Trump utterly destroyed by English conservative

Trump destroyed by English social conservative Peter Hitchens

And I am shocked at the willingness of American 'conservative' voters to fall so flaccidly, fawningly and sycophantically for Mr Trump's crude pile-it-high, sell-it-cheap propaganda skills, and his muscleman machismo, like one of those body-building advertisements from a 1950s comic. When a campaign is aimed at inadequates and weaklings, as this sort of thing always is, surely it is a sign of maturity to reject it?

By doing this it was they who eliminated all alternatives, to secure him the Republican nomination.

They did this while his unlovely personal characteristics have been on full display. There were other possibilities, by no means as bad as Hillary. They destroyed them all in the adulatory frenzy of Trumpoid worship.

They are the ones who have created the choice between him and Hillary, which I would blame nobody for turning away from.

Now they have the nerve to tell us that , by rejecting their idol, whom they have worked so hard to turn into the only alternative to Hillary, we must automatically become Hillary supporters. It is not so.

Even if it were, it was a choice they must have seen coming, which they actively worked for, which they have themselves created and can’t blame others for disliking.

I am also puzzled that people are so readily persuaded by Mr Trump’s adoption of some supposed ‘policies’, which they like. I might like some of them too, but I am not so easily bought, thank you. What if he has, in the manner of quite a few political figures in history, adopted them because voters like them, not because he does, or because he has any real interest in them or in implementing the?

How will Trumpfags come back against this? Peter Hitchens completely demolishes their point. Trying to pretend that Trump is somehow good is utter delusion.

Other urls found in this thread:


I love Hitch but what he doesn't seem to understand is Trumps 9D chess game. That niggas playing with oculus rift whilst the media looks through kaleidoscopes

Hourly reminder to ignore, report and sage these copy-paste shill threads.

God speed lads


Clinton's worse though

I didn't vote for Trump for his 'conservative' credentials.


Hitchens is cucked on Islam

> English Intellectuals

Don't pay heed to him ameribros, the Hitch is going senile and spends his days blaming ISIS On marijuana. He also claims Trump is responsible for Hispanic violence.

Guy has lost mad respect from much of brit/pol/ over the last year or so.


Peter is a literal autist

Not an argument

you madmen don't bring him here

You're british. Why the fuck do you care about the U.S. presidential election.

YKTD is cripplechan now


What is left that is worth conserving in modern society?

The "conservatives" just ended up being a hand break on the "progressive" juggernaut. Absolutely fucking useless.

At this point we need a nationalist and a reactionary, not a conservative.

Trump isn't a modern neocon. The dominant group among conservatives for the last few decades were the globalist, free trade neocons.

Trump is neither. He's a populist moderate nationalist opposed to widespread American interventionism and nation building.

He's a mix of a paleodemocrat and a paleoconservative.

He can't be generalized because he's not a conventional run-of-the-mill product of the two party system.

>The Britcuck who gave up his fight for the West is angry that some dude is actually winning it


And this cuck is angry because it isn't only intellectuals who swoon over Trump? What a dumb fuck.

>this meme
society is big enough for more than one poison, why not look at both islam and other degeneracy such as cannabis and marxism

>Trumps 9D chess game
Kek, he's just relying on the stupidity and lack of knowledge inherent in his cultish fanbase, as well as the sheer evilness of Hillary to get elected. He's actually quite dim-witted, because if he wasn't, he would have done something to try and court conservative and libertarian voters, other than the Supreme Court list which "could be added to."

Fuck off, you're part of the problem

and what problem is that

Shifting focus away from Islam and the true cause of it's violence, the text

He's more reactionary/socially conservative than Trump or Farage or Le Pen.

>muh 9d chess
Fuck off.

Read the article, retard.

He knows full well how bad Islam is, even if he primarily blames the terror attacks on drugs. He's right that there's a correlation that needs investigating but he needs to realise Islam is the main issue.

>American intellectuals

You're talking shit.

It is very much an argument.

No he isn't. He's never been in Cripplechan and never will be. Stop talking shite.

Trump is neither socially conservative, reactionary or nationalistic, as Hitchens has proven in various articles.


>supporting the establishment which got us in this mess
I sure hope and all that.

>No he isn't. He's never been in Cripplechan and never will be. Stop talking shite.

by posting on Sup Forums? i agree all focus should be on islam right now and removing as many kebabs as possible but it doesnt make drugs any less degenerate ultimately

It's worse than that, the neocons were just progressives in disguise.
They existed to neuter all opposition to the globalist, anti-tradition centralised statists.

