Does Sup Forums play the PokeyJew?
Does Sup Forums play the PokeyJew?
Yep. it's redpilled.
You can be team rocket but irl
It's shit
I really don't understand the hype around it
Downloaded it and deleted after 20 minutes of playing
Yup, its redpilled AF desu senpai
I got a pokemon right outside my window
then I realized I would have to leave my house to get more and stopped playing
I don't understand how Nintendo infected the brain of every normie on the planet with this shit, but whatever I don't care
Yeah, just the mainline games though.
>playing a game developed by the CIA
>tracks your location constantly
>turns everyone into zombies glued to their phones
yeah no
I can't, My phone can't run it ;_;
So the CIA knows I was downtown for 1.5 hours on Sunday. Big fucking deal. You can always turn GPS off when you're not playing.
Why does Sup Forums hate having fun?
Played it
Got to level 5
Joined Team Valor
Haven't touched it since
It's basically a pellet dispenser. My phone can't run it anyway
>game developed by cia
>all phone data goes to nga
>literally nothing to do with nintendies
>can attract large groups to any location
no thanks
I'm 26 years old. I feel too old to be playing that shit.
That would involve leaving the basement what are you fucking nuts
Whenever you want to play a video game you should instead be reading a book, drawing, or playing an instrument
video games are leeches on productivity.
i didn't say i was against fun. most fun things are blue pilled
don't put words in my mouth you stupid fucking liberal
I want to, but I just don't have the time for it :(. I hope to at some point though.
I'm not going near anything about Pokemon that Nintendo didn't make.
It's terrible. I downloaded it and deleted it after 20 minutes of playing.
so they know where your camera was pointing out, so they got almost live view of everything they want, you are literally a cctv bot for whom they don't have to even pay, it's not about you, it's about data
Rather not be transmitting loc updates and camera/mic pickups continuously.
Jokes on you, my gps is permanently spoofed to be at the Santa Monica Pier.
>abnormal behavior of going to the park
>actually useful
Neo-/x/ is fucking retarded. Go back to your tulpa you fat neckbeard autists. Jews fear the samurai.
Yeah I play competitive 6v6. Not the normie shit on DS or your phone. Pokemon GO will stay fucking trash unless they add the function to battle another person that you meet.
>not turning off augmented reality
>actually using AR and trying to catch a pokemon thats jittering all over due to slight hand movements
Its like you dont even WANT to be the best there ever was
>Hey man, what's wrong with your Exeggutor? Is it sick?
>No, it's just retarded
I do fail to see how there is any sort of political bias in a game about Japanese creatures. But I wonder, user, what are some good "redpilled" activities you find enjoyable
No, because I'm not a Japanese schoolboy.
Fuck no