This can't be real
I wonder if all the girls have clitorectomies as well
ahh what the fuck is he culturally appropriating the suit?
>first black capeshit in the mcu
>first trailer in the mcu to feature rap music
is that gonna be the bad guy?
pffffffthehehehehehahahahahaha nice earings fag
>when the mixtape got dem delicious beats
No, he isn't white
Marvel keeps sinking lower. And I thought Thor 3 looked shit.
Aren't only women supposed to wear those?
still cant help thinking that an advanced civilization like that being placed in Africa of all places would be major assholes for hiding and not attempting to help their neighbors.
"let whitey bother with foreign aid, we got shit to do"
Maybe he identifies as one, you fucking bigot
Does anyone else like this fusion of old traditional ornamentation with modern dress? Body modifacation is nothing new.
What's really hilarious is that those mouth plates? They are for women only.
Marvel can't even culturally appropriate correctly.
pretty sure that has been an issue in the comics
also commentary on isationism i n America doing the same
Body modification has always been retarded
I actually think it looks really cool, especially if this guy is the villain.
transphobic much?
>when doing group photos they say "let's do a silly one"
Don't tell me I was the only one who wanted to murder everyone in the room every time someone did that
Every. Single. One.
Reminder that it's tradition in some of these nigger tribes to cut a dick open and have it be fucked by another dick, usually an elder tribesman.
naw. probrably some advisor. works that way too.
no court would convict you
unless you were black
a friend's black gf was vegetarian, but he got her down to mere pescatarian now
>fictional universe
They can do whatever they want
there is nothing wrong with redoing a high-five and doing a silly one
This is the epitome of white people making a movie about niggers. I know they're trying to depict them the right way, but this is just so fucking funny.
The words "liberal racism" suddenly make sense to me.
>What's really hilarious is that those mouth plates? They are for women only.
they are so they get bigger sexier lips. for doing sexy lip stuff. maybe he wants to have sexy lips? who are YOU to judge EIR habits?
Beautiful black people and their traditions such as flattening a childs head with a wooden board to make it pointy.
white people do something similar
It's being made by a black director and written by black people. White people are just the producers.
You guys cut your penises and shit just because Abraham said so so don't come at me with that.
the director, his co-writer and at least one of the main producers is black though
2bh cutting off the tip of your child's dick is pretty fucking barbaric too
Those blonde haired aryan white producers
>cutting penises
Anyone got the webm of the manhood thing?
You think the Jews take a lot...
If i pulled that out, would he die?
Well aren't they still Americans?
Being black in America doesn't make you an expert and from your perspective foreign culture
Conservative here and no, you are wrong.
actually no, niggers usually go vegetarian or vegan our of pure ignorance
That would be extremely racist
That's abbo culture
Abbos are worse than niggers
Actually it does.
They have a bizarre state of mind where they cling to their ancestry but none of them wants to go back because Africans hate black Americans and it's a shithole anyway, why would anyone WANT to be there.
Lmao what the fuck is he gonna advise?
>Ssshhhllrrrrraaaanooo. Sssurrsggaaacckkuuhh. Shshsaarr.
That's a middle eastern/american thing though, no one else does it unless they're absolutely cucked by Islam or America
>kike bullshit
He'll talk normal because it's just a prosthetic.
Or he'll pop it out and his lips will shrink because Wakanda magic
Im a black guy.
Are they srs? :D
>there are black """"""people"""""""" in this thread
Micheal B. Jordan is the villain and he's not white.
I was thinking you fuckers photoshopped this.
whats wrong with casserole?
>a middle eastern
>cucked by Islam
>being cucked by Islam
why did you not name the Jew specifically once in a post about circumcision? especially one citing America as an example of a people who circumcise? do you think actual Americans, which is to say white Europeans, came to the conclusion in a vacuum that they should start mutilating little baby dicks?
protip: they didn't
protip 2: it wasn't because they were "cucked by Islam" either
Wait, it's real?
>congo sape outfit
>ethiopian lip disk
that's pretty fucking racist marvel
Africa is a continent not a country
It that the famous king Wewuz?
*smacks lip*
Nigger there are billions of muslims worldwide I was referring to places like South East Asia which is nowhere near the middle east but they're all mudslimes anyway
Also Americans arent white and they cut up baby dicks because thats just part of their awful toxic culture that ruined the world no jew is putting a gun to their heads and forcing them to mutilate their children
there's literally nothing wrong with Brunch
no, I'm sure there were other 14 year olds in the room at the time
great colors on the suit tbqh
no, black people really are this tacky have with no shame.
>sky scrapers with grass hut roofs
this shitflick is going to be so unintentionally hilarious
>sky scrapers with grass hut roofs
You are making this up
keke, check out the trailer my friend, shit's hilarious
Wine tours are the shit, niggers are just too poor and uncivilized to participate.
>black guy is immune to bullets
>gangster bass at the end of the trailer
i know this movie is aimed at black people but are they implying this is what black people like?
It worked for Luke Cage
the guy rapping is white and "trap" music has been taken over by EDM whites
did blacks like it? i thought it were only virtue signalling whites.
what difference does it make, he sounds like a ghetto nigger and trap music is also the definition of ghetto.
Will it include genital mutilation and cannibalism? I hope they don't shy away from actually portraying African culture instead of making it sterile safe Disney shit.
Do you think the actor was embarrassed?
why he is wearing western clothes?
Bro, check out my mixtape.
Lemme pop it outta my mouth.
being bulletproof for blacks is like the ultimate power, cops can't kill you when you rob the chinese guy in the corner shop and when you rape white women. Of course they loved it.
he was tricked by a white man
Maybe that's why these retards die of starvation.
uh guess you got us good
>wine tours
Is this what northern whites do? Thank God I am Med white master race, I drank wine in a baby bottle instead of milk as a baby.
>Shit black people do
fuck off white boi
Yikes. This is the pinnacle of African culture folks. A man wearing a flamboyant suit with a massive earing in his mouth.
stay woke famm
low iq
no, they die of starvation because they don't know how to farm and don't know how to hunt and don't know how to forage.
if it wasn't for cow urine, they would die of dehydration.
You don't know much about Africa and India, do you?
>cue flintstones car with subwoofers and hydraulics
We seriously need to stop giving them money and aid
Let the niggos die out so we can fight over African land with China