ITT: All of the verified spoilers we have for Star Wars Episode 8. These are culled together from various sources include Mike Zero, Making Star Wars, SQHQ, and MFN Forums.
Star Wars Episode 8: Spoilers
Real spoilers: Luke's Story
>Luke has journeyed to the birthplace of the Jedi order. At the center of this place is a large, hollowed out tree which houses a small library containing the origin story of the Jedi order.
>Luke learns that the ancient Jedi once viewed the Force as a whole. There was a schism during the time period fans now would call "the Old Republic." It caused a split in the users of the Force. One groups evolved into the Jedi, the other, the Sith.
>Luke realizes it's futile to carry on the traditions of the Jedi order, for it's what's causing the imbalance of the force. This is why he says "it's time for the Jedi to end." What he means is the modern Jedi. The failed order destroyed by his father.
>So Luke embraces a "new / old" understanding of the Force. He is the last Jedi. The last of his kind. Rey will be the first of the new Jedi order. The smoking gun is that Snoke sets this up in Ep7 ("the new Jedi order will rise!") and unfortunately for Disney, it's a spoiler that tells you exactly how this whole thing ends. This is further reinforced by Luke's story line from the new movie.
>Luke teaches Rey to be a Jedi, but not in the traditional Jedi way, and then later in the film he dies.
Real Spoilers 2: Electric Boogaloo aka Rey's Story
>Rey wasn't abandoned by her family on Jakku. She was hidden there, just like the Millennium Falcon. She was hidden in this place because Luke and her family feared that Snoke would discover her tremendous powers.
>Rey the reincarnation of a girl who was part of a brother / sister team that existed many centuries ago. Their parents were ancient explorers. One day they land on a mysterious island near the base of a massive tree. the parents notice that the children are physically effected by the tree itself. The boy receives heightened senses and agility, the girl gains insight and spiritual insight. They both display the powers of telekinesis.
>As the pair grows the girl learns the mysteries of the Force. She goes on to be the founder of the Jedi order and she begins to teach her powers to others. The boy eventually grows jealous of his sister's unique powers. He strikes her down and flees off into the galaxy.
>The girl promised that one day she would return and that the Jedi should find her and train her. This is the origin of the chosen one story from the prequel trilogy. This connects with Anakin's story.
>Rey is the reincarnation of the founder of the Jedi order. This is why she is so confused by her new powers. She even says she doesn't know where they come from two different times in TFA. This is a set up for the reveal of her true origin in Ep8.
Real Spoilers 3: Anakin's Story Re-written
>Anakin is not born of the force, as his mother implies in Episode 1. We know this already because Palpatine tells Anakin his true origin during the opera scene in Episode 3.
>Anakin is a Frankenstein type creature created by Palpatine and his Master, the one who "could influence the midichlorians to create life itself." In the old cannon this person was Darth Plageius, but the new cannon will change this. (Ideally this person should be Snoke, but it's not.)
>Anakin is manipulated into destroying the Jedi order. He is being completely controlled by Palpatine. None of his actions are his own. Anakin destroys the Jedi order and begins the process of bringing balance to the Force. The old Jedi vs Sith battle is what was creating the imbalance.
>This revolves a major problem with George's writing in the OT/PT. A child killer is no longer the chosen one. Instead he's now a tragic victim of a greater evil.
Disney's plan has always been to redeem the prequel trilogy. They're not going to pretend it didn't happen. They paid billions for the Star Wars catalog and the vast majority is set in the prequel error. So instead the plan on lifting the prequels up through various means.
The "prequel redemption" process began in Ep7, with 10 different references to the prequel era. Some sutble, some direct. Disney upped the ante with Rogue One, which features Bail Organa, a significant and highly visible character from the prequels. Disney also carried the plan over to TV, where prequel characters were being given high profile major roles on the Star Wars Rebels TV show, as well as the upcoming Star Wars: Forces of Destiny animated series.
The new story of Anakin will be fleshed out in new Disney approved EU materials. However this new, retconned Anakin story plays directly into Rey's story in Ep8 and beyond, and it will be touched upon in Ep8 and Ep9.
