Revealing Powerlevel

Have you ever revealed your powerlevel accidently or intentionally? How did it go?

I have a feeling that there are places where if you would reveal your powerlevel and have it get around town that you're "muh ray-ray nazi" you could possibly get targeted by minorities and militant leftists for assaults or other things.

What do you do in this situation?

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Actually my powerlevel is usually on full display, and i don't really get any flak for it other than an occasional half-assed/jokey "das rayciss"

It lost me a date. I only revealed it because I smoked the herbal jew for the first time in months, was irritated by stupid drivers and roads, thought I already had the date in the bag, and wasn't thinking about what I say.

I said I hate niggers three times. She still went to my room after but there was no way.

What did she say?

>"I'm not giving you head because you're a racist"?

It's incredibly simple.

If it's a man you get in their face and ask them politely to step outside.
If it's a woman you play on their securities (let's be honest, it's usually fat/unloved).

>If it's a man you get in their face and ask them politely to step outside.

Must be easy to do when you live in Estonia with a bunch of skinnyfat european manlets as opposed to BLM hordes and Cholo gangs that want to stab you for supporting Donald Trump

I've been told when I'm drunk all I do is spout red pills.

>Asked by a Syrian woman at work

"I can't believe the UK voted to Leave the EU, how did you vote user?"

"I'd rather not talk about politics"

I'm pretty sure that counted as highly racist in Scotland and I was fearful of being arrested for days.

No its just like she associates me with the feeling she had then and if she tells any of her friends then they'll look down on her and a bunch of retarded girl shit that consists of more subtext than necessary

Mayhap you should be friends with adults not manchildren?

Also, you're a big sloppy wet pussy.

Should have told her to fuck off back to the desert

>Mayhap you should be friends with adults not manchildren?

What's that have anything to do with it?

This person has never gotten into a fight that he won.

lol same. my friends are cool with it, girl i'm dating is cool with it

>tfw i can say nigger loud and proud aaahh


post others please

Keep it to a down low until we rise from the shadows and take the world by storm. They will not expect it. No one will. After all the progressive left faggots spout all their garbage, no one will expect a Nazi regime.

Remember, we, the aryan race, must keep the gene pool clean.

Just wait.

I've actually never really gotten into a fight desu so that's partially true

She was actually very nice and by the fact she wasn't in a hijab almost certainly not a muzzo. I had absolutely no idea she was Syrian until she said so, I thought she was maybe Spanish or Italian.

I want to fuck those triples and your mouth.

that's just me realizing i missed something after saving, but i'll try to come up with something. suggestions welcome

>being this autistic

You're the man we all aspire to become user

Lol I usually wait until we fuck, then go on about Hitler and trump and how blacks are naturally more violent and less intelligent than normal people, especially if I don't want to see the girl again. But I have yet to have a girl stop talking to me afterwards even if it's literally the only thing I talk about after she takes the facial. I must have a magic dick or some shit because I'm far from attractive

I just switched job's. Flat roofer in michigan. Where i let my powerlevel be understood by all. Im white 39yo, odinist, 6'3 250p not fat, built well. Now i work for a corparation, pouring concrete molds for benches and tables and trendy outdoor shit. Anyway trying hard to be a regular joe. Not sure when to reveal. Mayby after a year or so.

dunno man i'm not very funny

I have never hidden my power level.

>for the slowpoke.jpg amongst us thats 911 part 1.

Yes, twice recently all because of arguments with this woman in my circle. She came back from holiday in some Islamic country and was talking about how sad it is we (Switzerland and Europe in general) aren't helping enough to take more in.

Kind of lost my shit with her. Both times she brings up this conversation point, stating firstly how much fun she had on her holiday therefore the migrants can't be so bad for a country to take and a second point was her ignorance of Islam which she says is a peaceful belief (I know the Koran/Hadith/Sharia pretty well, she hasn't read the Koran, didn't even know what the other 2 are). She's one of the types who lets emotions do the thinking for her.

