>I refuse to celebrate Wonder Woman as a cultural victory. Especially given the misogynoiristic stereotypes the film relies upon to contextualize the heroism of the White female lead.
>I refuse to celebrate Wonder Woman as a cultural victory. Especially given the misogynoiristic stereotypes the film relies upon to contextualize the heroism of the White female lead.
sentences like that are what happens when black people's vocabularies become bigger than their brains
>ITT: why you're no fun at parties.
I haven't checked but I bet the ((("""journalist"""))) isn't black.
Based negresses seeing right through Zionist propaganda
The whole article is literally "fuck Israel"
>Gal Gadot
She's black.
>Wonder Woman shattered box office records this weekend, due in part to the promotion carried by mainstream feminism, but also Black women who championed the DC superhero film to their large audiences. Black women like Ava DuVernay, Kerry Washington, and Lupita Nyong’o made public their delight in seeing the film starring Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins (both of whom are White women).
>When I first saw these iconic Black women express their laudations of Gal Gadot, who is pro-Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and a former combat trainer with direct ties to the oppression of Palestinian people, I thought of the longstanding and tacit requisite of upward mobility that requires Black people to distance themselves or abandon those of us without social influence, political clout, or financial security. I think about how we are left to scurry for scraps as we survive in a White supremacist world that sees us as disposable while our faves engage in behaviors that are antithetical to our Liberation.
>I care little about Wonder Woman and if this film should qualify in its potential to empower Black women and femmes. Black women and femmes can do and feel whatever the fuck we want without scrutiny. Instead, I am unnerved by Gal Gadot and how she is poised to become the next White superstar whose problematic herstory is overlooked because any “progress” White women make in amassing wealth is sacrosanct.
>White women who can better embed themselves into capitalist superstructures are viewed not through the lens of suspicion, but through the guise of victory. I worry that powerful Black women are aiding and abetting, whether willingly or otherwise, in this duplicity.
They are both FUCKIN MOVIES! Watch them for your ENTERTAINMENT. Politics doesn't have to be in EVERYTHING. Geez.
>capitalist superstructures
Oh it's some socialist fuckface
Why do we are about them again?
Wonder Woman is the best thing that has happened for feminism in a long time. The shitposting from mentally ill burger flippers will be a sight to behold.
written with a thesaurus at hand
>Wonder Woman is the best thing that has happened for feminism in a long time.
Good goy
>the retarded left
Feels like its the story of Ungoliant, that spider that is so hungry for darkness (diversity), that she ended up eating herself.
Imagine the whooping and hollering at the premiere of black panter. I don't like movies.
This is beyond absurd to read and honestly looks like some supremacy-propaganda. I imagine shit like this being handed out on flyers by religious lunatics. Even Sup Forums seems more sane than this person, but I guess she draws clicks.
give an inch with people they will take a mile
Liberal retards can't even unite for the first female directed female led super hero film. They deserve everything Trump does to them.
wtf I love Wonder Woman now
>who can better embed themselves into capitalist superstructures
ohhhh and i bet she's the type that goes on and on about 'black representation'
jesus fucking christ the narcissism
with each passing day, the arguments against genocide become more fickle
the fuck is a "capitalist superstructure?"
>white female lead
>it's a poltard hunts down SJW opinion piece by a rando so he'll have something to be triggered over
Why do faggots on giving these the attention and clicks these people crave?
I swear I can see her pussy here.
The death star if it was full of money.
>be racist Jewess that calls for killing of Arab people in Gaza
>this is find for SJWs and you can still be a feminist icon.
At least the article in OP is finally calling the left out on their hypocrisy. They're fine with a racist murderous war criminal bitch just because she's Jewish.
>Black women and femmes can do and feel whatever the fuck we want without scrutiny.
This really gets to the core of what is rotten within leftist ideology. No sense of responsibility, morality or hierarchy at all. Everything goes. Nothing matters.
>my black feminism
People will always try and find a way to set themselves apart from others
Here's it a white woman, so she'll pull the race card
If it were a black male lead, she'd pull the woman card
Black women are the most obnoxious type of SJWs.
>Here's it a white woman
She's a jewess
and that just makes it all funnier
They don't consider her Jewish.
>who is pro-Israel Defense Forces
I guess the author prefers rapists, butchers, kidnappers and suicide bombers who'd kill her on the spot..
They don't consider Jews separate from White*
OP's clearly out of sorts in some way that set him pulling the faggot card.
No, they literally don't consider her Jewish.
>In my pinned comment an actual Ashkenazi Jew breaks down their ethnic/racial background in a Twitter thread and they are majority white Eastern Europeans that fled to Israel and other places (like Natalie Portman whose family came to the US- she is also an Ashkenazi Israeli Jew) post-Holocaust/Hitler. Sephardic Jews are mostly Jews of color. Gal Gadot's specific background is white Polish, Austrian, Czech, and German. She is not mixed Turkish or even native/ethnic Israeli at all, her parents and grandparents are white Eastern Europeans that immigrated to Israel and Hebraized their surname to Gadot.
Should white people just kill themselves?
Ah so it's an authenticity thing.
>Gal Gadot
lel. would rather watch a movie with a beautiful jewish goddess then a movie with a bunch of WE.WUZ.KINGS niggers
God, she's cute. Kinda wish she would just embrace her brown hair though. She looks way better as a brunette.
please send attention
Don't talk shit about my alt-right waifu, you scumbag.
Who the fuck is they?
>White supremacist world
Even the "smart" niggers have massive inferiority complexes
I'm trying so fucking hard not to have a stroke right now that I might legit pass out from the concentration. Honestly, it's difficult for me to even think about the process in which a functioning adult human being can form such bullshit in their head and publish the shit in a professional publication. I'm struggling here.
