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Lmao he's gonna flop worse than romney. he might actually kill himself if romney decides to call him out on his comments he made about him earlier.
And Drumpf's real numbers will be even lower once big Gary carves off a nice piece of his votes. This poll only accounts for Clinton-Trump.
God what a fucking meme you far right retards fell for. What don't you get about demographics? America is way too brown and there are way too many women voters to ever allow a racist, bully asshole like Drumpf to win.
This slide thread brought to you by Correct The Record. Sage and move along.
Honestly, if the polls stay this bad into October, i can see him legitimately quitting the race before he loses.
He'll make some excuse like "the entire system was rigged against me, i'm going back to being the world's greatest businessman".
He's already generating excuses to not hold debate. What a disaster of a campaign hes' running.
so effectively we're back where we started
holy shit Trump is finished, RCP hasn't even added these new numbers in yet
real talk : clinton actual polling numbers are in low 20s
Hello! Friends at Correct the Record!
Have you been earning those .02 cents for every post you make? Remmeber, for every shill post you recieve, you'll get to see Hillary kill another soldier in the Middle East
CNN "poll"
How are leafs still not range banned?
let this be a lesson to you all.
you will NEVER win.
now kys. make america mexico again
This is some grade A leafposting
You don't fuck with football, nigger.
Yep, that is how it is.
I forgot to mention the best part. Hillary is going to make your Supreme Court permanently liberal. There WILL be hate speech laws in this fucking country that will prevent a Drumpf from ever happening again. And you won't be able to do shit about it because the stacked court will uphold them.
Suck it, right wing jagoffs. And to the moderates/social cons going along with the Drumpf scam because "muh evil Hillary," you are complicit, and you will be neutered by our court too.
It isn't enough for Hillary to win. She is going to get a landslide that will humiliate Drumpf and the far right forever. Then we are going to make it literally impossible for your sick shit to ever get a national stage again. The next Republican candidate will literally be indistinguishable from policy, race, and women as Obama. And the GOP will still lose because Drumpf's racist, maniacal bullshit will taint you for a fucking generation.
Literally the only decent poll is the LA Times.
this makes me so happy. america will finally be cut down to size.
This will all definitely happen.
I'm not quite sure what this is trying to say.
Deny it all you want and racist meme.
Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you forever you sheltered little babydicks. Sup Forums Democrats have had to sit here for years while you shit all over us and call us cucks.
Hillary is going to ram her heels in your balls and then stab you in the spine with a boxcutter once she gets elected. It isn't enough to ban your shit and humiliate Drumpf. We are going to politically murder white, racist America and laugh while it bleeds out in the gutter.
a poll from Clinton news network says hurhurhurhruhruhrur
Wow, all this Correcting the Record really convinced me, I'm gonna go right ahead and SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE SAGE
Oh well, I guess you're right then... Time to pack it in, boys...
Liberals will lose. Trump is ahead in every fucking swing state. Liberals will learn their lesson and poll everyone instead of registered in 2020 because their strategy of making (D) seem popular choice is making more independents vote for Trump or make likely dem voters stay home cause they are complacent. The liberal media needs to always prop up itself to importance when they are really not and everyone sees through their bullshit. Trump will win cap it.
They polled 10% more Democrats than Republicans, then said "See, look, Hilldog is definitely going to win!"
This is a flawed method because it completely ignores voter turnout, and completely ignores the fact that higher than usual numbers of people are defecting and voting third party.
Its called "oversampling", and its something practically every poll that shows Hillary in the lead does.
You realize that unlike in Germany, we have guns and will literally kill you and overthrow the government if you try this right? Do you even know how many people view Trump as the last democratic chance for reform?
This is quality shilling, I hope you are being paid at a premium rate.
i am unironically happy though.
why are you mad at me brother. i hate america.
theyre oversampling demoshits and republicans and MASSIVELY undersampling independents, which are the largest voting bloc
>Hillary pols actually go down during the DNC
>Opponents mention this frequently.
>"Look Goyim, the new polls show she did get s bump! Why don't you believe the Clinton News Network?! Your denial is anudduh shoah!"
Nah mate. These things won't happen because these things are the reason why a lot of Americans have guns.
I'm assuming that's Breitbart...
Daily reminder most CTR shills are posting through Canadian proxies, paid through TD Canada accounts in CAD
>a small bag of weed has been stapled to a moose's ass and dispatched to your address
Fuck off Canada fag.
>voting for a murderer and warhawk a thousand times more demonic than Donald Trump
Demoshits are sure good at working against their own interests.
Haye speech laws and gun grabs are coming if we allow the unrestrained immigration waves, which more and more people understand, which is why Trump will win.
Are these posts from March 2016?
How do I become a paid shill?
Please, please, please give us just one fucking excuse to take your little popguns away. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
I don't think you understand how many rational people are quietly foaming at the mouth to crackdown HARD on gun nuts.
Oh, but "muh military mutiny" will save your little dick compensating guns, right? You saw what happened in Turkey.
