Every boy on this forum is 100% pussy whipped

When did you realize that almost all of the politics discussed on this board are centered around one thing: gaining access to women?

It's pretty fucking obvious, but since I'm generous, I'll give you some examples.

Here are Sup Forums's favorite insults:

>Cuck: a male who has lost access to women in favor of a superior alpha male (especially men of color).
>Virgin: a male who does not have access to women.
>Faggot: a male who does not desire access to women.
>Beta: a male who is unsuccessful in his attempts to gain access to women.

Here are some of Sup Forums's biggest political issues:

>Immigration: Scares the Sup Forumstard because it increases the pool of available men, without giving the Sup Forumstard access to women.
>Male-to-female transgenders: Freaks the fuck out of Sup Forumstards because it raises the possibility that access to women will be replaced by access to men.
>Feminism: Totally anally devastates the Sup Forumstard because it makes women less reliant on men for resources & social power, thus decreasing your chances of gaining access to women via economic oppression.

To top it off, Sup Forums's #1 favorite compliment is:

>BASED: Literally comes from "You can fuck my bitch, Based God!" which is something only a complete cuck would say. Hilarious.

You stupid fucks are slaves to pussy, and you don't even know it yet. Some of you retards even think that males are the 'dominant' sex. Why don't you give up and embrace the ideas behind #GiveYourMoneyToWomen?


Other urls found in this thread:


This is now a femdom thread






This is a nice thread.

Kek has spoken

Post more

thats what lifes all about busting fat nuts inside hot girls now fuck off cuck virgin beta FAGGOT


Going after girls is in dna.

don't you stop now

>not being an herbivore man
women only have power if you give it to them.

Fuck off cuck virgin faggot beta




One of the more interesting Sup Forums posts in a while. Well done, famalam. Well done.

A Canadian calling someone else cuck?

Tradeau will correct you.




Do you believe your values are the best? If so you should seek to impose them universally for as long as possible. The best way to impose them as long as possible is to make sure your offspring are as fit as possible. Politics is not so subtly a battle between different evolutionary strategies, see r/K selection



Mate post your entire collection, this is hot af


Immigration has nothing to do with the pool of men you fucking faggot. I work with Mexican trolls and they all want white cock

Stop, you're making my weewee feel weird


In the future women are not needed anymore since we can make tube baby's.



hmm, really makes you think....


That's because white men are the master race senpai, they want the best genes.


guilty dog barks the loudest.


The whole reason civilization exists is to pool mans talents, abilities, and labor for the creation and betterment of a society - and the way to do that is to ensure every man has access to a woman and vice versa. A man without a family and without access to women is a man who has nothing to lose and everything to take



>Immigration: Scares the Sup Forumstard because it increases the pool of available men, without giving the Sup Forumstard access to women.
yeah because the fact that they bring drugs, disease, crime, and welfare leeches has nothing to do with it
>>Male-to-female transgenders: Freaks the fuck out of Sup Forumstards because it raises the possibility that access to women will be replaced by access to men.
Are degenerates. They deny human nature through a mental disorder that leads themselves to think they are not what they were born as.
>>Feminism: Totally anally devastates the Sup Forumstard because it makes women less reliant on men for resources & social power, thus decreasing your chances of gaining access to women via economic oppression.
Feminism destroys the family unit leading to more single mothers, which in turn creates children who are damaged emotionally and mentally
>Economic oppression
nice one shill, women have always been the direct beneficiaries of patriarchal society as everything is handed to them and they aren't required to preform hard labor






>doesn't know the origin of based
easy way to spot a newfag




I need Ristko bang shinji.

>tfw SJWs blame patriarchy existence on men being evil
>tfw patriarchy exists because people DEMAND it exists
>all people
>be a man, be tough, show no emotion
>take care of women
>tfw you will never be a househusband to a strong, dominating, caring woman
>because real women are too busy playing victims, and demanding attention and stuff from men


I never understood why modern feminism is about equality and not about females themselves.
That is wrong by definition and just retarded.


Projection: The Thread
Also OP is a faggot.




Goodnight ladies and gentlemen.


saging your stupid faggot thread, women are not in power, each of those terms deals with obtaining women as a commodity, not begging for aproval. go take your bootlicking pegging fetishes to /d/ you faggot nancyboy.


Can't be pussy whipped because I'm married and I don't let my wife leave the house or do things alone.


The biggest redpill to swallow is that women in general care less for the welfare of others than men.

Thus, Sup Forums interacts with women in the traditional way. The natural way.
It is not a science like the MRA's would make you believe or like OP wants to codify it. No.
It is an art.

Sup Forums is giving a bright smile and a cheeky flex to it's female lurkers.
Anyone who is not Sup Forums is demonstrably weak.
Anyone who is Sup Forums may just be the anonymous who single-handedly becomes a big damn hero.

Girls, if you want a man, then seek someone who believes he's doing the right thing, not someone who thinks he'll get more pussy by doing what the rest tell him to do.

>here's a list of things and how they're tangentially related to gender/female superiority/male insecurity

OP summed up.



ehi faggots this isn't /r9k/






gentle femdom with size difference is my favorite, thanks OP




Reminder that women are stupid, weak, emotionally manipulable, and should never have been given the right to vote.

bashing women is a Sup Forums pastime



>a sexy nee-san will never take your virginity and show you the ropes while draining you of every drop of cum



wtf i hate men now



I wouldn't really consider this a "forum"


im a convicted rapist so i dont care


I wish there was more ear biting.


>おねえさん and おかあさん will never vie for your attention



>pussy whipped

Libshits are going "HILLARY 9001" on Sup Forums.