and see if they can corrupt ISIS

The study of fee-fees.

Just don't send your kids to those evil brainwashing schools.


You only forgotten to say, they all are students from public colleges.

Serious question here:
What the fuck do they teach these people that they all turn into something straight out of a freak show?!

This looks like brainwashing to me.
And the best thing:
These people pay (((them))) to get brainwashed.

Diabolical geniuses they are.

This is the only one that's probably a real tranny, look at that shoulder width.

You son of a bitch

top kek

Nick Rochefort?

I knew a girl that went to Roosevelt University from a rural family. She went over the top within her first year, got her women's and gender studies degree and decided she was a tranny and then married another one. Now she is doing chatterbate since a wgs degree doesn't pay the bills.

Found the humanities major