Real Spoilers 4: Finn's Story Arc
>Possibly the simplest story arc in the film. Finn once again provides most of the comic relief, only this time he's joined by a female star ship mechanic.
>Although there is no central romance theme in Last Jedi (Rian Johnson is on the record about this) the romantic tension between Finn and his female companion is a big part of the next movie.
>In the opening of the movie Finn is seen recuperating in a medical stasis pod, very similar to Luke Skywalker in the Bacta Tank in ESB.
>Finn and his traveling companion are involved in a high speed chase on a planetoid that's one giant Casino. It's not like a normal planet sized "casino earth." It's more like a tiny artificial moon. A mini, luxury resort planet. It's a place of incredible wealth and luxury.
>This is where our heroes discover the identity of Snoke.
Real Spoilers 5: Snoke: A Tale of Two Snokes
>Snoke A "True Snoke" is the spirit of the long dead brother of founder of the Jedi order. He has been
kept alive all these years by the dark side of the force.
>Snoke B: The Body of Snoke, was once a member of the New Republic, and was friends with Leia and Han Solo
during his time in government.
>Snoke B was a wealthy man who loved opulence. He was once very handsome, but was wounded during a
terrorist bombing (Already occurred in the SW EU novels.) This left him seriously wounded, and he withdrew
into the dark side of the force, where Snoke A, the ancient spirit, started to control his life.
>This is similar to how the spirit of Darth Vader began to control Anakin Skywalker. George Lucas always said that when Darth Vader was born, Anakin Skywalker died. This is why we now see Young Anakin's force ghost at the end of ROTJ. George retconned his own saga to try and redeem Anakin. The true Anakin's spirit became trapped when the spirit of Darth Vader came upon him. It was like possession. Only by defeating Darth Vader was Anakin freed.
>Snoke on the other hand is a parasitic entity that only partners with other evil creatures.
>Snoke is seven feet tall, has long finers and puppet hands, wears a gold robe, genie slippers that curl up at the end, and a giant jeweled ring the size of a ring pop candy. The ring holds a large kyber crystal.
Real Spoiler 6: The Fate of Kylo Ren
>Kylo was not solely responsible for the destruction of Luke's first new Jedi order. There were others involved. We learn that just like Anakin, Kylo was manipulated into this deed.
>Kylo suffers from massive insecurity regarding his grandfather. Fearing he will never be as powerful as Vader. His eventual fate will see him team up with Rey to destroy Snoke. However in doing so he will sacrifice his own life to save Rey and to defeat Snoke. In that final tragic moment he finally realizes what it really means to be as powerful as Darth Vader.
>Kylo also captures Rey at the end of Ep8, similar to the capture of Han Solo by Boba Fett. This time together is was leads to their partnership at the end of Ep9.
Can you please stop with all this fake shit. OP said "verified" leaks.
Real Spoilers 7: The ESB Similarities
>Finn is seen recovering in a medical pod in the opening of the film, almost exactly how Luke is shown in the Bacta Pod in ESB
>There is a long battle that involves AT-AT and small ships on a volcanic lanet. Beneath a small layer of white ash, the soil of this planet is is bright red and dusty.
>The smaller ships drag their tow hitch through the red soil and kick up a massive dust storm. This gives the smaller ships the advantage and helps them defeat the AT-AT squadron
Please note. I can't argue in favor of that scene or argue the logic. It's dumb.
>The Casino Planetoid is shares a similar vibe to Cloud City, and it's basically the CC of this movie.
>Luke was trained by an old Jedi living in a hollowed out tree. Rey is trained by an old Jedi living in a hollowed out tree.
>The levitation of rocks through the use of Jedi powers is a big theme in this movie. Luke actually levitates on a rock the size of a small car.
>Rey is kidnapped at the end just like Han was taken at the end of ESB.
>There is a long "escape scene" featuring Rey and Chewie piloting the Millennium Falcon.
>Captain Phasma plays the Boba Fett role in this movie.
>Tie-Bombers featured heavily in ESB. A new style of bomber appears in this film
All of this is legit. Check the various source websites.
