Do you think governments hide evidence of alien activity?
Do you think governments hide evidence of alien activity?
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Holy fuck.
Mulder, you should be covering that drug deal with the CIA. Wtf are doing on Sup Forums at this time shitposting about aliens?
Possibly, we as a species are not ready for alien life forms yet.
i think they promote evidence of synchronised skydiving at night as if it were alien activity
If they could they would but that doesn't mean they have.
Every major sighting has been government implemented to desensitise the public. Makes it easier to control them when inevitable contact does occur.
Are they flying jews?
What about all the UFO-like sightings throughout ancient history?
what about the massive drop-off in alleged UFO sightings now that everyone has a high-definition camera in their pocket?
We still get tons of new UFO footage every year.
and how many have been recorded with sufficient detail to warrant further investigation?
still just as blurry and out of focus as before
or did the UFO's distance themselves a bit more to compensate for HD?
New UFO footage is more detailed than stuff from the 90s. If anything were crystal-clear people would claim it was CG.
an example of this would be...
Aliens don't use ufos to travel they use planes like the rest of us. Wake up sheepeople
Yeah because they probably don't even know what they are dealing with.
Why would they come out and say a completely different technologically advanced species are visiting us and we can't do shit about it.
Oh for God's sakes, there is NOTHING in Area 51. ALIENS ARE NOT REAL WE DON'T EXIST. Stop trying to look for the proof of something that doesn't exist and do something constructive with your life
Yes, because the truth is too horrifying.
Finally someone gets it. There are no aliens in Area 51. There are no aliens in the US at all. If there were aliens on Earth, the governments of the world would keep us somewhere far away and hidden. The aliens would be kept in like, Antarctica, or something. Maybe Greenland. There are no aliens here at all, go put your tinfoil hat in the microwave and shut up already.
So you can affirm that human and dolphins are te ONY FUCKING INTELLIGENT (at this point im not sure for human tough) ON ALL THE FRICKIN UNIVERSE?
>Do you think governments hide evidence of alien activity?
>Not birds.
eh it' scientifically improbable that we are the only intelligent life forms in our galaxy, let alone the thousands of other galaxies. If you are an ET why the shit would you want to come here? Face it people suck as lifeforms and are a danger to ourselves and the rest of the world really
The ufo phenomenon serves a few purposes to tptb. It's a great cover story for any military tests, it's a good way to discredit researchers who might be getting close to said tests, it's a good cover story for abduction and testing of the populous eg biological weapons / tracking the transmission and spread etc and finally it's a good political and psychological tool to both unite and control
Lets see the question in another angle.
If aliens don't know we exist or, like us, denies it, why would theycome here.
We say they don't exist without having searched them.
>filming chemtrails
>presents like three frames of what could be fucking anything from a tightly zoomed video and just declares them to be ufos
Aliens land in your street, your neighbours say you should greet them
What do you do?
I was just about to make a thread about this, or similar.
There's plenty of clear footage that shows that there's something up. Lots of people coming forward with shit. I bet most religions are based around alien visits. Aliens are probably smart enough to go to world leaders first, they would go through the same life cycle as us most likely, so I'm sure keeping something like this a secret isn't hard.
Some stuff does come out though and it makes it so obvious yes NASA denies it.
Why would they even bother to visit us, we do not have the mathematics of string theory nor have any idea of what dark matter is, we are monkeys playing with hydrogen bombs...
>based on alien visit
>where is guardian church
UFOs are a minor problem.
>xcom is busy trying
They're traveling faster than the plane. They certainly aren't birds.
Yes, yes they do. Have you not heard about Germany covering up the activity of illegal aliens?
No, and here's why-- (warning: effortposting)
My college astronomy prof was interning at the VLA when he was a student when they got the "WOW!" signal. It was being passed all around scientific circles, and the media got ahold of it and the gov only acknowledged it when the media asked them about it. Meanwhile, no phonecalls from spooky agencies or anyone from the gov.