Both times these arguments happened in a social group. Most kept quiet, some tried to lighten the mood with jokes but I wouldn't let it go because I was pissed then a few friends messaged me later saying that she was talking shit but didn't want to say anything. She doesn't talk to me now. But all my friends know I'm right wing now.

We all used to be able to speak a common language and we used to have a longevity vaccine so we did not die of old age.

i have a swastika tattoo...

dialing emergency services for nothing is against the law put anoda shremp on me barbey CUNT

my little space heater has a swasticka on it.
>for the fan setting.

Everyones redpilled here. Don't have to hide it.

wew lad.

most of my family and friends are racists, sympathetic to my viewpoint, or subservient females who hang on my every word

they listen to all of it and my impassioned speeches get them riled up and/or wet with the exception of the girls i actually date, who are all ultra liberal or kikes

i don't know what's wrong with me

soooo, your power level repelled inferior intellectualism?

What shit advice. So if it's a guy you must progress to a physical fight. If it's a woman you have to attack their character rather than their argument? You sound like ANTIFA.

Stop cowering in fear of people and your opinion. People like you who just keep quiet are really not helping. If more people spoke out only...

Ya'll realize you fucked up right? Can you imagine how pissed the jews are and what's in store for your country?

some of us don't respond so well to that.
>Your clay shall be mine.


Best part about being black is you can rant about kikes and errbody agrees with you

I will find you. I will come for you. I will fuck your ass, mouth and boypucci until you get pregnant with the next Adolf J. Hitler.
better like the smell of cum because I will marinate you in my seminal fluid until you are sakushka for the cum cocktail I will be forcing down your miscellaneous orifices.

You can't be racist here its illegal. we keep politics for shitposting.


the worst part about being black is being a nigger.

>semen fixation.


Was nervous about going on a date last saturday for this very reason but it turned out really well. She went on multiple rants about 'fucking foreign cunts' and was pretty open minded when it came to '''''conspiracy theories''''''. So my anxiety was pretty much lifted and whilst I didn't go full gas the kikes, I did go on a few rants about globalism/george soros/cultural marxism/lack of respect, honour and manners of people etc. All of which she either was interested in or agreed with.

We were smoking the herbal jew at the time so that may have had an impact though. Fucked her and spunked on her titties 8/10 would reveal power level again.

I will have specialists from Tallinn to Vilnius gather in person to install my dick firmly in your soft insides.

>thinking I am going to be there.
What is this highschool lunch battles?

>I will use your own military dumbass.

You would make a fine and proud wife.
Your sister Sheila will cry bitter tears at our wedding because dingos ate her baby but the baby was a muzzie CUNT 'neweih she'll be right I recon.

>his pic and mine related to discussion.

UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe

Style of Address:
Regional Representation for Northern Europe

Street Address:
Ynglingagatan 14, 6th Floor, 11347 Stockholm, Sweden

Mailing Address:
Ynglingagatan 14, 6th Floor, 11347 Stockholm, Sweden

46 8 457 4880

46 8 457 4887

[email protected]

Time Zone:
GMT + 1

Working Hours:
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00

Public Holidays:
01 January 2016, new year
25 March 2016, Good friday
28 March 2016, easter monday
05 May 2016, ascension day
06 May 2016, day after ascension
24 June 2016, mid summer eve
06 July 2016, eid al fitr
12 September 2016, eid al adha
23 December 2016, day before christmas eve
26 December 2016, boxing day

Countries covered: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden

How many arabs should I send to Estonia ?


You can fuck right off back to anywhere else with those numerals

Try and math them and see what they turn into.

>two references to 42 when speaking to opposition.


You can snail mail your puckering mangina to the Estonian postal service with a bright red label spelling BOMP for all I care. It won't save your virginity from the apocalypse that will spew forth from my bellend to rain chaos and destruction upon your two baby smooth ass cheeks.


What the fuck are you two on about?

>whos to say I am not really in Space-Australia.


What? Quebec City Jean motherfucking Lesage international airport restrooms after you tried your luck at the tax-free curry restaurant?

