Strong Female Protagonist

Hey social science majors, how's it feel to be living a total scam?

Other urls found in this thread: from pompeii.htm

>Women's rights majors

Wait is philosophy a social science?

I mean the ethical or political philosophy part maybe, but there is still metaphysical stuff.

>Male dominated field that involves coming very well prepared every day, both with your arguments and your emotions.

Sounds like something a woman would fail at

I don't know how to feel about this at all. On one hand, he's basically dumping on social sciences. On the other hand, they're both agreeing that having enough of a point to rip apart an argument is a bad thing.

>people who are good at winning arguments are assholes


Sounds like the creator writes from experience.

>lose an argument
>just call the other guy an asshole

replace asshole with faggot and it's just like here

>Not an asshole

Are we supposed to agree with the protagonist and go "yeah man fuck the humanities" or think she's an unintellectual doofus manipulated by her own emotions? Cause I feel the latter.

That's one of the worst analogy I've ever read.
If you construct an argument, the one you're debating against has to put in equal effort to find a flaw and deconstruct it.

Whatever, faggot.

Yeah fuck that guy. I asked him how to score with this one hot slave and he kept on asking me why I wanted to score with her, how I knew I wanted to score with her, and how I was sure I knew I even liked chicks in the first place.

Me and my mates are gonna shove a goblet of hemlock down that faggot's face

If it is a real social scam why are we getting paid so much?
Other than the basic shit flinging really. Let really just talk about the idea of an argument. I mean the very point of an argument is a clash of multiple ideas and to see what is better. Ideas are suppose to be bashed against each other in order to be refine and develop said ideas for the sake of modern application use or simply to answer a question that is new and haven't recently been answered.

If the people of the comic and OP is right, then why do we need sociologist , philosophers , behaviour economists and etc. Why not stay the way right now , kill each other if they disagree or in a much more civilised manner shame their asses as weirdos, cuckoos or people that dont conform. Well that's the kind of world that get stuck in the same technological and social level for 500 years. As for me, i like my VR and human rights so fuck you m8

Bretty good

Anthropology and sociology are fucking fascinating and fun. That comic is fucking stupid though, but it feels less like a jab at social sciences are more like demonstrating that the character is uncomfortable with their woelsviews getting challenged. Basically they need to git gud at life.


>Its only purpose is to keep you in school and become a professor
>What is the school of chicago?

>class exercise in philosophy
>doing anything other than debate
literally what else can you do other than make arguments?

>literally i feel proud of being dumb the comic

No. Is part of the humanities, like literature. There's nothing testable.

This comic is strawman as fuck, but it's not walky teir.

I'm going to go with both.

Tbh social sciences are the worst major for college students

You pay like 100k to get a degree that won't get you a job, all while taking classes that tell you how "priviledged" you are.

You are literally subsizing STEM

Course there IS a way to get jobs with Humanities - I would know, I used my PolySci degree to get a gig at a Museum. You basically have to be a weird combination of a sycophant and a sociopath to get em, though.

> PolySci is Humanities
> Not social sciences

are you SURE you studied that?

>why are we getting paid so much?


It's literally all the same shit. Only exception are the Classics department, where the Professors actually seem to give a fuck about their major.

>won't get you a job
This still a meme or what?

It's not. Good luck trying to get a philosophy major to make a study based on statistics, for example.

that's a meaningless graph

it doesn't matter how much the average salary is for someone who can't get a job

Theres no way to say that thing about the sand castle and not sound like a huge baby. Maybe you shouldn't build such a crappy sand castle, and maybe you shouldn't build so close to the water.

But ofc this page is criminally out of context so idk

Philosophy is basically the study of pointless arguments. It's kind of like social sciences, except without the baggage of relating to real-world relationships.
Kind of like maths and physics.

>showing (rather low)starting salaries
>not showing opportunities available
Gender Studies, user?

College is a 60 thousand dollar daycare.

>Show evidence of high paying jobs exists
>dur hurr no jobs exists

>one of the best careers you can get as a liberal art major is a liberal arts teacher

Strong Female Protagonist exists in an odd space where it's clear that there's something more going on under the hood than the SJW schlock Sup Forums thinks it is, and stuff like this is part of it. It may be SJW trash, I haven't exactly looked into the author or what they've said about it, but every time I read it I'm struck by how not one sided it ends up feeling.

The theme is basically "superhero wants to actually fix the world instead of just punch it into working right and realizes no one actually knows how to do that." Also there's a plot about someone preventing superheroes from actually affecting the world. The heroine isn't really supposed to be right, so much as someone who's trying to figure out how the world works and is dealing with the imperfection of it all. A lot of her conversations with people begin with her having a problem with something, only for it to end up being blunted by the other party bringing up one point or another.

