

No need to give your money to feminists just to "analyze" this propaganda piece, Sup Forums.


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>watching capeshit in any quality



I wouldn't watch this disgusting studio propaganda even in a1080p HD(hi definition for you retards) YIFY rip

So hot.

>being this warped in the head and memeing that everything is your boogeyman
It was pretty good from what I hear, is that what makes you mad?

All propaganda is considered "good" by the (((critics)))

>everything I even remotely get triggered by, is propaganda
It's getting tiresome buddy.

so tc usually comes from china right? why would china let its people watch wonder woman?

Can you faggots who don't have a weird boner for shit actresses admit that Wonder Woman is a shit character? This flick didn't even make her rise above. It excused all the killing she did.

Remember when they said that Ghostbusters and Star Wars: The Feminism Awakens were good and then you saw them and they were both shit?

They are more open about films then you think

>Can you faggots who don't have a weird boner for shit actresses admit that Wonder Woman is a shit character?
No, because she isn't and your tears make me hard.

You think China is like North Korea, right? Slap yourself for being retarded you dumb faggot nigger.

>still pretending TFA was bad
And the Ghostbusters film was nothing special, it was just some passable and forgettable flick that triggered a lot of you way too much. The buttblasting was the best part of that movie coming out.

>hi definition for you retards

>comparing a reboot to the first major on-screen portrayal of Wonder Woman in decades
>that is doing exceptionally well both in the box office and with critics

>and with critics
As if that's sincere

We didn't get triggered. We bashed the movies for being shit and then feminists and nu-males got triggered because of the widespread backlash against these movies.

And TFA was terrible. It was a retread of a good hope and it was done in a very poor, Mary Sue manner.

>he thinks critics aren't 99% libcucks who graduated from a liberal arts college with an English degree that jizz all over anything that confirms their Jew-created worldview


Do you remember your first time watching a camrip?

I felt depressed the rest of the day

I really don't care what people think. I just can easily see the bias toward Wonder Woman and Rey, you pencil neck fag.

>we didn't get triggered

Revisionist history sure is a beautiful thing. Stay assblasted you faggot.

>there is a bias I can't prove but I feel it. There is no way the character can be popular because people liked Rey.
>I am obviously not triggered at all.

Please explain how this somehow doesn't make you sound mad.

lol you cucks are so unoriginal that you have to use our words to describe what we do even if its not accurate. hilarious.

>Sup Forums literally throws the biggest collective bitch fit in years over Ghostbusters
>pretends everyone else is triggered
>"w-w-well, you just a-a-a-a cuck!"
Loving every Kek. Every spergout was archived my delusional newfriend.

It's just me stating the facts. What is there to be mad about? Cucks will always say their cuck movies are good. If Wonder Woman wasn't openly signaling how progressive it was and instead expressed a more conservative worldview, those (((critics))) would be talking about how shitty and problematic it was.

you guys need your anti-white anti-male globalist jewish hollywood propaganda! Don't go a few weeks without it.

>I'll call him a cuck again! That should do it.


I'm going to guess you haven't seen it.

I wonder how exhausting it is to live life like you do. Do you take meds for ulcers at 16?

You really think we were triggered and not the libcucks that couldnt believe we weren't enthusiastic about Ghostbusters?

You are truly delusional. These people were so annoyed at us for calling it shit that they resorted to comparing us to cavemen.

you know how you hear the "little girls need a strong role to look up to!" argument? I think a 3rd world society could use that female icon more than our spoiled western women

>You really think we were triggered
Absolutely, kiddo.


Scroll back to the closest you can get to opening weekend. You are either delusional to think this board wasn't in full weaponized autism mode or baiting me. Saying this board wasn't triggered in literally living in your own reality.

Kill yourself.

I saw TFA and WW. TFA was boring shit, WW wasn't.