They were just controlled opposition. No matter who you vote for, you end up with the same policies. The only difference is the colour of the banner. Just look at how the Koch brothers are now supporting Clinton. Look at how the liberal media is attacking Trump and praising their former "enemies" like Romney and McCain.

Neocons are cancer. You are right about what we need, it's the only way to bail us out of this nightmare.

welcome back from 8ch ytmnd

Fuck being "mature" fuck objective "morality" it hasn't worked for us for the past two decades why the fuck not try someone with an iron will, who doesn't back down, who aims to please, and connects with the Americans who take the worst shit from both sides of the spectrum? We dont give a fuck if he's a rude mother fucker and makes his money in a shady way. At least he isnt a poitician that wears a mask pretending to be so perfect and righteous. The politicians have screwed us over and over again, and they've all done it under the guise of righteous moral authority desperately trying to cling to an image of superiority just so they can achieve their lifelong goal of ultimate power and riches. Trump at least succeeded on his own damn accord and hasn't been practicing his entire career to be some perfect being that literally cannot exist.

The thing is, even if you're country is forced into war by 'international financiers', you can campaign for peace, you can refuse to take part, you can try to make your countrymen see sense, but you can not go over to the other side and deliberately demoralise your compatriots in difficult times.
There is a duty of honour you owe to your country, no matter what direction it is headed in. Only rats desert a sinking ship.

"Him be big dumbdumb" is not an argument

Hitchens has been getting less based over the past year.

This was probably a bad move for him considering the curse of Trump.

Whenever I am tempted to think (as I am often urged to do) that Donald Trump cannot possibly be as bad as he looks, I quickly learn that he is worse. Everything about him is fake, even his fakery. The website of his wife, Melania, suddenly vanished after an unauthorised biography suggested that she had embroidered her qualifications. Why not either deny it or admit it? What madness has possessed Americans that they are even thinking of electing her husband?



Actually it's a very good argument. If you look at the way he debates and answers questions, it's almost entirely platitudinous tripe with no substance. And all you have to do is look at his ridiculous inconsistency on many policies to call into question his supposed honesty. Also he isn't socially conservative in any way, having had three wives and several affairs which he boasted about.

Why the fuck are so many people so vehemently opposed to a nationalist being elected President of the United States? Globalism is killing the West, and since Western people are the ones who have done everything good in this world, globalism is killing the entire human race. This is the only major party nominee who is a nationalist instead of a globalist in many decades. He should be celebrated as our ultimate savior for battling all of these disgusting anti-West globalist shills, not despised worse than Lucifer. Stop the fucking insanity all you piece of shit globalist shills, you're killing the human race just so you could make a few dollars from the globalist elites! What good is that fucking money when humanity is wiped out? Get out of the fucking way so the West that gave you everything you have can go back to innovating instead of stagnating. I don't like to wish ill on anyone, but these globalist assholes are seriously deserving bad things to happen to them with how hard they're trying to screw the West.

I'm voting for Johnson anyway.

I love Peter Hitchens but it is clear he has paid too much attention to English politics and has only seen the presidential race on the periphery. This is however, as it should be. People should focus on their countries.

He has not looked deeply into his policies, and has likely been caught by seeing most of him under the MSM banner at best, and the UK MSM banner at worst.

His policies were not a pandering attempt at populism and were guaranteed to make whomever said such things an unelectsble pariah. However, when trump stated them and made headlines, he instead found Americans completely open to his ideas. His tax plan is great, the wall idea echoes with the common American, taking a harsh stance on terrorism in a realistic and non sugar coated way is basically common sense that was censored in the media and presidency.

He has seen trump through a telescope and made statements without really understanding him. Calling him unlikeable is a polar opposite when you see his rallies, his policies, and how he interacts with people. If you see them through cherry picked and context massacred media statements, you will of course get this idea.

He is not pandering. He is likeable, but is firm against things that he sees as harmful to the country. Some of them are not blindingly visible, but he points them out.

While it paints him as unlikeable to those that are not paying attention, it is simply a media paradox. He is a shrewd businessman; a true CEO and Boss. Many people do not like him personally but still love him as a candidate. People disagree with some things he says, but still support him.

And probably the largest thing that makes people like him and support him is how he stands strong. When the media try to scandalized his statements and views as non pc, he stood by them with ferocity.

Such a strong will in the face of almost criminal slandering is what turned most people towards him. It's a personal rigidity that makes him the best choice.