"Real" Jews, apparently.
>tfw everyone in my generation will be a brainwashed retard soon. They all fell the Jewish tactics of divide and conquer and in fighting among privileged people to destroy the middle class along with the entire Middle East
>tfw my wife's son will probably major in women's studies with a minor in black history
these niggers keep making up lexicons and acting like the rest of the world has to take them seriously
take your cisgender, gender binary bullshit and cram it up your cunt you haggard little bitch
Quick question: I've heard "my wife's son" chanted before by probable trolls at some sort of bullshit lib thing. What are they on about?
Yes it's the Palestinians fault the zionists invaded them and stole their land.
She needs strong Aryan seed in her, STAT. Imagine cum dripping out of her cunt onto these thighs.
>author prefers rapists, butchers, kidnappers and suicide bombers
Just like Israel
>capeshit movie is the best thing that has happened for feminism in a long time
Have they run out of important problems to solve?
>blacks and Mexicans don't understand Jews aren't white
>sjws cannot be satiated because they are professional victims
wow who woulda thought
>blacks are 10% of world's population
>but they should be over 50% of characters in movies
Jesus christ, she's delusional. Why does she insist on dividing our society?! This...is not my left...
i wonder what percentage of the people fighting on the Western Front were black women
is it like... none? or maybe one or two slipped in.
yeah as much as they bitch about fairness and representation in media, they really are vastly overrepresented.
I remember seeing that vid of a dude asking japanese people what percentage of the american population they think black people are and they said something like 50% and were surprised that they're only around 12% because they're all over American media
>anticapitalism is socialist
this is how i can tell you're a wannabe rightwinger
Jowls ruin her face
Make her look 30
You need to take the racepill my friend
The whole point of the left is to inflict communism on a society.
They pick an "other" and scapegoat it until they consolidate all power into their hands.
The Left used to be about economics and hunger, not feels, gender and skin color.
Behold them seated in their glory
The kings of mine and rail and soil
What have you read in all their story
But how they plundered toil
Some reviewer called Gal a Woman of Color & SJW's & Jews went on twitter to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE & claim Jews are White
that nigga probably doesn't even know what a crony is
>The whole point of the right is to inflict facism on a society
do you know understand how fucking stupid you sound? christ, Sup Forums is just tumblr for fucking righties
It's pretty telling that the moment Occupy Wall Street looked like it might do something meaningful, thousands of blacks flooded in to point out how those white protestors weren't respecting their ethnic privilege.
>this piece of shit was written, read, and edited
>and then published
Good god
At first I thought this was some clever way of combining hatred of women (gynae) with black people (noir) but then I realised it was just a typo.
White knighting Capeshit. Stay the same /tv, never change.
The fact that THE most left-wing candidate to ever chase a serious presidential nomination was also the one who suffered the most attacks from the black community is awfully suspicious as well.
Democrats are slave owners. Bernie threatened the Democrat Queen so she sent her slaves after him.
>last place
I just spent 5 minutes trying to think how, in any scenario, this would make sense. It honestly doesn't. I would love to see the mental gymnastics they use to justify this rank.
poor blue-collar white men need to stop oppressing rich black otherkin trannies you shitlord
Oh now I get it.
BLM and the oscarssowhite controversy were both movements by middle-class blacks. Of course they don't view class as important.
This is LeBron James' $9.2 million, 30,000 square foot house.
Somebody spray painted the N word on the front door two weeks ago.
That's a man who is wealthy and successful and still being discriminated against.
>Have they run out of important problems to solve?
Do you live under a rock?
poor millionaire
oppressed by evil whitey
how will he ever recover
Do you honestly think he would trade his wealth for being a poor white man? If being poor and white is really better than being rich and black then it's a no-brainer.
But they're not talking about racism. They're talking about privilege and how that obviously effects your position in life.
I would rather be a nigger born into a rich affluent family than white into a poor one. It's such a huge advantage.
Yeah except there's no proof this actually happened and the media firestorm around this "incident" has been self-serving and incredibly suspect.
God I hope I'm alive when whites become a minority and spics and asians take over. Can't wait to see them massacre all these niggers when they start talking about this retarded shit and uncle whitey isn't there to protect them anymore
i love reading stuff like this because it just reaffirms that liberals will never make any significant change in the world because they can't agree on what they want
Thats almost as bad as him getting BTFO in the Finals this year
Why do black people have such strong tribe mentality? They always get mad when a black person doesn't act like other blacks think they should
He wouldn't trade his wealth to transform into a white person, that's retarded.
He might trade his wealth to transform the country into one where this bigotry doesn't exist.
Fun fact
Anyone using ideology in their articles about tv have probably just graduated college and are trying to make a name for themselves. Becuase they have to start paying back those loans.
Funny how alot of them dont yend to brush up on their research and ideological masters before writing such a fucking pedantic article.
No doubt she is part of marvels smear the dceu campaign.
its the same thing with Mummy movies. they think EVERYONE in Africa is black and ignore that the north eastern part is next to Europe/Middle East and separated from the rest of Africa by a fuck huge desert. its like thinking everyone on the Asian continent is a Chinese
Holy shit I thought that was a typo at first.
>He might trade his wealth to transform the country into one where this bigotry doesn't exist.
only altruistic white people do stupid shit like that. spending your own money on others feel? dumb goy, when will you ever learn?
>Be ahmed
>tries to bring a knife to a gunfight
>get BTFO time after time
Remember folks, leftists hate Israel. Your pol narrative is wrong