Rec me a movie about a formerly brilliant guy who becomes obsessed and then slips into madness and obscurity.
Rec me a movie about a formerly brilliant guy who becomes obsessed and then slips into madness and obscurity
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That's a mean thing to say about Trump
citizen kane? except hes never obscure
The Fly
Birdman maybe
Trump was never brilliant tho
He actually did that? Interviewed a cartoon Trump?
The Aviator
that's a winrar if i ever seen one.
>slips into obscurity
He went from doing a show on Stoner Central to being the most highly rated Late Night show in the county.
Just because he's offending Sup Forumsflakes on a nightly basis doesn't mean he's irrelevant
please stop making fun of trump
[current president] shouldnt be mocked or it means you hate AMERICA,you terrorist
His ratings are great what's the problem?
>didn't have the balls to actually confront Trump and was nothing but polite when he actually had him on the show
>had to make a cartoon Trump to "tell off" because he couldn't do it for real
>highest ratings
>fade into obscurity
The absolute state of nu-Sup Forums's mental gymnastics.
Why are libcucks such pussies? I might have respected Colbert a little, or at least thought he had some principals, if he just said FUCK YOU right to Trump's face. I mean even when he "roasted" George Bush, he could barely even look him in the eye and his voice was shaking the whole time.
as if conservatards are any less of pussies
That is pretty gay
memes becoming reality again...
I literally got a phone call from a robot saying this exact thing yesterday.
This isn't anything new, Colbert did the same with Bush and with Obama.
The only real difference is, neither of those gentlemen were so grossly incompetent as Drumpf is, so Colbert simply didn't have anywhere near the same amount of material.
Plus, it's bringing in the viewers, his ratings are soaring.
She lost guys, time to move on with your lives.
>most highly rated Late Night show
factually incorrect, Fallon has the highest ratings
Why is it so hard for Drumpfkins not to bring up Hillary in any discussion about Drumpf?
Be honest, if the same shenanigans going on with President Drumpf were going on with President Clinton, you retards would be absolutely mental
Right, like conservatards did during the Obama years
>Colbert did the same with Bush and with Obama
He gave head to a cartoon Obama on air?
dubs speak the truth
>trumpkids still mad that his bumbling idiocy generates so much material as opposed to obama's measured and intelligent demeanour, which forced the media to try and go after things like muh tan suit and "terrorist fist jab"
>ever brilliant
as a guy who was a fan when i was younger, I look back and see that it wasn't even that clever. the gimmick pretending to be a 'stooopeeeed republinut' dies quickly. but because it's politics, you just have to barely try and chest pump and people who agree with you will say your 'comedy' is brilliant.
goes for both sides though the left has historically been worse about it
>57 states
not a big deal, natural slip up everyone makes. barely heard about it though. if bush had said it it would have been 'comedy gold XD' for comedy books for months
nice strawman, literally nobody is calling Trump bashers terrorists
like libatrds did during the Bush years
Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump all have about 95% the same policies.
if you like one you should like them all
if you dislike one you should dislike them all
>irl shitpost into the highest office in the land
>not brilliant
I hate the fucker but brilliance comes in different forms user
Do you know why liberal comedians are going to shite? It's because they've lost touch with reality and truth. They just come off as salty and condescending from their ivory towers.
As any comedian worth his salt knows, the jokes we find the funniest are the ones which resonate the most with truth and which are not layered with agenda. The liberals are not winning anyone over with this attitude.
George Carlin would be rolling in his grave.
>george carlin
how's 8th grade going m8?
>not a condescending preachy smug liberal
Apocalypse Now
Synecdoche, New York
because it makes you reply
and yet he was more coherent and lucid at 80 than today's comics at 25
>only 10% of Manhattan voted for you
>lets ignore the other boroughs that make up NYC
God damn over the years I have been able to detect bullshit instantly when I see it.Thank you Sup Forums.
Carlos really wasn't that funny. Get off your fucking ivory tower and realize that. Also yeah Colbert hasn't been funny for awhile now, even before his late night gig
>It's alright when we do it
Trump was never brilliant, is thick skinned and isnt obsessive and always a household name
its almost as if your joke makes absolutely ZERO sense
>like libatrds did during the Bush years
The hardcore SJW liberals we see today didn't exist until sometime after Obama took office. Of course you would be too young to actually remember what life was before Obama.