I recently told a lady who followed me to work because she was mad I gave her the finger "at least I'm not black" after she said I was fat. Oh well.

>Get drunk
>say "The nose knows" over and over again while rambling about Israel

Vive le quebec libre!

My GF is purple-pilled (in the sense that she recognizes the retardation of SJWs and liberals but also refuses to vote for Trump because he's "mean"). I was going on a rant about BLM after the Dallas killings and I let slip "fucking niggers just need to learn how to act" and she was horrified. on some level she knows I'm right though

It all depends on how you word things. If you have rational arguments they can't really say anything against it. if that's the case they'll either start shouting their usuals slurs like RACIST or they'll implode becuase it doesn't follow their liberal ideas.

Wow! Leaf posters N O T welcome!



Pretty mean desu


Girl I'm close to is Polish. We're both late 20s. We could have had something here.

Spent so many hours together talking about politics, reading news articles together and discussing immigration, welfare state, terrorism etc. We agreed that immigration is out of control and that scroungers and people who come here not wanting to assimilate should fuck off back to where they came from. We agree that a nation should look after its own first and be master of its own destiny.

Fast forward to after EU referendum. She asks me how I voted and obviously I voted to leave. She's bought into the media bullshit about all leave voters being 1 step away from gassing the Slavs. Now she's angry and apparently "can't forgive me" because she feels unwelcome in England.

Thought we were on the same page. Don't know whether to be sad or pissed off. Feels bad.

My dick is mean

Prob dodged a bullet

I work in a factory with mexicans.

I BLAST my nationalsocialistiche lieder on my high end speaker all day while working. Nobody cares.

Even one mexican guy says he likes hitler.

>I am a mexican working in a factory


How many Estonians does it take to change a lightbulb?

Only one, but the ones who knew how were deported to gulag in 1946.

same here desu, my entire circle of friends and family knows im practically a hitler heiler and they only joke about it occasionally and tell me to stop ranting

Whenever I see kys I immediately think "Kiss yourself"

How many voters does it take to get Hillary Clinton into power?


Like Rõivas would be in power without our blessing.

half-intentionally tried to redpill a bunch on Islam.
Could've been charged with blasphemy and thrown to jail.
Learned my lesson ever since.

Saddam did nothing wrong.

>Doesn't hide power-level. Ever.
>Refused to take part in sister's wedding.
>Refused to receive Communion at New-Mass funerals of family.
>Engagement fell apart because the fiancée couldn't handle the power.
>Family pissed at me.
>It sucks.
>But at least I'm not a power-level hiding Cuck

Jesus is Muslim.
(yes we used the present tense.)

And you are Russian. (Yes, I used the present tense)

Was at work. Starting cussing about wet backs. Said they were like roaches. Their children crawled around the store like little rats trying to eat everything. I work at Home Depot. Said I wished we had a kids section in the nails, screws and washer section. Watch them all choke on metal. The moms would be too busy outside buying tacos from the burrito buss outside. All pregnant looking like hobbits. Their fat short husbands with pumpkin heads from inbreeding. They'd all take shots in our restroom it smelled like rotten dead animals. These dirty fucking greasy spics. All short and smelling like grease, shit, and sweat. Kids with mustaches at age 12, 16 year old girls with 3 kids. I wishaolAgue would run through the whole group of them. All of them children, women scum

