Fact: Whites have NEVER been enslaved in History

Fact: Whites have NEVER been enslaved in History.

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Irish and Russian Serfdom.

Also the Sand niggers loved owning white slaves.

Watch this video. Particularly near the end, but watch the whole thing anyway.


wrong you fucking retard
slavery was still the norm in white countries less than 2000 years ago

Slave originates from the word slav

ITT cucked white people try to excuse themselves from white privilege by digging up historical instances of white slavery while completely missing the point that if white people were never enslaved then it is the whites who are the master race


Slavery is the norm in Israel right NOW. Especially white sex slaves.

whites are enslaved right now.

>Serfdom is freedom

Nigger, my ancestor was thrown into slavery for being a stowaway on a ship to the U.S. Dude was as white as snow.

You revisionists are fucking braindead.

I'll take "Who were the Romans" for $200, Alex..

>I have never looked into any history deeper than what I was force-fed in school



This is the sorta dumb american who thinks the USA invented slavery.

Fuck off

What is the fucking Arab conquests?
What is a Roman house slave?

Slavery was the norm of civilization until very recently. Arguably it's still happening in different forms all over the world.

Hello JIDF, please stop with the divide and conquer bullshit.

My ancestors were enslaved by the Romans and then the Persians and then the fucking Arabs after that.

My people have been free for as much time as the fucking blacks in the USA and I dont cry about it.


My ancestors were slaves to the British..
Notice though how white slave descendents never ask for reparations

>tfw the leaves are the based ones this time around

Muslims enslaved tons of white.
Slavs mainly but south europeans too (barbary corsairs).
That's the primary reason we went to Algeria btw.

ROBERT ADAMS, motherfucker.

My people were enslaved and our lands raped by the Romans for 300 years and when our slavery ended we didn't have a first world economic power to live in, we had the dark ages.

We then went on to conquer the Earth. Niggers have no foot to stand on when they moan.

trips of truth

>niggers get enslaved
>colonials finally leave
>"ooga booga let's destroy the industry"
>Africa returns back to the stone age
>niggers complain about da ebil whitey even today

I wonder if the chinks will be able to salvage Africa.

I remember when that Chink broke down when talking to that African in the documentary, about how they are fucking useless and nothing got done in six months of building , if China does anything it's going to be by force

They'll run, not walk, once they've sucked that shithole dry...

Muslims, Jews, Mongols, and other whites routinely enslaved whites. Casanova describes briefly meeting a former lover now owned by a Turk. The basis of the enmity between Jews and Cossacks was the Jewish white slave trade in Ukraine.

Romans had tons of white slaves. So did greeks. Why are you so salty white people are better than you.

depends on wich "whites" saxons/anglos have been roman slaves. Probably only whites that have never been enslaved are Nordics.

>Fact: Whites have NEVER been enslaved in History.
WRONG. There were over 2 million white people enslaved by Turks and Tatars ALONE.



This is a slide thread please check catalog.


Read about the Barbary Slave Trade

Nice to see he got his comeuppance

Don't forget the Moors, they took a few million as well. Slide threads don't deserve this many responses though.

The USA's first war was against Tripoli, who was capturing Americans from boats that sailed past and enslaving them.


One of my history professors said that Serfs still had white privilege.


Not true at all. The Muslims enslaved plenty of whites. More than the blacks enslaved by whites in fact.

Check out that link.
It's a really good resource.
It's unique in that it calculated how many white slaves were brought to the middle-east & north africa.

Romans and Greeks had Roman and Greek slaves. Seems white enough.



North Africans took European slaves well into the 19th century. And they didn't stop when their shit got fucked up. It needed a full blown invasion. When these fucks whine about muh ebil colonization just remember they had it coming.

>BC 1600-1670

Literally ancient history. Can you butthurt whites get over it already?

Records of long-distance Jewish slave merchants date at least as far back as 492


They were in America for hundereds of years.
Their are slaves (white ones too) all around the world.
We have more slaves right now than in any point in history.

Slavery was neither about race, it was about class

And also the Greeks en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_ancient_Greece

And probably since the beginning of mankind.

>Implying slavs aren't white
> Argentinian and Burger
Kek try again jamal