There's just panels that trigger the more suspicious parts of Sup Forums, and the title certainly doesn't help.

>nearly 2 million openings in the entire country
>there are over 200 million adults in the US
wow such existence

> the idea of formal teachers exists since the fucking greeks
> hur durr college is useless

Thinking about it, Liberal Arts classes often end up being required as various elective slots and general undergrad distribution. Regardless of the field's usefulness as a focus, I'd argue it has a purpose as part of a general curriculum. At the very least, people need to learn how to think in different modes. Ideally, Liberal Arts is only one part of that there should be some "expert" teaching it.

In reality, of course, things just sort of get fucked up as they always do in the real world.

> philoshophy is the pure math of humanities

huh... make sense.

Are all 200 million adults liberal arts majors looking for liberal arts jobs? I'm sure it can feel like it sometimes, but I doubt the real amount is anywhere near that.

I don't think the Greeks were giving classes on dank memes and privilege checking.

Definitely more than 2 million.

People shit on Socrates when Platon was the first Fascist AND his gang did overthrow democracy in Athens.

Even if so , this for purely Liberal arts employment. But in the face of modern day economics not everybody they studied for ended up in their Studied industry. I know people who started as Policemen, drug enforcer agents , accountants becoming part of the diplomatic corp or Public and civil servants transferring to the private industry.

> dank memes

Come on, you know if the greeks could have used memes, they would have.

> Dude 1 sends a letter that says "If I conquer you..."
> Dude 2 replies with "IF"

I had an odd summer internship as a kid where they did a lot of "job search preparation" workshops. One day they just brought in a bunch of people they knew to talk about how they got their careers.

The answer was basically "where they ended up first" after finishing education. Not a single one of them had gone into a field primarily geared towards their major or educational focus. It's still the degree, more than the focus of it, that is the most helpful. At least in undergrad, getting those higher degrees also brings in more money and is likely to get you a job actually related to what you studied.

Is it time to post it again?

> from pompeii.htm
>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1904: O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin.

>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

Ah the more things change the more they stay the same, right Sup Forums?

It means he used the humanities part of his polysci degree to beat out his competition, many of which purely studied the humanities.

The employment rate is horrible. Poly sci user probably beating out literally thousands of bachelor degree holding liberal arts majors is an example.

>Tbh social sciences are the worst major for college students
Second worst. The humanities win that one easily. Fine Art majors average close to +0 compared to what they were making before college.

Something on the order of 20 million.

The basic economic connundrum of the 21st century is that economic situations doesn't allow for your dreams to come true anymore. With the rising prices as blue collar worker you have to work 2 to 3 jobs and usually Your dream jobs don't pay because the market is saturated. Our social, economic culture really just have to understand the economy of now isn't the same of the economy of 20-30 years ago which programs like that apply. From an objective point of view of an economics student life as a middle class and Lower class is just getting worse with high bills


I stopped it because it felt like the story wasn't going anywhere, there wasn't a single character I could bring myself to like, and I realized I hadn't enjoyed reading it for a long while.

It's not a straightforward author tract, but there's still a distinct lack of people calling the protagonist out on her bullshit. Not on the abstract social issues, but things like picking up baseline humans by the throat without a pressing reason, or assuming that a serial killer with illusion powers is staying put because she can see her.

>This is a strawman comic

It actual feels like the strawman comic was the previous page, and this is the strawman (SFP) trying to get catharsis from her hug box.

>He was very prepared to take apart my arguement
>You know what they call people who are good at winning arguements? Assholes

So, her professor, trying to teach her how to defend herself in an arguement, by defending a point, and understanding the other side of the arguement well enough to counterpoint their arguements, is an asshole because she did not do the work necessary to properly defend herself in a debate. I imagine the arguement in question boiled down to the standard strawman comic

>Professor calmly reacts and counterpoints her
>Professor refutes her points, one after the other
>Professor is intelligent and handsome

Then we get this page, where are we supposed to side with the strawman?

I'm still not sure if the asshole comment is supposed to be an insult or a compliment.

Lynching is the sincerest form of flattery.

Well, yeah, that's the point of this comic isn't it? SFP has always been a terrible person. She's an asshole, she doesn't want to help people, she resents all the shit she goes through. Everytime she makes an argument, She is the strawman. Contrary to what Tumblr may say, given how she is written, you aren't supposed to think she is correct, she does horrible asshole things, the way she is written you're supposed to feel pity for her at her worst, and contempt for her when she thinks she is winning an argument. It's like assigned male, or sinfest, the author may even want you to agree with the protagonist, but the writing means you can't, so the strip becomes anti-whatever it's supposed to support.

