Niggary diggery do, the shit comes up my ass

Niggary diggery do, the shit comes up my ass


Hahahahahh whitepeople.

Only white people would name their shotguns after fanfic characters




black people don't do casseroles? I thought that was a southern thing.

I love how it's become a meme that some whites are in fact suicidal mass shooters
Yet they aren't ready to accept it, even though they think ALL blacks are crack heads or hispanics gangbangers.

lol good one, like the meme


I love how blacks tryhard to force stereotypes about whites because they can't handle the fact of being complete failures at every levels and it's entirely their own fault.

See you in hell, thread.

lulz look at this butthurt little bitch
gonny cry kid? don't shoot up the school k?

Racial stereotypes aren't funny

Why are niggers so openly racist?

>force stereotypes

If you turn back the clock everyone's ancestors were mass murders. It's just that niggers of the sand and saharan varieties haven't been able to get past that phase yet.

gotta fight fire with fire

ITT: fragile white kids get triggered and everyone laughs at them


Stay obsessed buddy.


LMAO I saw that in weird als white and nerdy video so it must be true! XD



>when you are killing yourselves at a rate equivalent to third world nations and warzones


you are the only one butthurt here kiddo.
go back to dress up as sonic the hedgehog or some shit.
it's true.
niggers are so insecure that they wait the presence of whites on some very little phenomenon to force some stereotype about.
they are butthurt of being underclass criminals, but it's normal, after all they are the most inferior and less intelligent subspecie of homo sapiens, well sometimes i doubt if they are really sapiens.


Why are white boys so sensitive ITT? Inferiority complex?

Oh yeah? Well why don't YOU go dress up as sonic the hedgehog? Jerk!

The white people spicy food meme is harmless and pretty funny

Its like that bit dave chapple does about how blacks get made fun of for watermellon and chicken. But you cant do the same to whites because no one knows what they eat.

>cant drink milk

how does it feel to have inferior genetics

really make you think.

Imagine being so butthurt that you actually made this image
Imagine being so butthurt that you saved it and reposted it

>social mediums
Why would the person that made this know that the singular of social media is medium but then not pluralise it back to media?

Doesn't even make sense. All the best chefs are white, all the best everything are white or at least Asian.

Gee why can't white people handle freindly banter

I enjoy this meme.

the original is just so incredibly tame and not hurtful, but white guys still manage to get butthurt enough to make that response image to it