American HATE Thread

Get in this thread and show your HATE for the U.S. and stupid fat lazy dumb Americans.

Why are Americans such lowly creatures?

The only thing that pisses me off is when americans pretend they're white

can you stop with this shit?

fucking pleb

Keep on hating America.

Said the brazilian not know the meaning of the word irony

I don't even know where to start with this post

>this much envy
Sorry, next time be born better and maybe you'll win the cosmic lottery.

1. Blacks
2. Race mixing blacks
3. Blacks exporting their vile culture
4. Blacks inspiring other darkies to become Africanised
5. The way they write the date. The day should come before the month.

Majority of top universities and a large percentage of scientific discoveries made here
Tell that to our Olympian and our number one military

This is too easy. It's boring.

Nah 'merica is cool, now the jaws that's a different story.

Kill yourself jew

Well, i love my country so fuck you.

Who else /pax Americana/ here

Feels good to be infinitely superior to yuropoors

Does this look tasty "Norway"

Gr8 b8 thread m8

Funny when people hate on us then turn around and want to be like us.

You know you want those cool Ray-ban aviators

You know you like cheeseburgers

You know you like guns

And everyone fucking loves cars.

Stop kidding yourself.

I love my pants!

I'd only be gay for a leaf

America is the greatest country in the world faggot.
Go back to watching Jamal fuck your wife.

love you sexy ;)

America is infinitely better than your eurocuck country faggot.

>4 weeks ago it was Turkey
>3 weeks ago it was Sweden
>2 weeks ago it was Romania
>1 week ago it was Canada
>this week it's Norway's turn


Norway seems to be a nice country. Obviously taking the internet memes a little too seriously though.

Sounds like you're just salty because America is the greatest country in the world.

Stay mad euroshit

You literally have nothing else of value to offer.


hashtag ban Norway from Sup Forums

Whoa now buddy us real Canadian men have no time for your homosexual advances. Your wife on the other hand..

You're going to get him in trouble. God won't even talk to him if he so much as looks at a pig, let alone control the lust they feel for them.

You're the Saudi Arabia of Europe.

based japs shouldve won desu


Enjoy euro cucks

The Germans in particular, and Europe in general have paid a heavy price for the incompetence of your leaders. The less you speak, the better.

They spread their race baiting and black culture here.

Having actually traveled around the world I can say that in general Americans are the nicest people on earth.

Every time I saw someone smiling or being polite it was almost always another American tourist. How we get the stereotype that we are all gun toting obnoxious loudmouths is beyond me.

Maybe I just had strange luck or something but that's my observation. Hate away I guess

10th time i've seen this thread

but it will never take off because canada is most cucked hated nation on earth ;-)

Look no further than our media (and hollywood) for that answer. Nobody bantz the US like other Americans...


Hate us cause you aint us.

Hi Sweden, we don't want to sink with you, ty tho.

Love you America-san

Welcome back.

Bring back the commonwealth!

you're projecting pretty hard there, bud. it's weird, because we in the US think norwegians are backward, inbred racists that only crawl out of their putrid, little huts at night to fuck livestock.
we all say it - all 300 + million of us. Actually, most of canada, south america (except chile), the entirety of russia and half of the EU thinks this.
also, you guys can't drive, you fear eclipses, and your women all have developed a "pseudo penis" as the world's scientists have determined your countrymen are all pathetic lovers.

I wish I could leave this shit hole.

>Why are Americans such lowly creatures?


Nah, america is ok. Except washington and california. They should be nuked out of existance (except probably some monuments), that will fix it.

I`m sure burgers will agree.

Same. Dumbfucks are living in a past they never even experienced in the first place.

Usa is total shit. Been everywhere and its a mixture of bordom and disgust. Corn fileds for days, bordered on one side by elitist pricks with too much money and plastic surgery and on the other side by an industrial shithole where you can't even go in the water without getting tb. Its just land whales consuming, feeding on strip mall after mall each with the same five stores. No culture. Fat asses in buicks telling me 'yall from round here?' to which I reply 'not as round as you'. Has anyne here seen chicago? Its more disgusting than cities in china!

Seriously gross place.

Yeah go use your ebt card to fly to somalia faggot.


name five reasons you like America

Based Norwegian ally of America

World war 1 and 2.




Yeah, that's about the size of it, Rusbro.


Next thread

wew, that picture
>"friendship" ended with eu
>"now" usa is my best friend


>Argentina posting a picture of a smelly brown man

oh god the irony. South America is literally the race mixing capital of the world KEK

Ignore Muhammad here.

I love the US~ ^^

>oh god the irony. South America is literally the race mixing capital of the world KEK

You're not even trying with this bait user, you could atleast start spamming pictures of interracial American couples or break out your BLACKED folder if you wanted to trigger me. Lazy smelly brown man

the fact that you think other countries envy you is proof you're a fuckin idiot

>he doesn't know of this friendship meme
Newfags and summer.

>can't own guns
>no freedom of speech
>hate speech laws

kek you are so fucking Cucked it isn't funny faggot

Lazy? You think all this food and beer is free?

>not knowing how IQ works





only thing that pisses me off about america is that it's still somewhat white





>foreigners literally have folders upon folders of gay Americans and dead soldiers

Turk proxy poster go away

Thank you back-snack gorilla

all rightful canadian clay.

lurk before you post newfag

I love everyone in this thread.
G*d bless.

>Why does America suck

We are fragmented into a bunch of different cultures, different geographical regions, etc with different needs and values but stuck with an overly powerful federal government making the rules for all.

We are victims of our own success. The last few generations of Americans have not known real hardship or strife. The wealthy have not known fear and act in wasteful and short sighted ways. We, for the most part do not look up to successful people aside from maybe celebrities.

The poor are too well fed and cared for to need to work hard and just bad enough off to be angry and therefore destructive. A long standing cultural narrative of the rich always being evil and the poor always being good keeps them for looking up to their betters and striving to improve.

We bitch endlessly about large corporations choking out the little guy while at the same time passing more and more laws to protect the little guy... which create a greater burden on anyone trying to start up a small business and improve their station in life.

I can probably go on....


Thank you, Back-Snap Gorilla.


Whats wrong with this? Got something against freedom?

Reasons 1-5: because it's fucking murica you faggots what other reason do we need.

Qatar are wealthiest but you are right on the schools and your military got owned by dirt poor farmers in vietnam. Being the worlds second fattest countriy and people take their strollers throu the drive throu should tell you how lazy people are in general.

did someone save the post? it was deleted

Lol, Norway. How's your importance in world affairs going?

Whats it called when you love your country but hate your government?

>Whats wrong with this?
nothing, i'm totally ok with the us military being a bunch of faggots

Still a better place than the vast majority of the world by a longshot.

You are on fucking fire Ausbro.

make me


No. KDR solidly in America's favor, it is very hard to fault the military forces for an overall failure.

>tfw best country