Wasn't there a drawfag here who had an encounter with the author of this comic who studied in the same art class as the drawfag did? She said the women he drew were "offensive" IIRC.

>Professor is intelligent and handsome
Don't forget scarred like a badass.

I honestly think the author's entirely self-aware, and is just trying to present a reasonable depiction of a flawed human being flawed. I think the author's hoping to improve "her people" by trying to make them more self-aware. But she has to do it gently or they'll devour her.

That would be nice.

This Prof was totally sympathic and it was clear how easy she was getting baited over and over.
>Believing he would let someone fail or pass only because of this fucking stones

Women lack self awarness.

Nah this comic is passable.
I liked it when the invisible girl went around killing rapists to better the world and the telepath just said that she is doing jackshit because she could kill dictators or multinational arms dealers or some shit but goes for some people on local news.

Everyone likes to jump all over politics with this comic but no one ever talks about that its a poorly written story.

>Believing he would let someone fail or pass only because of this fucking stones
This was the only really terrible part for me. Everybody seriously just accepted that yes, this is a professional professor who is unironically doing this.

Is such a thing even possible in the US and A?

Hell no.

I think you're both right. The real issue for me, is that SPF herself is the main focus, and she is NOT an interesting character. We all know she's unlikable yes, but boring is the worst aspect of her. I'm more intrigue with all the other characters that are NOT her. They're not necessarily likable, but they DO have something going for them. (Like the invisible rapist killing Vigilante who should be out killing actual horrible people instead of just the small fry, or the not-Wolverine who because of his regeneration, can donate his parts as much as he wants.) If this series was a compilation series about all the other characters, it would be so much better I think.

I dunno. Sup Forums is a pretty good example of people going ape shit when their argument gets blown to pieces soundly.

So like Onepunch Man where there is theoraticaly the powerful protagonist but the true focus is on the people around him?
I like it

It was fine and even pretty solid up until that horribly stretched out fireguy and invisible girl arc. It badly needs an editor.

Realistically, I think within the next couple of years the artist will slow down on it and eventually drop it, and the writer will hire another artist.

Mockingbird issue three is proof of that

we are supposed to see it has characters (the prof and the boyfriends) having diverging opinion and see why they they take this position.

Notice the subtext that on one hand, the boyfriend might be right in saying that the prof is biased as maintaining this field complex benefit him, but that doesn't mean the field isn't complex either

On the other hand, while he might make a point, the Boyfriend is also biased (intentionally or not) as his main intend is make his date feel better and truth isn't really his main objective.

This is the entire subtext of this strip.

Goddamn this comic is so fucking preachy. How can anyone stand to read this?

>I lost an argument with my argument teacher and told him to fuck himself after losing an argument game designed to point out flaws in peoples' arguments. Maybe I should shut my fucking mouth and actually listen to someone with more life experience and insight than me for a change instead of loudly barking my opinions at people like I normally do because even though I declare often that I want to learn to be a normal person, I have no problem telling every breathing lifeform I come across that they're living their lives incorrectly.

>Nah, he must be an asshole for disagreeing with you in the first place about something. Can I flick your super-bean now?

That guy's cruising for some puss


>, but things like picking up baseline humans by the throat without a pressing reason
Uh, the guy was taking an unconsciously drunk girl he barely knew with her while she had stated she wanted to wait for her friends and tried to be evasive when she first confronted him. Maybe she went a little too far, but it was better than pretend nothing was happening.
>or assuming that a serial killer with illusion powers is staying put because she can see her.
Uh? actually, she was the one to not fall for that. It was the US agency in charge of keeping track of Moonshadow who was fooled by it. Mega Girl was the one who saw through the Ruse. And she actually reported Moonshadow when she believed to have recognised her. ,You can't lay any blame on her, there.


>>I lost an argument with my argument teacher and told him to fuck himself after losing an argument game
She didn't told him to fuck himself, though.

So the author lose many arguments on Twitter, huh?


Maybe he was trying to help her, because he saw she was drunk, and was going to take her to her apartment and feed her eggs? You don't know.

Also he got killed by invisible slasher lady for MAYBE being a rapist. He never actually did anything, but was murdered.

Because of an accusation.

This comic is actually anti-feminist, and feminists love it.

Uh? she didn't need to grab the fucker by the throat. Uh she's one of the strongest superhuman around, it's incredibly off-putting to have her basically use her superpowers to intimidate everyone in this comic.

