What a diverse cast, this is progress!
looks like something out of the phantom menace
nice high quality post
This is going to bomb in Asia.
Holy fuck those blue robes look sleek as fuck
>super advanced
>just use metal for spears n shiet
was this the case in the comic as well?
why do black people upset you guys so much
chinks love bad cgi more than they hate nignogs, just look at the fast franchise
It's because "black people" are niggers.
couldnĀ“t they have chosen an at least somewhat interesting looking shot?
the background and lighting looks terribly bland
They are murderous subhumans. A danger to all mankind.
Because most of Sup Forums don't care about Sup Forums anymore and are just racist
because they are useless beings. living proof that natural selection does not favor intelligence
>average black man penis: 9 inches
>average white "man" penis: 3 inches
gee, i wonder...
Because if they didn't exist we'd be colonising the universe by now.
natural selection doesn't favor intelligence but how well they're adapted to their local environment you ignorant bitch.
>conquer the planet
>wage wars with brutal efficiency
>build weapons that could destroy cities anywhere on the globe
>genocide cultures
>make other races their slaves/bitches
yo white ppl so nerdy and weak XD
>Proud of being blood thirsty genocidal maniacs
>Being proud of being genocided
in how many wars have you been?
>he hasn't checked africa in the last 5 seconds
>dissing caseroles
are you dumb
You should leave this movie alone because when it fails,they will just blame the "Sup Forums altright trolls"
>the background and lighting looks terribly bland
God forbid blacks have a capeshit all their own
This shit, however, seriously triggers me.
>can't build own civilization by themselves
>needs to enslave others because too lazy to do it themselves
>complain when slaves revolt and demand equality
God damn, colors really pop on black skin. Niggers do look cool you know, white skin doesn't work with colors like this
>Entire movie is awkwardly jamming African iconography ontop of scifi bullshit
>Triggered when African architecture is awkwardly jammed ontop of scifi bullshit
ah yes, white mans world was built on cotton
>a thatch roof
>african architecture
you are the reason this exists
what does this map even mean? what counts as a ongoing conflict? between which parties is there an ongoing conflict in sweden for example?
>building a fort out of dried mud
whats to stop someone from pouring water on it and watching it collapse
>white people have had no influence whatsoever in the conflicts in mexico, syria, and afghanistan
it's africa, there is no water
black people should be the ones upset by this
it's all about riding the sjw and wewuzzing wave to make easy cash, it's absolutely disgusting money grabbing by hollywood
so use camel piss or something
Hmmmm.... I did see two white guys but as long as they both turn out to be the villain I'll let it slide. I'm more concerned about not seeing a white women for the main character to fuck. Guessing they will show her in the final trailer in order to attract cucks who still weren't sure about going to see this. Regardless this film will be a great step for PoC progress :^)
>Tons of African architecture (especially the kind that Americans are aware of) don't incorporates thatch roofs
>A bunch of Muslims in Mali built a mosque just to spite future stereotypes
you guys slaved more that just black people you dumb fuck. blacks for farm production, chinese building railroads, mexicans in farm and construction, irish too. when was the last time you guys were decent human beings that paid a fair wage? american is built on the sweat and blood of those who america either bought or conquered.
It's vabranium.
this argument is retarded, no one on this board will ever use their penii in a way were length matters.
they're annoying and I'm more upset that hollywood puts them on a pedestal. not every black person but 95% of them I have ever met act like selfish apes. so when I see media glorifying what is obvious to everyone is a garbage culture, then I shitpost to let out my frustration, because society is way too sensitive to let you ever talk bad about them even though they are fucking barbaric towards everything.
why is it, that I cant relax among most blacks?
>wasting your drink on fucking to a building
Use your head man Jesus you know they can't think beyond the immediate.
why does she look like cgi
well congragulations dude i can guarantee you that you are a hell of a lot more annoying.
because you're not a virgin autismo with anger isuess.
no you can't because you don't know me. but I can guarantee you are a retard from your post.
you're on the Sup Forums board talking about politics and feeling all superior n shit of course you're annoying dude.
fast and furious franchise doesn't count because all non-whites love paul walker for some reason
I'm not feeling superior, I'm just stating a fact. niggers act like fucking animals. maybe if you stepped outside sometime you would notice this too.
really though
>Hidden Figures
>The gay black one that won the oscar (forgot the name)
>Get Out!
>Black Panther
>probably several I'm forgetting
What's with hollywoods sudden obsession with kangz?
I don't live on a white country dude. Get some off that Sup Forums outta your brain a little.
good PR at the moment
just like the new gay pride PS4
people have been making movies about strong black people for years now, however identity politics have become a big thing
nobody was bitching about black people heroes when blade came out
>Five movies
>Of which 2 were almost indie productions with small budgets
oh so you're a nigg that's getting triggered by me calling your people out on your bull shit. maybe if you had some self-awareness you wouldn't feel like your jimmies are rustled and you have to defend yourself
The source material is fifty years old, dum dum.
Finally you revealed yourself.
at least i'm not the one saying embarassing words like that.
actually im a mongolian jew
if anything, get out makes fun of the blacked target audience
looks fucking awful. marvel make plenty of money how about hiring someone to give it a shit how it looks?
decent scripts aswell wouldn't go a miss
Mongolian jew? You're gross.
the irony is that Sup Forums is dominated by self-hating 3rd-worlders now
See ya opening night!
why are you so proud of your ancestors being beta bitches?
go get red pilled and wake up then. nobody hates blacks simply because their skin color. it's how they act that pisses people off and then you eventually realize that race typically acts that way.
I just want everyone lurking in these threads,to realize the posters here that call blacks niggers, sub-humans, apes etc. are the same people spamming and jerking off to blacked porn.
woah, this looks zany enough to be entertaining..
What sort of fucking warrior fights in a robe?
It doesn't matter. The movie is "diverse" just like Wonder Woman has been deemed "feminist". It'll receive 100% on RT no matter what.
please elaborate
No its
average black 6.3 inchs
average white 5.5 inchs
>marvel make plenty of money how about hiring someone to give it a shit how it looks?
And waste money? Audiences clearly don't care. May as well make it Power Rangers-tier and pocket the cash.
Do you still live in a thatched roof house or see modern skyscrapers with thatched roofs you fucking mongoloid?
These seem like "American white people" things rather than general white people
wonder woman is an OK film though.
Central African Repuic went to shit since Anti Balaka Seleka mass chimpout.
Civil war is just natural nigger behavior honestly its only a matter of tine before Detoilet and Apimore look like Liberia.
Whites are insecure they are being bred out of existence so they lash out on internet forums like these because they don't have the balls to say any of this trash in real life.
t. A Christian conservative republican who hates racism as much as SJW garbage
Imagine the thoughts of them asian chinese capeshit goer when this flick comes out
>This black thinks he advance?
>This guy is a black pussy?
>I own tracts of land in Africa
>If only they followed the whities
>Dream on niggers Africa will never be like this.
>Why are they black?
You know I've seen graphs stating average penis sizer by race and country and I always think "How do they know?" I don't know about you guys but I've never had a doctor measure my dick.
So who is conducting this study?
The French are the reason the Mosque of Djenne exists, look it up, it was entirely rebuilt by the French after it didn't exist for X years.
A capeshit warrior
They haven't had that guy in ages though.
>>complain when slaves revolt
Did American slaves ever have a major revolt?
The only BBCs are congo niggers with 7.1 on average.
I literally can not wait to see how little money this movie makes and the inevitable whining about that