How is 2nd amendment gonna protect you from tyranny when the government has tanks, jets, nukes and missiles?
Check m8, ameripoors
Reminder to report/sage/hide shill threads.
>1 post by this ID
>t-trump is liderally hidler!!!!!
>lol the government will never be tyrannical turn in your guns
>Implying we care about guns to overthrow the government
We want our guns to shoot at Jamal and Jose who try to rob us.
>Military destroying their own infrastructure and labor force
It takes a nuke to kill a city
It takes a bullet to kill a man
A tyrannical government is made up of men, not cities.
we are getting so fucking raided the last 3 days now.
>implying the army is gonna shoot civilians
Top kek.
The best armed government in the world can't even eradicate a bunch of dirt farmers when they have the blessing of their people behind them.
>implying the government will bomb its own cities and collapse its own infrastructure and economy
God you faggots are retarded
Look at Afghanistan.
Do we really need to have this thread 3 times a day?
Its not.
>If the govt wants you dead, youre gonna be dead
Daily copy pasta.
You think the government can just order the military to shoot countrymen with drones and attack helicopters?
An unarmed man can be detained, an armed man must be killed.
if you bump this thread you are a total moron or a shill. I don't even bother posting the pictures anymore. If liberals ever win it will be because of their relentless stupidity that tires any logical, critical thinking human out.
Also, fighting their own people will involve destroying their own infrastructure which will damage their own capacity to wage war.
no idea OP, no idea
You think the military will turn against its citizens?
They used to be citizens too.
>implying the government will bomb its own cities and collapse its own infrastructure and economy
Fucking this.
Can someone ban this spamming homo?
Ask the Taliban you fucking idiot, they know how.
>What is Vietnam?
Legalize open carry for swords. Make killing someone with a sword a much lighter sentence than killing with a gun. Increase the size of no gun zones but allow swords everywhere.
>High profile so everyone can see what you're about to do before you do it
>Harder to kill multiple targets
>Low collateral damage, harder to hurt bystanders by accident
We're never going to make it impossible to get guns, but if we incentivize swords and dueling by making it less of a legal risk than guns we can cut down on gun deaths caused by random freakouts.
Literally 1 stray bullet is enough to kill a dictator
>the government
>blasting its own infrastructure