Is this Music video kino?
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>only 3 kills
At least Sup Forums got on the board.
News won't touch this guy for some reason. Is it because he's too weird? IDK. I have one or two true crime bros I plan on sharing this all with
It's because he only killed three people, and while he was totally nuts, giving these people attention only makes these events happen more often. They see that if you do something like this, you become famous, and everyone talks about you. The news has kind of wised up, and they try hard not to make celebrities out of killers anymore.
What the fuck are you guys talking about?
Dude who made the video OP posted was an autistic tranny who killed a few coworkers and an heroed a few days ago
Sup Forums poster in love with Danny Phantom character shot up a supermarket.
>You will never an hero to be with you shitty Sup Forums recolour tulpa
a shooting ending in 3 deaths its pretty common in the US. if he had shot a school however
no this is
user don't be afraid and follow your dreams
Could've made KINO. Instead, he opted the easy way out from working. Pathetic.
what a nutjob holy shit
>At least Sup Forums got on the board.
so Sup Forums is now the king of autismo boards? also, man that guy's typing style reminds me of another crazy I know. Why is it always the trannies who are the most crazy, unsufferable and rude motherfuckers?
Dabbing and Party Rock are half a decade apart, yet they have a very similar aesthetic.
Thanks Professor Faggot.
man thats a lot of WORDSWORDSWORDS
>I won't kill my parents because I want them to suffer
>I want my mother to suffer for bringing me into this world
>My dad needs to suffer the most out of everyone in this world
>My brother....partially. he is not the worst person alive
Considering he is such whiny cunt who blames everyone, his brother must be pretty top tier
>the fucking my little pony merch everywhere
this is fucking kino
/r9k/ will always be king but Sup Forums has been an underrated autism board for a long time. I predict /m/ will be next.
why does this anime girl sing with a man's voice?
I really disagree with manchild getting +15. That's way too much.
he gets one extra point for every MLP and for every autistic danny phantom video.
this is why you don't sell guns to people without first having a picture of their rooms. if you have at least one poster about a children's cartoon or videogame and you're 20 i ain't selling you not even a peashooter.
Wait, did he actually post this shit on Sup Forums? Was he /their guy/? Will Paul Latza ever shoot up his job?
yeah he did and i'm pretty sure i saw him a few times and on 8/co/ too. whomst the fuck else would post about their waifu from a 15 something old cartoon?
kino coming through
just how deep does this rabbit hole go?
what a fag lmao
the news did not suddenly grow moral fibre, all they do is incite violence.
the story's just not an easy sell. not enough murders, definetely too weird, and no way to twist it into anything racial or terrorism related.
>do this in south.
>every room has a confederate flag.
thank god no crazy weeb shit though.
Imagine being shot by this faggot because his waifu from a 10 year old kids cartoon told him to
What a shitty way to die
>female voice
is that his mom or did he kidnap someone?
Its his mom lel
based on the comments I'm guessing it's his mom
i thought he wanted to kill his mon too though. lel.
if that's his mom this story is 100,000x worse
Has somebody ever killed themselves THIS casually?
who's /n/?
Only ones who actually posted to the board should count.
Did he keep the voice actor on a basement? And where did he even get the money to hire all these VAs and animators?
>some creepy brony obssesed with a decade old cartoon character hires you to do voice work for his creepy tribute to said character
>he takes you to a field so you can record him shooting shit
I would run the fuck away.
If he didn't yell
right before he blew his head off, I'm going to be so disappointed.
This is unbelievable. Sup Forumsmrades should be put on a list.