What happened to black people?
They used to rule the world
What happened to black people?
They used to rule the world
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Those are sandniggers, user.
What's up with this meme?
Why is it trending again around here?
we wuz khangs an shiet nigguh.
this is now an afrocentric delusion thread.
What world did they rule?
Sorry, I come from Earth.
>be black
>hate being a father
>start calling people you don't like 'son'
That was over 2000 years ago, now they are just tribal.
A black male leading the Chinese army
You mean white people?
The Great Hannibal crossing the Alps
Did blacks invent personal hygiene?
That's a poor muzzle to "stop words". The real purpose of the mouth shield is to stop the blacks practice of geophagia, The slave-owners were distressed by the slave's eating of dirt and tried very hard to stop it.
In Africa, Livingston wrote about slaves eating soil in Zanzibar, and it is also thought that large numbers of slaves brought with them soil eating practices when they were shipped as part of the transatlantic slave trade. Geophagia was common among slaves who were nicknamed "clay-eaters" because they had been known to consume clay, as well as spices, ash, chalk, grass, plaster, paint, and starch.
In the United States, cooked, baked, and processed dirt and clay are sold in health food stores and rural flea markets in the South. In the rural areas of Mississippi and other southern states, the consumption of clay-rich dirt has been a common custom and has been practiced by poor whites and blacks for generations.
Clay minerals have been reported to have beneficial microbiological effects, such as protecting the stomach against toxins, parasites and pathogens. Humans are not able to synthesize vitamin B12 (cobalamin), so geophagia may be a behavioral adaption to obtain it from bacteria in the soil.
My gondolences :_--D
Well, there is this infographic floating around explaining the origins of the two tribes, the Kangs and the Sheed, and how they were given administrative duties by Pharaoh Wewuz. What the infographic fails to tell you is that a couple of generations later, under Pharaoh Wewuz IV, Kangs and Sheed warred amongst eachother for power over the Khemite kingdom. Minor tribes, such as the Dong, saw an attempt to expand, further adding to the chaos. Apart form ethnic strife, religious warfare split the tribes, as different groups saw different gods as more important. So essentially, you had Kangs vs Sheed, Kuk vs Ra, major tribes vs minor tribes, old dynasty vs usurpers.
What happened was that the remnants of a Kekist Dong-Sheed army reformed after the Battle of al-Dindo (the Arabic name for the place derived from an ancient Kang word, meaning "place of nothing") and conducted several operations of gorilla warfare against the Kangs, setting their grain storage pyramids on fire with the stone-burning magik of their queens. Mass starvation resulted.
In the meantime, caucasians under the leader Me'ar-Shant the Glad used stolen technology from Afrikan victims of starvation and started wiping out the survivors of the war. They founded the new empire of Ba'al-'air, and covered up the true history of Afrika by putting dinosaur skeletons in the ground to fool coming generations into believing that evolution was true, and that Blacks didn't descend from Adam, the first of men, created by Quincy Jones.
It's perfect
thanks you
This should be taught at every school.
This picture is most like slavery in late 1600's