Crowds will overwhelm any soldier stupid enough to turn against our government. Hillary will activate every emergency channel on phones and social media, calling the American people to defend their democracy. The tanks and armored vehicles won't do shit when they're surrounded by thousands of women holding candles, asking them to put down their arms.
So, once again, fuck you. We also live in an age of drones that's only growing.
I think all this bullshit about armed uprisings is just more fantasy from racist assholes anyway. None of you have the balls to do shit. But if I'm wrong, the second even a dozen of you step out of line and attack a Democratic Party headquarters or something, we WILL be coming for your guns.
Hillary has no problem mowing down neonazis by the thousands if push comes to shove. And the PERMANENTLY LIBERAL SUPREME COURT is going to let it happen.
Fuck you. Go ahead and rise up. We'll find a way to ban the Republican Party as a fucking hate group. We will use whitey's money to send more blacks and hispanics and gay people into the country to make sure Billy Bob is kept in line forever.
There's literally LITERALLY no scenario where right-wing racist assholes ever win.
And then we watch as the new Hitler rises. Then generations down the track, if humanity is still alive; people will ask how we could be so stupid to fall for all the obvious bullshit. Like most people do when talking about the Germans of the 1930s.
Thank you for correcting the record!
$0.10 Hillbux has been deposited into your account
You are wrong.
>The DNC was nothing but protests, revealing Hillary is cheating, and censorship of the bernie supporters.
All hope is lost in America, if this bitch wins.
The amount of rigging is absurd. The 2016 DNC was literally the worst convention in the history of American politics. You had the anti-Bernie scandal, the email scandal, the Clinton Foundation scandal, Bernouts disrupting everything, the obsession with identity politics, terrible speakers one after another, that horrible 1984-esque video, and of course all of it for Hillary, literally the worst presidential candidate ever. There's no way in hell such a train wreck of biblical proportions avoided losing supporters, and no one is dumb enough to believe that it helped them gain 7 fucking percent. Some American people might be impressionable and easily misled by the media but they were already voting for Hillary. She certainly wouldn't have gained any voters from such an embarrassment of a convention, and I'm sure at least a few of her previous supporters would've abandoned ship. Anyone who actually believes such blatantly false numbers the media is putting out is ridiculous.
>all that shit
I wish a nigga would. But a nigga tried and failed. After countless dead kids, niggers and gays and hurt fee fees, nothing got done.
You're gonna lose cause THIS IS AMERICA. Most of us remember how awesome the 90s were and how you guys are attempting to "rule" (lol) the times. You guys are lame, cant make good music and constantly annoy the shit out of us awesome people and we will vote your homosexual asses out of power. You lost cause when we gave you the power you couldnt do anything with it. Blame Obama when you cry in November. Cap it.
>opinion polls
>clinton news network
>Someone makes a speech
>10% of the country changes sides
>Other person makes a speech
>10% of the country changes sides
>Someone says something bad about something
>20% of the country changes sides
Polls are one thing, people who actually go out and vote are another. Millennials fucked up a vote already with Brexit, and Romney had one of the driest campaigns in a long time and he still didn't lose that bad.
>user, moments before this post was made.
You give me hope for the future generic 90s kid mascot.
It would be an anti-gun slaughter m8. The turk soldiers were few and had no idea or reason to fight. Bubba would have no qualms pulling the trigger on people like you.
>that clinton shill impersonation by 1 murrican itt
it's brilliant, that's grade A shitposting if I ever saw it, totally nails the low-IQ emotional liberal persona
God that interviewer makes me mad. Has that jackoff never heard of hyperbole? If someone calls my sister a whore I'll say he has no right to call my sister that, even though technically, he does.
wikileaks proves Hillary funded ISIS
Greatest ally, you can't know just how rigged our entire media is unless you live here. Nobody changed sides after the DNC except maybe to go from Hillary to Trump. It was seriously a terrible, terrible convention even by normal standards. But the globalists own all our media, and this time they only have one candidate between the D's and R's, so they're all on Hillary's side instead of their usual pretending to be split, and that allows them to rig every opinion poll like never before. I trust most of my fellow Americans are smart enough to see through it though, the brainwashed people who just do whatever the media tells them to are truly a minority.
WAHHHH Americans saw a sane convention that wasn't full of hate. Drumpf shot his mouth off and beat up on an innocent family AGAIN, and now his campaign is imploding.
Seriously, seriously fuck you! You are literally going to see Drumpf go down in a 20% gap when Hillary landslides 40 states. He will barely be ahead of Gary Johnson.
I hope she starts legal proceedings to confiscate his wealth and throw him in prison on her first day in office. You're fucking stupid if you think we're going to sit around while Drumpf becomes some "lost cause" racists rally around for the next thirty years. His gross family will be lucky to get food stamps by the time we are done with him. The IRS is going to seize Drumpf's entire fortune, auction all his properties, and hand it out to the people he shit on the most.
you said he was going to win
Holy shit what the fuck happened in the DNC that Hilary is the new prophet peace be upon her
>tfw can't tell if serious or just too far gone in shitposting space
You gotta wonder what people who really think like this shitposter will do once Trump wins in a landslide. Will they kill themselves? Or just quietly go back to shitposting?