>Fuck being "mature" fuck objective "morality"
>makes his money in a shady way

There speaks the mind of a political illiterate

Thanks CorrectingTheRecord™ ₪3 has been deposited to your account

Wtf I love Hillary now

Fuck social conservatism. The West is on the verge of demographic and economic destruction thanks to the damage the globalists have been wreaking on us for 50+ years now. We need to solve the potentially apocalyptic problems of the invading hordes and the crushing trade deals the globalists are killing us with before we can worry about the relatively minor problems social conservatism is concerned with.

Look at the people who elect him. Obama was able to set off an era of degeneracy on hope and change. Talk about a platitude

It's not "globalism" to want free trade. Read any economics book, all economists agree that free trade benefits everyone because of comparative advantage. Globalism would be advocating one-world government, which is only espoused by some members of the UN (particularly the hysterical climate alarmists).

He's a globalist puppet like Hillary. Trump is the only one who isn't.


Name these inconsistencies
His personal life is not my concern and who cares if he married a pair of golddiggers

wtf I hate Hitchens now
Guess his Jew blood finally showed through.

Yeah he's not perfect we all fucking know this. It's just the fact that the alternative is a literal murderer that kind of gathers him support.

I used to like peter but he's always been a winey little bitch who is quick to criticize but never offers any reasonable implementable solutions. He can go fuck off with his doom and gloom articles he writes for the daily mail. Don't care if it's the "mail on sunday", it's still a couple.

And that means I shouldn't have an opinion? A vote? Sorry you dont know what freedom is, bong. Also, not an argument.

Kys faggot

wtf i hate peter hitchens now

Because Cannabis and Marxism aren't causing these terrorist attacks.

Voting for anyone other than Trump or not voting for anyone at all means that your are perfectly okay with Hillary Clinton being elected and sentencing the United States to death.

It means you are okay with decades of a liberal activist majority on the Supreme Court, okay with open borders and the deliberate non-enforcement of our immigration laws, okay with the endless expansion of the welfare state, okay with the philosophy of our Constitution being a hindrance rather than an ideal, and you are okay with your country being controlled by people who are hostile to every belief and value you hold for the rest of your life.

If you truly believe that anything Donald Trump has ever said is more offensive and dangerous than anything I've listed above then you are a complete failure to our civilization, an embarrassment to everything your ancestors have worked for, and you should promptly exit society through suicide.

It's not about social conservatism, but fiscal conservatism.

The media misses his policies completely and show trump in his rallies only, much less how they cut and take his statements out of context.

His rallies where he talks to the American people are what has driven his campaign and garnered so much support. No speeches, no teleprompter, just him and the people.

His speeches show the presidential side and the policies that the media miss. His foreign policy speech was incredible.

He's an old school politician. He talks to the people, and when he is to write a speech and talk to the nation, he shows his policies clear as day while outlining his plans.

What the media has been doing thus far is almost criminal slander. It's also a septisemic quirk among modern presidential elections that makes candidates robotic. They need to be human.

Compare what happens in the banter bunker with what happens during the race. Rallies should show this disparity but greater. His denouncing of teleprompters in rallies is what helps him the most with the people, but the least with the media.

Here's one of the more dangerous examples.
He says he could "negotiate" the debt which would damage the US's credit rating and cause disaster, then backtracks and advocates printing money, which would obviously cause inflation and essentially an invisible tax on everyone's savings.

> Gary Johnson

So you are a liberal

Read the fucking article you spastic. He destroys that argument.

The only Western people who benefit from "free trade" are the elites and their top puppets. The middle class is completely dying out, the wages of the 99.9% are falling thanks to having to compete with foreigners, consumers don't have any money to spend, real unemployment in the West is rising, and it's only going to get worse if TPP is passed. The elites can't live without us, they need our bright minds to keep inventing the things that advance human progress, but it'll be too late for them to realize this if we let them turn us all into virtual slaves working 20 hour days just for barely enough money to survive, and no time or energy left to be the innovators the human race needs to keep advancing.

> thinks the choice between a con man and a liar is FREEDUMS.

About which candidates is this guy talking about? If they were so great why couldn't they get the votes? The other candidates probably don't know how to handle the pro-Clinton media or Shillary.

I can't see anything on the website about fiscal conservatism on his website other than cutting "waste, fraud, and abuse." He hardly has any concrete policies because he doesn't need them, cultists like you eat up whatever he says because he's "human." By the way, his dad was already a millionaire (in 1940s dollars) by the time Donald was born, he's hardly a man of the people.

I didn't want Trump to win the nomination. His campaign has always been a fucking joke to me, but that's where we are now.