This is so fucking retarded that I don't even doubt it is true
Real Spoilers 8: Other Details
>Snoke cruises around on the largest ship ever seen in the Star Wars universe. Sorta like Darth Vader's Star Destroyer in ESB. However it's shaped like a stealth bomber or a boomerang. It's said to have at least 10 massive sized engines
>Snoke wears a gold robe, genie style slippers that curl up at the toes, and a giant kyber crystal ring. The crystal is the size of an old ring pop candy. It's very large.
>There is no central romantic subplot and no direct political allegory.
>Snoke's personal headquarters has walls and furniture that are lined with gold. He is surrounded by ridiculous opulence.
>Snoke provided the crystal used in Kylo's saber.
>There's an evil BB-8 style droid with an hexagonal shaped head called "BB-9E*." (*The "E" is for evil. j/k)
Real Spoilers 9: How it all ends
>Recently Rian Johnson said there was no solid outline for Ep8 and 9. This was an outright lie designed to
draw attention away from some logical spoilers that will ruin the tension of the entire new trilogy.
>Lawrence Kasdan did in fact plot out all the major plot points for the entire new trilogy. This was
publicly stated. It was also done to avoid the "making it up as they went along" structure of the original
>In Ep7 Snoke pretty much tells the audience what happens at the end of Ep9. "If Skywalker returns, the
new Jedi will rise." Obviously the heroes will not fail in their quest, and the new Jedi order will rise
>The new Jedi order is the one that grows from Rey, through the new teachings of Luke Skywalker
>Luke is the last Jedi of the old order, Rey is the first Jedi of the new.
>It will also be revealed in a "you have that power too moment" that either Finn or Poe carries Jedi powers. There is a recent comic book out that suggests it might be Poe. It connects directly with the force trees story line.
>No mention of Del Toro's character
>no mention of Laura Dern's character
Getting there....
Real Spoilers 10: Where it goes after
>Disney has recently retconned a major character from the now discarded, old Star Wars Expanded Universe. Writer Timothy Zahn created a character named Grand Admiral Thrawn, who was extremely popular in the Old EU. Unfortunately the series of books in which he starred was negated entirely the new cannon of the force awakens.
>Disney recognized the long, enduring, cultish popularty of the character and decided to ret-con the character into the new story line. They did this in two ways, first by including him as a major character in the Star Wars Rebels Animated Series, second by having Timmothy Zahn, the original creator of the character, write a brand new novel working him into the new official cannon.
>Disney plans to do the same thing with another popular character. Darth Revan. He has recently been featued in new merchandise, and the era in which the character lived plays into the story of Luke skywalker in Ep8
>Luke has a moment where he talks about the Jedi of old, in the same way that Obi-Wan onced talked about the clone wars era to Luke. This is a set up for a future trilogy set in the old republic era. The series would feature Darth Revan, his story will change and he would be retconned into the new cannon through his role in this new series.
>Tie-Bombers featured heavily in ESB. A new style of bomber appears in this film
>There is an attack on a Resistance base early in the film that is eerily similar to the attack on the Rebel base on Hoth during ESB
>Luke is the last Jedi of the old order, Rey is the first Jedi of the new.
kek I thought the point was that he was the start of the rebirth of the Jedi order
>tfw Luke ultimately accomplishes nothing and is just a caretaker Jedi like Kenobi
>>Rey the reincarnation of a girl who was part of a brother / sister team that existed many centuries ago. Their parents were ancient explorers. One day they land on a mysterious island near the base of a massive tree. the parents notice that the children are physically effected by the tree itself. The boy receives heightened senses and agility, the girl gains insight and spiritual insight. They both display the powers of telekinesis.
>>As the pair grows the girl learns the mysteries of the Force. She goes on to be the founder of the Jedi order and she begins to teach her powers to others. The boy eventually grows jealous of his sister's unique powers. He strikes her down and flees off into the galaxy.
Revan at least makes sense since he was created in-house and not by some third rate hack author operating out of his mother's basement.
Okay, so what we know FOR SURE is that we should only count A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi as canon. Good to know, didn't change much for me though.