I also don't think we'll ever meet aliens (although I believe they'll find evidence of life in the atmospheres of other planets if the Webb observer ever goes live), because of the massive numbers involved in greping the universe. The universe is ~14bn y/o, so there's a 1 in 1.4million chance that any found beings would be within 10,000 years of us. We well may not even understand what we would be looking at.
Last is the Drake equation, which shows a great chance of life on other planets, but not if you factor in the fact that, at least in our example, radio tech happens at nearly the same time atomic weapons are created.
no they're not you moose-raping retard. they're WAY closer to the moron who's "filming chemtrails", and they're moving in a perpendicular trajectory. that plane he's zoomed in on is thousands of feet away. a couple of birds flying past only a couple of hundred feet away, with that zoom factor, would shoot across the frame of the shot that quickly.
Settle down potato nigger, birds also have something else called wings which extend out and flap, they don't usually appear as disc-shaped objects, especially when a camera is zoomed in.
I guess pic related is swamp gas and the planet Venus.
Of course nigger. I don't even know how this is controversial. Do your research
Logically Aliums must exist somewhere
>travelling gorillion miles to anal probe pedro or cleetus seems illogical captain
No. Too many amateur astronomers and non profit / international astronomy organizations for an extraterrestrial object to be covered up like that. Governments would also stand to profit a lot monetarily and in the form of increased public faith with alien contact. Any government would also jump at telling the world they were the first one to make contact.
neat story and neat proxy
Looks like some kind of experimental heavy weapon round.
Definitely. But can't talk about it here or the MIB will stalk me again. Sly bastards they are but I spotted the tail early on at a red light and lost it after bringing them through a neighborhood and then making a u-turn.
One of the best ufo videos I've ever seen
No, in fact they're probably used to secretly promote it so that any spy snooping around Area 51 would be overwhelmingly drowned in conspiracy theories and thus making their jobs much more difficult.
>He thinks they're ayylaoms
just look up all the time whenever you're out at night. Keep doing it until you see them. they're not as illusive as you would think. You'll know when you see them.
Governments can't hide shit.
if they had proof of alien activity, it would have been leaked long ago.
unequivocally, alien activity is hidden from us
it's a mix between technology suppression, greed, helping establish a NWO, and at one point was genuinely thought to be for our safety
it has since spiraled out of reasonable control and at this point i can only speculate what mission they're currently executing with UFO tech but i can't imagine it's for the good for any of us
but the government isn't doing any of it. rogue elements may be, but it's not like an obama mandate to hide UFOs. most people who are read into anything relayyted to ETs would see through the bullshit and realize its usefulness for the advancement of mankind but they're most likely held hostage by it
pretty sure the ayys hate kikes, why else would they help hitler? :^)
u took the b8 m8
Nice try you little green fucks.
I dont think they are that competent
I love the Phoenix Lights happening. You all probably didn't remember it, but it was probably the best psyop of all time.
>one night large craft flies over Phoenix
>thousands of witnesses, even a video
>the next few nights military goes out and flies military craft dropping flares
>"Oh, those were military crafts doing maneuvers"
>parade a guy in an ayyyylium costume on live TV saying "we caught the suspect LOL XD"
>everyone mocks those who saw the real lights
Now when you search for the Phoenix Lights you will see the video in the OP, not the other videos. Well played government/military, well fucking played.
Pretty sure they do. It's in the best interest to keep it secret until a later time. We don't want ahmed building an intergalactic spaceship for the purpose of spreading Islam to the aliens on RIGEL-7.
As for proof of them existing...well, there are thousands upon thousands of sightings, close encounters, etc. etc. with a lot of them not being very convincing, but some being extremely convincing.
But think of it this way: Only 1 of those thousands of stories need to be true for aliens to exist. Just one.
(they're grey)
we are
Ayylamo internet defense force detected
Hey, that's pretty good.
This one is pretty good.
We already have contacted ayys
Could they be demons (fallen angels)?
Aliens make governments hide evidence of alien activity, because they control most of the governments of the world.
>If there were aliens on Earth, the governments of the world would keep us
Don't forget about the DUMBs in the ozarks.