>You don't know.
That's the key thing. She didn't know and she went for the safe road. It turned out the guy was actually lying about being on a date and the girl didn't even knew who she was and just wanted to get home.

And the thing is she actually tried to give him a chance and talk the situation out with him. If he hadn't been killed, that's it.

>Also he got killed by invisible slasher lady for MAYBE being a rapist. He never actually did anything, but was murdered.
in this case, the person to blame was the person who put the video on the internet. MG never intended to plaste his face to the world as a rapist, there, she just wanted to be sure the girl was safe.


not everyone, though. And no one was paying attention to a question that was quite important there.

Say what you want, but saying "we are on a date, we just met" while accompanying someone who is barely self-aware should rise a few red flags.

>it's incredibly off-putting to have her basically use her superpowers to intimidate everyone in this comic.
I think you are missing a big point: everyone is intimidated by her power, whether she use it or not.

This is why Clarck Kent need a Secret ID.

Pretty much. At the moment, SPF is One Punch Man, except not funny or interesting.

Clark needs a secret identity so he can live a normal life that isn't constantly interrupted by villains trying to kill his loved ones, not because every single person is afraid of superman

Most people in good runs of superman love superman and wish he was around all of the time
Superman would probably use his superspeed to push people over to the situation instead of using is superstrength to pick the dude up

SPF doesn't take people down with one punch, but a series of complaints that form an argument like chain that she ties people up with until they give up from not wanting to actually deal with her

>Superman would probably use his superspeed to push people over to the situation instead of using is superstrength to pick the dude up
So, instead of rough housing one suspicious person, Superman would rough house a bunch of people who haven't done anything? How is that better?

Sound like any argument ever on the Sup Forums..

>Strong Female Protagonist

This might be the most rage-inducing comic I've ever read. The main character is a sociopath that wants the flatscan public to worship her for not killing them. And somehow the comic thinks she's a good person.

>The main character is a sociopath that wants the flatscan public to worship her for not killing them
How do you get that idea from the comic? Have you actually read it?

it's better because 1. he's not actually roughhousing anyone and 2. he's not the sole person judging the actions of that one dude

and before you go off on the semantics of roughhousing and superspeed, literally every speedster can move people without them even noticing

Yeah, that's how terrible this comic is
>the Sup Forums

>Attending college on Financial Aid because family isn't financially well off
>Studies Ethics and Aesthtics

You don't have to be super poor to get financial aid

That may be but she's very obviously aware of the financial shit she could be in if she lost it yet chose to study Ethics and Aesthetics

also, isn't this just the intro class?
she probably just has to take a humanities class as part of her core curriculum
I don't think there's anything here saying she's a major

>and before you go off on the semantics of roughhousing and superspeed, literally every speedster can move people without them even noticing
You say that as if MG had the precision capacity to do that. It was never an option.
Second, moving like that people without their agreement whne theiy are in no danger nor are they of any threat is still extrmly rude. Much more rude than just stopping that one guy.

>Uh, the guy was taking an unconsciously drunk girl he barely knew
Yes, and that was wrong, and it was a good thing that protagonist girl did something about it.
However, it was completely unnecessary to lift him up by the fucking throat. He was a mundane human with no powers, weapons or combat skills. He was completely incapable of resisting in any way. She could have gently grabbed him by the wrist. Or his clothes. Or, since he was not really running away at the time, not grab him at all.

And that would have been just fine, if it had been written as the protagonist being unnecessarily violent for whatever reason, but the story completely failed to acknowledge it. Reactions afterwards were limited to "you did the right thing" by her friends, "she deserved to be raped" by the evil fire dude, and "I will murder this person" by Invisigirl. "Human bodies are not well suited to being lifted by the neck" was completely absent, as was "you should not hurt people unless there is a reason to".

>serial killer with illusion powers
I mean afterwards, after the dam had blown up and they were chilling outside, with Invisigirl delivering a late villainous monologue. She walks away, leaving SFP chatting with a projection, and she really had no excuse for falling for it. Just hold her hand and she'll be powerless, it isn't fucking hard. It's not like she has an aversion to grabbing people.

Have to give props for calling the authorities after finding out about the illusions, though. Lot of capes would just have rushed in alone without telling anyone.

>safe road
>lift him off the ground by the throat
That is the opposite of safe.

I had high hopes for the comic when I first saw it.
It seemed like it was gonna be a story about how an obnoxious SJW slowly discovers that she is actually an awful person and that SJW politics not only don't make one a better person, but more likely push otherwise fairly sensible people into becoming shitty, amoral sociopaths.

But no, it is just a wank about how you can never be SJW enough.