I have a choice between signing my own country's death warrant or casting a vote against it. What do you think I will choose?

Well that seems like a impossible dilemma, since the debt can't be piled up and there are no funds available to repay.
Then, if one party refuses to negotiate while you simply can't afford to borrow anymore, what other solutions can there be?

Peter is the definition of a do-nothing cuck.

his country and culture are their way to the grave and this faggot is worried about being "mature".

FUCK that, we're fucking angry, and we need an angry guy like Trump to destroy this corrupt system that seeks to enslave us all, chained to the altar of globalism.

Drugs are a big part of muslim plans to subvert your youth. They certainly helped to influence the outcome of events in Rotherham.

>Allo governah that ol' Trump Whumpy fellow is a sure right todger he is.

Seriously? This is considered good writing in England ???!

Wow, this entire post could have come from a Sanders or Corbyn supporter. Like I said, look up free trade and comparative advantage.



He's delusional. The #nevertrump movement was started by and contains mostly conservatives.

>what other solutions can there be?
It looks like you don't understand national debt. Central banks (US and UK, probably yours too) refinance the debt constantly, repaying it by selling bonds elsewhere. The US economy is growing, and the Federal Reserve is printing money to keep up with growth while staving off inflation. If the debt:GDP ratio is going down, then the US just has to wait until the trillions of dollars is only a small percentage of GDP and pay it off easily. Reducing the deficit helps in this regard.

This is the same fucker that didn't even vote in the Brexit vote, possibly one of the biggest referendums in modern British history. I get how some of you can respect the guys opinions but to me he's a bit of a fag and that cemented my dislike of him.

No other candidate took border control seriously
They thought they could get those welfare leeches to vote GOP instead of Democrat, and their donors didn't care either way
The conservative establishment got what they deserved for stabbing the country in the back

And you ARE supporting Hillary if you refuse to vote for Trump because you don't like his attitude, like some overemotional woman. You are supporting amnesty and voting rights for tens of millions of authoritarian socialists, you are supporting a Supreme Court stacked with liberals for the foreseeable future. A candidate who has openly proclaimed that every piece of the Bill of Rights is open to restriction - that they are privileges and not rights at all. The end of free speech and gun rights.

So what's the problem if the US goverment is already printing currency?

Shit, I used to like him.

But fuck conservatives anyway. They defend the status quo that is quickly killing western civilisation. What we need is reactionaries.

And Trump isn't one, true. But he's a huge step in the good direction.

>muh maturity
>muh toxic masculinity
>muh moral superiority
>muh propaganda

Go back to jerk off to the Queen's portrait, Hitchens.

>didn't even vote in the Brexit vote
Then how is this cuck even relevant? I see this guy being posted on Sup Forums all the time.

>the establishment didn't play hardball to stop Trump
Oh Peter, you're still full of shit no matter how eloquently it drips from your asshole.

Trump one on the back of a media feeding frenzy, nothing more.

It appears to me that there have been 4 poats by this user.

I don't know, I always assumed he was just some raging christian political commentator before I came here and it turns out I was right, but he's also a supreme cuck as well.

>What if he has, in the manner of quite a few political figures in history, adopted them because voters like them, not because he does, or because he has any real interest in them or in implementing the?

Seriously, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Barack Obama. Did they do everything they promised to do? Did they do only a fraction of the things they promised to do?

If Trump does even 1% of what he promises, we're better off than if we went with Shilllary.

And I'm confused. Is he bitching about American conservatives voting for Trump, or is he bitching about idiots like George Will and Bill Kristol saying we cannot elect Trump and must vote Hillary?

there are still white people in england?

thats pretty neat op

He doesn't believe in referenda, a contintental phenomenon. He wished for a government that wanted us to exit.

he was only opposed by (((conservatives)))

he is a retard then

We all fucking hate Peter Hitchens in Brit/pol/, he's an insufferable bore.

wtf i hate trump now

he is everything wrong with christian morality: expecting the Apocalypse because you are too much of a pussy to bring about your own redemption



Direct your anger here lads.


I eel the morality



he can wish all he wants at the end of the day the guys a fag that didn't even help contribute towards the brexit vote
you don't get shit by sitting around and wishing for it seriously fuck this guy

>Panama understading religion

>rich people aren't people

>rich people can't connect to people

Labour pls go.

Also, you didn't seriously look up his policies, or look at his speeches. The answer to cutting fiscal waste is by cutting fiscal waste. His tax plan outlines how he is going to cut back on welfare and benefits through reverse income tax.

Someone arguing with facts is not a cultists.