>climate change doesn't exist because we're not feeling it in this particular moment, and a scientifically proven shift in the global meteorological pattern means nothing
Climate change doesn't exist because we're not feeling it in this particular moment...
Climate change is natural faggot.
I also drive a V8 go cry about it.
How did we leave each of the Ice Ages without humans?
Why are we descending into a new Ice Age?
It's natural but humans are speeding it up
no proof
>I also drive a V8 go cry about it.
don't have kids then - if you do you're just fucking them over
Talk of climate change is mostly just people talking past each other, because nobody denies that the temperatures are rising.
The issue is whether or not that change is manmade.
Get the fuck out of here you faggot ass leaf. I don't even need to burn the gas I do but I do it because I can afford to and I love pissing you green fags off.
>muh computer simulations
So do volcanic eruptions
You can't break those cuffs.
Not enough data.
The Earth's climate regions change constantly, fucking morons.
Why do you think we have ocean fossils up in the mountains and plat fossils of tropical plants in places covered in snow or desert sands?
Man made climate change is a belief based on faith.
20 Cesars to the gallon
Good. the earth is shit anyway.
co2 has been produced naturally long before humans existed. why isnt there a giant layer of it high up in the atmosphere?!?! valcanos and wildfires and shit and no giant layer of co2 why is that?
c14 rains down from the atmosphere. its produced by electrical activity in the upper atmosphere as is o3. if your wondering why oxygen doesnt manage larger molecules when bonded to itself higher than o3 its because o3 is unstable and doesnt want to be o3
if you dispute c14 raining down from the atmosphere constantly then you dont believe in radio carbon dating as it relies on s14 having been produced naturally since like forever almost on earth
Greenhouse gases comprise about 3% of the atmosphere. CO2, in particular, is 4,000 parts per million. Or, 1/2500. Which is .04%. And humanity has contributed about 5% of that CO2. So, humans have contributed .0004% of atmospheric CO2. Case closed.
i always laugh at american education but then something like this is posted and i realized the impact it has on global politics
Why were there more dramatic changes in the past, before humans, and why do you not expect those changes to continue?
Simple question: Why would we NOT want "clean" energy?
what are volcanoes
CO2 is not the worry, it's water vapor and methane.
I actually get about 16mpg
Useful Idiot OP
But user, I'm too busy worrying about saving the Ozone layer
Jesus just bought a ram1500 and am getting 25mpg
I thought i was doing bad
I like you.
>Mfw crooked Hillary
Constant co2 emissions don't compare to the random eruptions of volcanoes. What are you, deterministically obtuse?
You remember the 90s? You remember the hole in the ozone layer?
Yeah neither does anyone else.
get your own material, leaf.
we will shift away from the durty stuff naturally. Muh invisible hand and all, but in the meantime the gov't shouldn't get involved.
I just bought the same truck. I have a heavy foot though so I burn a lot of gas
Volcanic eruptions account for hundreds times less atmospheric CO2 than human activity. They also provide elements reducing overall absorptive qualities, contributing to a cooling effect.
guys we had a hurricane last year that means AGW is real cuz I saw the hurricane on the news and it was scary and obama and leonardo dicarprio said all scientists in the history of the world said it was true
"We are already dead. And we know that we are dead because we are really smart."
-Algore 1998
I learned when I worked in a Call center that people are retards. Legit subhuman IQ. And when I got my PhD I learned that there are less retards than I thought. Still alot though.
Point is that alot of people here are uneducated and come to bitch and moan. Finding intelligent discussion here is hard. Exceptions would be some of the Generals like Syria or CF. Those are pretty impressive.
Talk to chyna or South American countries.
It's easy to spot the basement dwellers that have never been anywhere.
Why do faggots buy trucks unless they're constantly moving heavy items..I will never understand this.
>Why would we NOT want "clean" energy?
what do you mean by "clean" energy?
nuclear is "clean" concerning CO2 output, but leftards hate it anyway because it reminds them of nukes and is scary.
what else?
>literally zero output at night
>really shitty when the sky is clouded
>more expensive and less cost-efficient than other power sources
>weather reliant
>zero output without wind
>more expensive and less cost-efficient than other power sources
both raise HUGE problems that simply don't exist with conventional power. on the other hand, a nuclear plant will always deliver a constant supply of power. a coal plant can be powered up or shut down pretty much at will.
to make solar and wind truly viable we would need MASSIVE energy storage capacities - but current technology simply doesn't allow for that. large scale energy storage currently comes with very low efficiency, making wind and solar even less economical than they already are without considering this problem.
