Why do two thousand middle-class white males gather for hours behind their 1000 dollars PCs in their comfortable homes to discuss about how they hate poor people who struggle to live everyday?
Redpill me about Sup Forums, Sup Forums
go drink coffee
I mean, it's a serious question.
How did a culture as large as this appear? Do Sup Forumsacks hate people they don't know that much?
this is a place where we can hate the left and the liberal masses, WITH NO SURVIVORS!
This is pathetic.
You dedicate your life to hatred. There are people who shitpost here ALL DAY. You build jokes and community events based on it.
Don't you guys have an actual life?
>not running dual octocore xeons and 4 video cards
You know, for rendering simulations
All you commie fucks do is cry about the poor and rag on "white priviledge" while you don't do shit. GG
This is a slide thread, please check catalog.
Friendly reminder that HRC damage control is in full effect.
fuck off, brazil - the left controls 100% of the (((mainstream))) media. we're more than capable of enjoying our own little happy place without you.
in a world ruled by liberals, sometimes you need a place to escape.
Because poor people are lazy and stupid and use money stolen from the taxpayer.
>Why do so many people use the politics board of Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums is my safe space
so we dont end up with a society like Brazil
>assuming that we're all middle-class white males
Lurk more.
I do care about poor people, if they are white.
Because this board is Sup Forums 3.0. Full of memeing, underage, emos who think calling everyone a liberal is funny, regardless of the topic.
well, i am tbqhwyf
my compy was closer to 2000.
Sage bin shitter
>middle class
You are aware that Sup Forums is full of poorfags right? I'm probably the only one on here that has $250,000 in the bank.
It's satire then a bunch of stormfags that thought we were serious took over.
Then they changed the board name to 'politically incorrect'. That's how this retardation emerged. The people that propagate it? They are socially inept losers that like to blame their shortcomings on "the left". They have nothing better to do and no one else to talk to.
We want to build something great and a part of that is taking and keeping out the trash
600$ reporting in
>It's satire then a bunch of stormfags that thought we were serious took over.
let's see
>middle class
>thousand dollar pc
>comfy home
>hate people
goddamn OP you stereotyped me 100%, I'm almost offended
you should have added straight though, probably a pretty safe bet for this site
Jokes on you. 85 dollar phone here. Money is spent responsibly because I'm not a niggers
>about how they hate poor people
Like IRL 80% of Sup Forums users are stupid. And of course, only people with internet access and ability to speak English can post here. This implies that you will mainly meet stupid western people here.
For example, yesterday we had the oportunity to talk with an Australian Aboriginal, and he received mostly racist comments...
Nothing more than a sample of mankind if you ask me. Few of us are really curious.
what site is this from? where can i find these stats?
we have learned a lot about them.
>familiarity breeds contempt
Even the higher up dems feel this wy