Thoughts on "American Gods"?

Thoughts on "American Gods"?

It's good. Can be slow at times, but the visuals, music and story are all good.

Is it worth watching tho? I enjoyed books but I'm afraid it will be just like "Magicians" - shitty at least.


I like Mad Sweeney and dead wife's coin adventures

post yfw you realized dead wife was going to be on ongoing character

Is good?
Is good.

Dead wife is annoying, and the """""political satire""""" makes me cringe. It's not a bad show, but there are a lot of better shows you could be watching. I think I'm going to drop it.

It's a bit political for most of Sup Forums's tastes but I've found it entertaining so far.

When will these writers get it that reoccurring ghost scenes tend to ruin a show and it's ratings?


I'm a total pleb and really prefer to watch gory violent shows. Is this violent at all?

Compare it to Banshee if you must.

so is vulkan dead or does he just have to remanifest or something?

There's lots of blood, but it's not the kind of gore that makes you cringe or look away.


It's good, the actors are good, good visuals, the story is really compelling. I don't you if you've read the book but I haven't and the show is making me want to read it.
The concept is really great, ancient mythology gods reinterpretated in a Postmodern-Americana style

They're fucking around with the source material to make it relevant, the lead guy lacks presence and they've shoehorned in a muslim for the SJWs. God of guns? Fuck off

Ian McShane is nearly always Kino but he's getting irritating.

Stormare and Sweeney are holding it up.

It's ok but if you're a fan of the book it feels wrong


>the lead guy lacks presence

guy lacks anything.
he looks and acts like an extra

no. dont watch it. the main character looks like a bruiser but all he does is act like a crying pussy. it's more like hannibal season 3

It's pretty violent, but it doesn't look real at all. It's pretty stylized. The blood looks like water with red dye.

>"Magicians" - shitty at least.
Magicians was great though - at least for season 1.

It's alright, but last episode sucked hard.

The arab dude who met the ifrit was in the book.

Every scene is surreal, so there are no stakes at any time. Everything is stylised to the point of meaninglessness. They randomly shoot in slomo for no reason whatsoever, it's nonsense like watching a film school student trying to be deep and edgy. Scully is still banging though.

Sup Forums gets triggered: the post.

Watched the first episode. The stylized slow-motion shots and gratuitous gore and nudity were just too much for me, and I'm not usually puritanical about my television. This shit is just insane though, I barely remember what happened outside of the blood and gore.


>Thoughts on "American Gods"?
since the morning.. but it seems i wont see the new episode before the night shift, only tomorrow

WATCH OUT GROMPF *bashes fash*

It was too detached from books for me to swallow. It was alright if you would treat it like original work and not an adaptation

this. sad fagmohamed has accompaned them. would bear if his story was only that fagenda

Well meaning but lacks finesse.

Meandering and self-indulgent directing, with some strong scenes peppered. Carried out by some strong performances.

That being said, I wouldn't bash the lead actor too much. As a character, Shadow is pretty much defined by a certain lack of substance in the book, and changes made in the script trying to help with that made things even worse.

realised that it was just the standard female character that is shoe horned into every show and ends up ruining it


I don't get why the rejection of Laura by some happens to be so strong.

She's not a nice person, but no worse than a lot of those characters she coexists with, and there's something interesting in her if they manage to build on it.

It's because Emily Browning plays her as smug and snarky, which seems really wrong. I know what kind of character she's going for, but I think the directors should have asked her to be more sincere. This kind of character would work for the main protagonist of a show, but not a supporting one. She pops out of her grave, and she gets right back to wisecracking. It's annoying, I don't want to see this smug bitch crack jokes, she should be filled with guilt and shame.

It just feels like they are trying too hard to make each scene "controversial" for some reason.

The fact that she's not is what makes her interesting, I find. There's clearly an asocial or even sociopathic element to her. She refuses to play by anyone else's rules (see the Anubis scene).

If anything I'm more worried of how they'll treat what seem to be her story arc about reaching regret for her wasted life and make it too on the nose- see the "fuck those assholes " segment

>(see the Anubis scene)
>telling death to go fuck himself

I hate dead wife so much.

i bet you faggots just would want more fagdjinn scenes

Laura&MadSweeny is the best part of this sjw shit fest.

she's a atheist cheating coalburner? which bitch isn't?

She's about as interesting as a socially awkward 14-year-old girl's self-insert protagonist in her Harry Potter fanfic.

Couple of good characters. I lost any interest at the Ep4 which was a really shitty filler.

The Magicians is great. They fixed most of the stupid things from the books so far

Which is the only thing they got right about the character. If he chimped out less and was better at being so chill he's invisible he would be book shadow.

>shoehorned in a muslim for the SJWs.

I'm sure the Muslims really appreciated /theirguy/ being a homosexual whose shining moment so far was to be buttfucked by a Djinn.

Did anyone else notice the image stabilization shots of Mr World when he's talking to Shadow?
I don't think I've ever seen it used like that on TV before.