>Even a news reporter is a better Wonder Woman
Even a news reporter is a better Wonder Woman
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there's more to wonder woman than being curvy and having tits.
half these girls i've seen suggested dont have a beautiful smile, can't carry a movie, and definitely cant ACT.
gal gadot was perfect in the movie.
>retired weather girl who can barely speak English and is famous solely for her juicy ass
>"news reporter"
I love Yanet, but seriously you're retarded
why is she standing next to a walgreens halloween decoration?
I believe this was her Halloween costume
Also she dressed up as Batgirl for a comiccon, looked great
I think she's hot AF but to consider her as anything other than eye candy is ridiculous
fuck the redditors, my girl Gal is L I T E R A L L Y perfect
not even half as hot as Gal
Unironically kill yourself you retarded faggot.
>whiteknighting for jews
>calls someone else redditor
But Gal Gadot can't carry a movie and she can't act.
Gosh these anons appear to be upset
Gal has really caused some butthurt hasn't she
No niggers permitted in this thread, Krager
that's not her, it's Angelica Anderson
that's where you're wrong.
Aside from the fact that isn't her.
>high ratings
>gee I wonder whould be behind this
>I can't be wrong
>It's all a wicked conspiracy!
And stormweenies wonder why people mock them
>MoS, BvS, SS shitted by critics
>i-i-it's all Disney, they've paid the critics, it's obviously
>WW releasing
>it's 146% jewish SJW-propaganda movie
>while boxoffice might be lower than Deadpool, who was banned in China and was released R-rated
looks like we should get more jews to make movies instead of hack snyder
Snyder is jew too
That's why persians in 300 looks like undead orcs
She looks about 5 ft so she can't be a better Wonder Woman
That's just a woman in a Halloween costume though. Gal Gadot is Wonder Women. You can't be a better version of a thing you are not.
How did some fag from Faze clan manage to bag yanet garcia?
>Rotten Tomatoes
Get your disney shilling horseshit out of here.
she needs citizenship
No, she's an actor pretending to be a fictional character.
The only ones posting Rotten Tomatoes are Marvel paki falseflaggers. Just report and ignore them.
why do spics always turn their weather into softcore porn?
>this fucking gif for ants
You made this gif didn't you.
It's shit. You must've made it.
You always post it, when everyone else uses the webm.
You're shit.
And your gif is shit.
Women are objects
Her ass implants look retarded
how many times you need to see it nigga? you really got the jew-fever
>mfw i need to fug the shit out of this
>jew fever
Nothing wrong with it
>even a news reporter is more fappable Wonder Woman
fixed that for you. As for actually being in a movie and in action scenes, Gadot did surprisingly good.
Yes, there is. If you impregnate her... you created another kike unless you fix the problem with rapid falcon punch or build oven for post birth problem solving.
Reminder that Lynda Carter would've still made a better WW.
This old hag can't act for shit either.
everything about this is fucking pathetic
Gal thread
>that lordosis
good lord have mercy
Poor thing can't stand up straight
Can't wait for Patty to get an Oscar winning performance from her in the sequel
She's hot, but shame about the face
I'd fuck her, but not impregnate, I need superior facial genes for my children
>You made this gif didn't you.
>being this new to not recognize Sup Forums filenames
you need to go back