>tfw they make Revan an extra diverse Person of Color
It actually makes Luke the most important character in the whole story. Yes, he's the last of the Jedi, but he's also the creator of the new Jedi order. Rey is the first product of his school, which completes the final task of bringing balance to the force. No more divided Jedi.
>Luke was trained by an old Jedi living in a hollowed out tree. Rey is trained by an old Jedi living in a hollowed out tree.
>Levitating rocks play a big role in both ESB and The Last Jedi. Yoda and Luke do it in ESB, Rey and Luke also levitate rocks in TFA. Only this time Luke is actually seen standing on a large, hovering rock the size of a small car.
>>This revolves a major problem with George's writing in the OT/PT. A child killer is no longer the chosen one. Instead he's now a tragic victim of a greater evil.
That was never a problem.
So get there. You already described the whole movie. I'm sure they appear before the end. Fuck off.
They're both minor characters. Holdo's only major significance comes on the Casino Planet where she has an almost espionage storyline. She helps the hero's uncover the identity and headquarters of Snoke.
Del Toro's "Man in Black" character is set up to make it seem like he's a villain at first, but later he turns out to be a good guy. He's sorta like an anti Boba Fett. The two characters also have one other thing in common, they both have about the same amount of screen time.
>That was never a problem.
It's a problem for a lot of fans, and especially in the eyes of Disney. They have to soften the whole "Master Skywalker, what do we do?" moment to fit in with their brand image.
The last film should've just started with Luke's Jedi order already established instead of killing them off and pressing the reset button so RotJ effectively never happened. Considering how hard they hit the reset button last time, I'm skeptical of them doing anything that would force them to write new shit set after the fact.
I hate nuDisney.
You have to admit, it's consistent with their way of thinking as a company. Especially with the billion dollar Star Wars Disney theme parks opening up next year.
Okay come the fuck on.
Where the hell would you even hear such a thing.
Reconning kotor's main MC for possible new trilogy
Dude this is too much of a hard sell or pill to take in.
You gotta give us more or more context.
Diseny does a tremendous amount of marketing research. The entire new saga is being driven by check-list style marketing. This is why they're heinously exploiting nostalgia for the previous films. It's all marketing driven.
There's also a desire to give the entire universe a tighter cohesion, which is exactly what they've been doing. The ultimate goal is to sell you a giant package in the form of a Star Wars style theme park, which will feature nods to every era and every style shown in the entire saga.
Yeah thats true and made evident which admiral thrawl and hammerhead cruisers included in rebel and RO.
But still to think they might be chance they now want to meddle in KOTOR era rubs me the wrong way.
The new cannon map of the galaxy has Rakatta Prime on it.
>The new cannon map of the galaxy has Rakatta Prime on it.
That's actually pretty significant.
>Kylo finds pic related's mask on Korriban and becomes the force wraith himself, who is able to literally suck the life from entire planets
This is what happens when your story is over focus tested to hell and back
no clear vision
fanfiction is better than this
Killing Luke off in VIII would be a bad idea, purely because they'll have to rely on Billy Dee to make up the OT cred in IX.
well I guess that's Disney for yous.
anyways if OP is right or the previously leaker per say we will know when the new trailer drops to confirm or refute these theories.
I personally thinking that disney will drop the next trailer at SDCC 2017, I guess we wait this out but keep an open but critical mind in regards to such leaks and theories. It's all gucci in the end.
Nope because humans were primitive cave dwellers during the Rakatan star empire, but now humans discovered the force first even though Rakatan technology is powered by the force.
Fuck Disney.
He puts on the mask, says "I am the wraith now" before transforming into him.
Where the fuck even is Billy D? He was in Rebels as young Lando so it's not like he has a Ford like disgust at the franchise.
Disney is racist.
wait what happened?
I havent caught up with rebels or the new comics?
They reintroduced Rakatta prime, but nuwars viii contradicts their story with the force tree children crap.
OT, X-Wing/TIE Fighter series and Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series are "Star Wars" to me.
Anakin meets the force god who confirms he is the chosen one. I don't care how much the mouse paid, what George says goes.
He looked almost dead at the celebration, aside from when he was actually speaking.