Because even Micheal Moore has written about this, saying "People who think Hillary is going to landslide this are living in a little bubble from being so close to the coast. Middle America is mad as hell"
Hey can you stream Nov. 8 for us when you shoot yourself in the head? Im collecting gore videos and i would really like to see some fresh livestream gore. Id love to have my hands on that...
>Sup Forums democrats
Hahahaha holy shit I almost wrecked my car from laughing. I gotta stop driving and reading this Mongolian Chess board
>american flag
>your supreme court
proxy shilling is on the rise.
Tell that to Hilldog's 9 point in lead in PA. Fuck's sake, Trump is tied with her in fucking Georgia!
You fascists are done with a capital D.
Salty liberal.
For the record Hillary is closer to prison than Trump because she actually broke the law and honestly stop saying 'drumpf' it makes you sound like a fucking retard and a disgrace to your party.
For the record for everyone else there are sane democrats around, they just aren't as loud.
Oh and Trump will always be rich, as he didn't make his fortune on politics. It speaks volumes about your person and reveals where you are on the class spectrum when you react to it this way.
That was a university poll. Trump is getting PA and if he doesn't its going to be close...He's getting florida Ohio and NH and if any blue state turns red he will have over 270. The fact that Georgia is reported a swing state just shows the obvious bias in that poll. How stupid can you be?
damn, his poll numbers once Hillary destroys him at the debates will be hilarious
some states are probably going to flip blue too
Reminder polls dont matter the electoral college choses who wins
Your faggot ass will be first in jail when you complain when a Muslim rapes your mother and five-year old sister.
i made this prediction a long time ago and got called a shill which I'm defiantly not. Trump is the kind of guy who will take the ball home if he knows he's going to lose. I'd do the same thing if I had a brand to protect. If he quits he'll just say, "Yea, I would have won but I decided I've got more important things to do then run your shitty government,"
The bitch who can't even do a press conference will destroy Trump in the debates.
of course m8. She's gonna run like a bitch from every single one of them or they will do their best to bury them.
i kind of want this to happen just so there's a civil war or some big happening when they decide to confiscate guns.
"all is well, Trump will win"
what are laws.
what is the legislature.
1) Have you seen her during any of the Benghazi hearings? She thinks pretty quickly on her feet. Hate her all you want, but in these types of situations she's got a lot more experience dealing with this sort of stuff
2) Its Trump's campaign that's trying to get out of the debates: the football excuse is just pathetic.
Debates aren't well suited for Trump - who prefers having the floor to himself and being able to go 'off script', make jokes, ect. He won't be able to do that in the debate where he'll be asked specific questions about policies and can't just answer "i'm going to put the best people in charge to fix things".
It's only natural that he'd like to avoid the debates. They're only going to give the MSM more ammunition to bury him with.
>America is way too brow
and that is why we need less of them
Hillary hasn't had a press conference in 240 days. Trump has no problem going into hostile environments.
Shill harder, leaf
Why is everyone mad? When Trump was leading in CNN poll, you posted it like 20 times a day
Omg you guys are more pathetic than I thought HAHAHAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Are shills paid to post unsubstantiated attempted demoralizing non-arguments?
This. Hillary is literally a genius level intellect against the mouthbreathing retard that is Drumpf. The shit that tripped up Jeb and Cruz is now completely predictable.
Drumpf has about three talking points he repeats like a talking doll: Makeamerigagreatagain, we're gonna win win win, Crooked HIllary blah blah blah.
It's just noise now. Everybody has heard it, seen through it, and we know it's fucking shit.
I wouldn't be surprised if Drumpf openly calls Hillary a cunt at the first debate and quits the next day in disgrace. He is going to get stumped so fucking hard he will need years of treatment for the ego shattering PTSD his ugly, racist orange ass will incur.
Bernie was a pretty smart guy and he had more than a little of Hillary's misogynist streak. Hillary fearlessly knocked the hell out of him. Thing is, Bernie actually tried to debate on facts and intellect. Drumpf can't do that because he has nothing. It's going to be like cutting into a stuck pig when Hillary takes a hatchet to this sickening fucking con man, and it's going to be BEAUTIFUL.
I'm stocking up on kleenex because I know I'm going to be bawling with joy on debate night. I'll need even more in November when Georgia, Arizona, and Texas flip blue. Drumpf or whatever Republican retard takes over when he quits will win a handful of deep southern states and nothing else.
Mark my fucking words. This is a massacre.
Is the boss of these CTR shills watching? I can shill better, and actually provide arguments with veracity rather than doomsday demoralizing which doesn't work here.
>I'll need even more in November when Georgia, Arizona, and Texas flip blue
I don't think Texas will
Missouri might, a recent poll had him down by 1
The only chance she has to win is by cheating...same way she beat Bernie.
Trump is gonna spit roast her at the first debate
why do people assume Lincoln was a good guy? He hated niggers and wanted them all shipped back to Africa but the war left the economy in shreds so he couldn't do it.
Reminder the electoral college is left leaning
can we just nuke canada already?