>literally organized constant harassment on Twitter giving her death threats for weeks
>not triggered
>because of a flick
Kek this is as blatantly delusional as how those holohoaxers act

>that image

autism summed up in one picture

Wait, are you implying "you" (whoever that's supposed to be) came up with the term "triggered"?

>disney shills spamming shitty camrips so /ourgal/ stops BTFOing them

I hope you mean cumming on a photograph and sending it to her, was the autistic part.

>it must be autistic 12D chess
What a colorful world you must live in. Is autism just the final redpill?

>he thinks mocking somebody is being "triggered"


Where are you faggot? Don't you have some ebin comeback, or was your mgtow rebbit forum calling you home?

>I'll cum on a picture
>that will show her teehee what a le epic trollz ;)
Plenty of other evidence btw.

Huh? I don't need to keep telling you how stupid it is to call this "being triggered" when its just mockery and calling it out for what it is. Getting triggered is being truly offended to the point of getting into the fetal position and hoping it stops.

>I'll hide how retarded I've been by calling it le ebin mockery ;)
>there is definitely no evidence that anyone was upset about this movie, nope. Even though you linked an archive. It's actually all 14th dimensional trolling
>boy, don't you look foolish!
Doubling down this hard is just sad. Just accept that it happened, newfriend.

Just like when faggots cancelled their Netflix subscriptions over Dear White people, nobody was upset. Amirite?

Because Sup Forums is never upset about anything.

Nobody was triggered except the feminists and nu-males who thought that "misoginee" was doing to die with the boomers.

Stay mad, cuck.

>Nobody was triggered except the feminists and nu-males
Except this is literally untrue. It's like you need this to be right. Why do you keep pretending for?

Surely you aren't this autistic.

>be wonder woman
>fight evil by beating up men
>all women are somehow inherently good
The whole point of having a wonder woman was to fight the evils that show up with tits and a vag so we don't have to see a man wailing on a woman. No one wants to see that. Yet people will cheer when they see a woman kill a man.

>getting triggered means whatever I say it means cuz that makes me the winner!

lol stay mad cuck

>Sup Forums never gets triggered
KEK, stay completely in a fantasy land you rebbit fag.

>I'll call him a cuck again! Heehee!
Yes, all different kinds of people can get triggered. Is that a difficult concept for you? Are your fists shaking right now?


Why do they still do this? Just fucking say it's a cam, people will still download it.

>nobody at all, on the opposite end of the argument, can be triggered
>only my boogeymen can
>I function this way

What are you fucking on about?

>Yes, all different kinds of people can get triggered

That's not the point. The point is that getting triggered is basically being offended to the point of having a panic attack. Nobody here was like that. We just called it shit, mocked it, trolled feminists and explained why it was a blatant attack on men. Nobody here was crying and shaking their fists, breaking their stuff and getting into the fetal position and falling into a depression.

>muh vocabulary is whatever I say it is

lol pathetic

Because the resolution is factually 720p. It's still technically correct to call YIFY 720p even if the bitrate is shit.

Nobody here is talking about the actual textbook definition of the word, you pedantic, tourist fuck.

Lurk more to get the language.

>We just called it shit, mocked it, trolled feminists and explained why it was a blatant attack on men
And I'm trying to explain to you that there were people beyond this, who were legitimately autistic and upset. You haven't been posting here very long if you don't understand that.

You make me disgusted with you.

The language isn't whatever you say it is you dumb nigger. Triggered means one thing and one thing only. Even feminists can explain this to you.

>Nobody here was crying and shaking their fists
>this level of delusion
I haven't seen cognitive dissonance of this magnitude in a while. I wonder why you can't accept that this happened.

>And I'm trying to explain to you that there were people beyond this, who were legitimately autistic and upset.

Not really. We all reacted the same way. We didn't cry. We didn't have panic attacks. We didn't get so depressed we couldn't talk about it.

We bashed it for what it was, and we remain victorious in the end because it was exactly what we were saying it was.

