Why did Shillary decide to take him out?
Red Pill me on Gaddafi /pol bros
he was ugly as fuck
To be able to flood Europe with human trash as her (((overlords))) told her to
He used to be qt
A FUBAR middle east is needed for the creation of the State of Great Israel. Also to fill europe with negroes.
Gaddafi tried to go around the banks. No one cared how he treated his people, but then he got arrogant and thought he was powerful enough to challenge the world bank. AKA Hillary went after him because the bankers who donate millions to her wanted him gone
He wanted to create an independent africa-gold currency
The Internacional Jew, France and Obama would not allow it
The World Order has been after Libya's oil for decades. Gaddafi didnt care for it.
West loved him
He then turned on the banks and made public statements denouncing shit the West was inc ontrol of
West no longer liked him
West killed him
CIA tried to kill him multiple times, failed.
Fucking retard pepe has his strap on too tight
He predicted that there would be an unstoppable flood of refugees into Europe if he was deposed, and he was 100% right about that.
I guess this is enough for now
He ruled with a iron fist because he knew that they only understood and respected power and could not rule themselves.
>He was right.
qaddafi caused more deaths in britain through funding the IRA than any of ISIS, al qaeda etc. have done
He was an interesting dude. Full of energy and optimism; trying so hard to build a strong African alliance.
Eventually, they demoralized him, as he saw how petty and violent and corrupt and generally fucked up all the other African rulers were.
He learned that to build a great place for most of his people, some tiny evil groups had to be brought in line with an iron fist.
He tried setting up an African central bank backed by gold standard and the globalist kikes obviously weren't going to have any of that so they fabricated some story about "muh genocide" and murdered him.
This is fact. Never mind the kike calling shitposting style talk, Gaddafi was killed because of the golden dinar he wanted to put in place.
This is America folks. Arming crazy rebel groups, supporting Juntas, and proxy wars. They are as bad as ISIS just in a different, smarter way.
I long for the day that the whole world stops being a cuck to the US.
He deserved his fate
Of course France would be like this about him
Shut up you stupid frog you know nothing.
What was Shillary's role in killing him?
she shilled the genocide meme.
Not going to happen anytime soon because while Europeans love to bitch and moan about American Imperialism they still continue to suck NATO cock and refuse to take responsibility for themselves militarily.
Frog and Clinton
>Sarkozy financial support
Citizenship aside, he deserved his fate
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05785522 Date: 01/07/2016
It's this.
It pisses me off that people would willingly vote for this crooked bitch. I firmly believe that Hillary supporters known nothing about what she's done.
Yeah this.
Well then. Seems the frogs are slimier than I thought.
Fucking cuck, kill yourself
Le pen, sarkozy and hollande are not so different than him tho.
So ?
Retourne sucer bhl
Lol mate it is already happening. You are on the decline and just like every super power before you in the course of history ever will fall at one point. And it'll be sooner than you think. I predict in the next 20 years tops. It'll be so accelerated if Trump gets voted. Shillary will keep the boat afloat longer.
Retourne sucer bhl
Putin mais il pense sans ironie que si tu penses que Kadhafi était une pourriture tu soutiens BhL. Tu ne serais pas un peu con con ?
Le monde ce n'est pas les bisounours contre les sith.
Stfu u r human trash
>Gaddafi was killed because of the golden dinar he wanted to put in place.
>mfw this is what tinfoilfags actually believe
stick to the aliens and stuff u dumb peasants
En tout cas tu as le meme argumentaire que lui ,moi ca me suffit.
Donc si BHL dit que la terre est ronde elle ests donc Plate.
Je crois que tu peux dors et déjà postuler à l'ordre nationale des cotorep.
Cela n'as rien a voir car le fait toi et ton copain bhl pensiez que kaddafi etait une pourriture ne reste qu'une opinion et non un fait averé (c'est d'ailleurs l'un des sujet a debat de ce thread).
Donc tes petites phrases toutes faites tu sait quoi en faire.
Donc si on remet les choses dans l'ordre , bhl a dit qu'il pensait que la terre est plate et tu l'as cru bettement.
C'est pas tres fin pour quelqu'un se disant plus malin qu'un cotorep
i'm amazed your cognitive dissonance is so thick. you almost seem intelligent.
(((america))) defends the (((central bank))) system.
>This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).
>(Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.)
>Instead, the great fear reported is that Libya might lead North Africa into a high degree of economic independence with a new pan-African currency.
>French intelligence “discovered” a Libyan initiative to freely compete with European currency through a local alternative, and this had to be subverted through military aggression.
You know why
Interesting dude, too bad he was really autistic about the fascist occupation of Lybia
>guys the west fights for freedom, not for money you crazy tinfoilers!
Fucking retards rail against Saudi for terrorism
Yet Gaddaffi was a state sponsor of terrorism but all of Sup Forums has collective amnesia 4 years after his death
>yet gadaffi was a state sponsor of terrorism
he is dead what about now ?
>more terrorism
They doing the same mistake with syria
Now syria is hell of a mess
we came
we saw
he died
Then there was the oil.