it possible to truly enjoy films if you've never experienced love?
I'd say no, it's such an integral part of about 80% of films, if you can't relate to the most primal and basic of human emotions, how can you truly claim to understand film?
it possible to truly enjoy films if you've never experienced love?
I'd say no, it's such an integral part of about 80% of films, if you can't relate to the most primal and basic of human emotions, how can you truly claim to understand film?
You watch films where everyone is miserable instead. Makes it easier to relate to.
Also you can be in love without having been loved.
but, i Butt-fuck Emley every Nite in golden plated mansion
one way infatuation and mutual love for someone are two very different experiences, wouldn't you agree?
I honestly think virgins and people who never were in a relationship are unable to understand most art
How can you understand a Party rocking movie and have good time if you never been to a Party Rock?
Love isn't just the person to person love.
You don't have to experience the exact situation to empatize and relate to it you absolute turboautist.
You can relate with Luke Skywalker in ANH, and you don't have to be a a piss poor farmer who lives in a galaxy far far away to be able to relate to him.
Putting your dick in a vagina you like doesn’t suddenly make you like 2001 if you previously didn’t like it.
nice strawman, retard
when have I said you had to have experienced the exact same instance of love to be able to get it?
But the films are made from the perspective of someone who has been in love, there is the assumption there that the viewer will have experienced love at some point in their life, as most people have
How come most people then, from kids to old people, love and enjoy watching highly violent war films when they have never experienced anything remotely like it?
Doubt someone like Tarantino has ever been in love really. Or been loved.
Do you think those films are as powerful as for someone that has experienced the horrors of war first hand? No. Same with films about relationships, sure you can watch and even enjoy them, but you'd never be able to properly understand the intent of the filmmaker without having experienced that
Plus most war films are made by people who have had no involvement in war. Films are made by and aimed at normal people who have experienced relationships
What's being in love with someone and knowing that that person loves you too, like? And I'm not talking about siblings/parents/friends.
Because they have no clue how horrible it is, and people make it campy to make it look less extreme.
ALso most films just do it as a cashgrab.
Love is pure ideology, and so on and so forth
you didn't answer the question
Because war films are made in a way to intentionally appeal to people who don't have first hand experience
"Relating" is such a stupid surface-level argument for understanding/appreciating any artform.
Like this user said , loving someone doesn’t magically make you able to enjoy/appreciate Jodorowsky films if you previously didn’t enjoy them.
Yes, maybe you won't be able to detect some small intricacies in the non verbal interactions of Lost in Translation, but you also don’t know how to operate a submarine but you are able enjoy/appreciate/understand Das Boot and all of the themes the narrative covered.
But Das Boot isn't about submarine operation.
Many films are about the feeling of being in love (and being loved)
Eraserhead is about the fears of being a father and most people here really like the film discussing all the represented themes and interpretations to death and I doubt the majority of those posters are fathers themselves.
But again, is it likely to be as understood as someone who has gone through that fear of being a father, and can relate?
I'd wager no.
I would say that a father would be able to recognize certain situations more instinctually, but being a father alone doesn’t make you automatically a top tier Eraserhead critic. Show Eraserhead to your father and you will probably have to still explain a fuckload of plot points to him.
Maybe someone who just got in a serious relationship and is really afraid of becoming a father wouls relate to the film even more than an actual father.
My point is that you don’t have to be a gun slinging true loving submarine operating father veteran to be able to fully understand/appreciate a movie, being an emotionally intelligent individual that isn't out of touch with the real world should be just enough.
But can you really be so intelligent to an emotion that you have never experienced, and is quite so unique?
I doubt no one ever experienced any form of love, you can experience love from your mother, brother, friend, love towards your passion/interest etc
And you are implying like most films show and represent love in some abstract multilayered way, but the truth is they represent love banally and completely simplified to the point where a 5 year old kid can understand what is happening on screen.