>y-y-you a dumb nigger!
>well uh, we weren't textbook triggered
Holy shit, I hope everyone is seeing your display

>I wonder why you can't accept that this happened.

Because it didn't, no matter how many times you claim it happened. We are still reacting the same way we reacted the day that shit was announced.

>still thinks nobody was upset and autistically angry
You honestly just live in a different reality. I already proved this happened. It especially happened on Sup Forums. If you are gullible enough to believe that it was all some "ebin troll teehee", then you are a low IQ retard.

Simple as that.

>it didn't happen because I say so
I feel like no matter the evidence, you will stick to your defense force.

Nah going to watch pic related instead tonight


>one of the biggest documented spergouts on this board
>didn't happen
>it was all a ruse game 12D meme ;)
KEK summer in full force.

>a stupid flick was a blatant attack on men
>we aren't upset though, we swear
Fucking autism.

>he thinks this is the same as being triggered

you cucks need to come up with your own words. its embarrassing too see you use feminist words for feminist reactions for logical men reacting to propaganda in a strong manner.


>cuck,cuck,cuck,cuck,cuck! I said it again!
>it's propaganda! Reeee!
>muh hugbox! Don't use my words! Mine, mine, mine!
>I'm not upset though, trust me!
Who do you think you are even remotely fooling?

>he thinks calling flicks propaganda, makes him logical.
Tell me when you cancelled your Netflix? Triggered faggot.

no need, i took my mom and kid sister when i was home for my holiday, they both loved it. i made sure my sister recognized her as a strong independent female icon.

And this is somehow all a bad thing to you?

nope, it was a great experience, i enjoyed the movie more than the rest of the dc movies too, i love thewlis and his performance was great. it was also dubbed for my sister's sake so i didn't have to deal with gadot's accent.

You are deluding yourself and I'm just laughing at your desperate attempt to misappropriate words.

Nigger, I have never even had cable. Netflix is fucking gay. Except for Stranger Things, which was fun. I pirate everything. Only idiots pay for media.

>sounding this autistic
You aren't really doing yourself any favors

>gets btfo again

Nobody cares about your white knighting, samefag. Your word usage just makes you look desperate.

Keep bumping this thread so Wonder Woman gets more downloads and less ticket sales.

Hasn't it made 300 million already? People who are going to pirate it know where to get shit. People who want to go see it have seen it already.

Every person downloading it instead of paying is a win. Capeshit always gets a high box office. Keep bumping for me, bitch. That's what I made the thread for.

I don't think you know what white knighting means, newfriend.

I was just asking a question and making a statement mate, I'm not the guy you've been bitchfighting with.

>I don't even get paid to shill a movie
Good for you, I guess?

Words have lost all meaning to you, cuck

>I said it again!
Really showed me, rabbit.

>Words have lost all meaning to you, cuck


one post and I get 2 bumps


keep it up. I want you to keep this thread at the top.

now reply to this post too, bitches. chop chop!

>trying to turn this absolute assrape around to make me seem like I'm winning
Not working

TC stands for Telecine, which this is not. It's clearly HDTS.

wish faggot p2p groups would stop failing so hard

Pretty sure that's why its labeled as NoGrp, dude

You have to go back

A more consistent experience that BvS(the best new DCU movie to date). Definitely less pretentious. Less ambitious, but WW had some depth.

I saw it and expected to dislike, but honestly it's an enjoyable film. Flawed main character, relatively funny, good chemistry overall between leads, with few luke warm/awkward tidbits. Ending falls apart a bit, but that's kinda par for the course in DCU at this point, and it doesn't fall apart as badly as some others do. Calling it propaganda is pretty over the top. Yeah, she's a strong independent woman who does whatever she wants, but A) it's plainly not always a good idea, and B) the male characters are given equal chances to shine and be heroic.

Also, general props for the WWI tone, not half bad, if the charge across no-man's land was a little silly. I like PTSD sniper.