>Implying scientists don't want billions in grant money to keep perpetuating phony numbers.
Are you jealous my truck has 300 more horsepower and is 4 times the size of your shitty little econobox from Japan?
When a bitch sees my truck she thinks it's sweet. When a bitch sees your car she probably thinks "ew"
The climate has been changing for millions of years, well before humanity has entered the picture. Adapt or die.
I get it now..thanks for that
People who sell oil and coal wouldn't be able to sell as much oil and coal anymore.
This is literally the reason the argument against climate change exists.
>mfw OP thinks people deny that the climate changes
the argument is whether humans are causing it, and it's going to be a man-made apocalypse "in our lifetimes"
saged for shitty bait
Solar can safe through new battery energy alot of energy for the dark days.
And no, nuclear is not safe.
Look at Chernobyl, look at fuck u shima
This will always happen, and what about the nuclear waste? This shit can never be thrown away safely, never ever.
Wind is perfect, they get build so high that there is almsot always wind, i live about 5 km away from a windpark, and they run and run, even if there is no wind in my backyard.
Once again, batteries, they are inventing better and better batteries, some that could save almost 100% of the energy, and can almost survive a century.
Stop being an ignorant bitter fuck that just want's the world to burn, its a fucking fact that we don't have coal or oil for ever, stop being retarded, kevin.
Have you seen what a lithium mine looks like compared to an oil refinery?
[citation needed]
>oil and coal are bad
This kind of thinking is literally the reason your country is cucked
fuck you.
Don't you think i know this is all pointless? If we wan't to keep up with our energy use, it will only take about 60 years til everything is sucked out dry.
Even the lithium mines, it's always math.
The cost of mining lithium, the cost of buying it, the appearance in the earth, how much, can it compare to oil?`Can it create more power, or the same as with oil?
Probably not.
Why not just calm a little down and stop producing so much shit? I bet 90% of lithium and other rare earths are used to build smartphones, pc parts, tv's and other useless stuffe, i guess at best it's 10% used for solar, batteries, etc.
This whole fucking god damned system is retarded, to buy a new phone or new pc parts every year is retarded, we are wasting this like las vegas wastes water.
Its all a big retarded shit fest of burning resources, the burning is funded by money that doesnt exist, and the money that doesn't exist ist created by us because we pay the banks for our house.
I can`t take this shit anymore, it's too much, let's all just sing along while we drive into the abyss
>invite the worlds press to cheer your voyage to measure the ice reduction at the pole
>prevented from doing so because of ice
Don't know if is real but each summer is hotter and hotter.
No one is disputing climate change or global warming. The data is pretty conclusive. The question is whether it is man made. That conclusion is very arguable
>Have you seen what a lithium mine looks like compared to an oil refinery?
no he hasn't
also there is not enough lithium on the earth to satisfy the needs for a storage medium for e-cars, regenerative energy and electronic.
Typical faggot canadian, go get fucked by a muslim
>Why not just calm a little down and stop producing so much shit? I bet 90% of lithium and other rare earths are used to build smartphones, pc parts, tv's and other useless stuffe, i guess at best it's 10% used for solar, batteries, etc.
>What is demand
you are a baby that has no clue how economy works.
Yes you are right right now most of the lithium goes into consumer electronics, but if you force battery storage solutions the demand will increase.
The electronic companies don't spontaneously stops using this technology, so there is more demand.
This demand either is satisfied with more mining (huge environmental impact) or the price for lithium increases, which makes batteries based on lithium uneconomical.
They're not bad, but burning it is pants on head retarded with all of the alternative uses for them.
Denying climate change is like being a flat earther.
This pic needs a backstory...
Wow, bro, I've just gotta say this: you're literally me. Right up to the PhD thing.
However, every now and then some user will provide an insightful and nontrivial point of view that is worth the hundreds of shitposts, shillposts and uneducated opinions. This is why I keep coming back here.
>majored in ecology
>mfw people on both sides of the issue are so misinformed it would be funny if it wasn't such a big talking point
I'm more concerned about dying coral reefs, depleted fisheries and microscopic plastic particles in the ocean than I am about less ice or longer summers or liberal coastal cities sinking beneath the sea and leaving me with beachfront property.
That picture really really really made me think.
End central banking and fiat currency and over consumption is solved.