Basically said that
Didn't go well

Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true
Jerry lee Lewis was the devil
Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet
All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world
So there was only one thing that I could do
Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long
Every time I try to do it all now baby
Am I on the run
Why why why why why baby
If it's so evil then?
Give me my time, with all my power
Give it to me all again (wow)
Ding a ding a dang a dong dong ding dong
Every where I go
Every time you tell me baby
When I settle down
Got to get me a trailer park
And hold my world around
Why why why why?
Half my time I tell you baby
Never am I all for sure
Why why why why why baby
Sicky sicky from within
Every time I stick my finger on in ya
You're a wild wild little town bitch
Dingy a dingy dong a down
Every time you tell me baby
When I settle down
Got to get me a trailer park
And hold my world around
Why why why why?
In my dang a ding a ding a ding dong
A sticky sticky son of a gun
Ding a danga danga dong dong ding dong
Why why never know
Why why wack a dong a dang ding dong
Then you take it on the bill
Ding dang dong don't dong
I want to love ya!
Why why why, why why darling
Do you do you tell me to play?
Half the time I talk about it all now baby
You know what I'm talkin' about I said
Why why why it'll
Ticky ticky ticky ticky
Son of a gun
Every time I try to do it all now baby
Am I on the run
Why why why
It'll ticky ticky ticky ticky ticky ticky
Dawn of a gun
If you got a doubt 'bout baby
The memory is on the bed
Why why why why why
Darlin' uh it don't know
When my time is on
Might tell me never do it on his own
If my time was all as is yours
Make me burn a wish
When my time with you is brutish
No I'll never not ever
Why why why why why why baby heavy hell
Alone and it's here it's this thunder
The thunder oh thunder
Jesus built my car
It's a love affair
Mainly Jesus and my hot rod
Yeah, fuck it!

None of you neckbeards will ever say this shit IRL because vid related.

Or you're autistic and don't understand that real people wouldn't approve. Thus resulting in vid related

>that feel when i live in northern ireland and people i know say and believe far more extreme things than anyone on Sup Forums

My father has a fanatical hatred of Catholics. I don't like them, but he truly hates them. He set fire to a Catholic boy when he was 13 with some friends. Our population is only 0.02 percent Islam and about 98.5 percent white but I am telling you now, ISIS could move in down the street and my dad would prefer it to "Popery"

So no, I haven't red pilled them. People would find it weird if I talked about Jews or Muslims or Africans as there aren't any. Communists yes, but those are all Catholic anyway.

Of course I say this sort of thing IRL whenever it comes up. I don't run down the street screaming NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER HITLER DID NOTHING WRONG POL WAS RIGHT, but if it came up I would have the same attitudes as if online. If a nigger attempted to lay his hands on me, I would simply execute him.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true
>The Pope of Rome was the devil
>Muhammad was an pedo during his career as a prophet
>All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the ewe
>So there was only one thing that I could do
>Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long
>Every time I try to do it all now baby
>Am I about to cum
>Why why why why why baby
>If it's so evil then?
>Give me my time, with all my power
>Give it to me all again (wow)
>Ding a ding a dang a dong dong ding dong
>Every where I go
>Every time you tell me baby
>When I settle down
>Got to get me a halter
>And hold my world around
>Why why why?
>Half my time I tell you baby
>Never am I all for sure
>Why why why why baby
>Sicky sicky from within
>Every time I stick my finger on in ya
>You're a wild wild little town ewe
>Dingy a dingy dong a down
>Every time you tell me baby
>When I settle down
>Got to get me a halter
>And hold my world around
>Why why why why?
>In my dang a ding a ding a ding dong
>A sticky sticky son of a gun
>Ding a danga danga dong dong ding dong
>Why why never know
>Why why wack a dong a dang ding dong
>Then you take it on the bill
>Ding dang dong don't dong
>I want to love ya!
>Why why why, why why darling
>Do you do you tell me to play?
>Half the time I talk about it all now baby
>You know what I'm talkin' about I said
>Why why why it'll
>Ticky ticky ticky ticky
>Son of a gun
>Every time I try to do it all now baby
>Am I on the run
>Why why why
>It'll ticky ticky ticky ticky ticky ticky
>Dawn of a gun
>If you got a doubt 'bout baby
>The memory is on the bed
>Why why why why why
>Darlin' uh it don't know
>When my time is on
>Might tell me never do it on his own
>If my time was all as is yours
>Make me burn a wish
>When my time with you is brutish
>No I'll never not ever
>Why why why why why why baby heavy hell
>Alone and it's here it's this thunder
>The thunder oh thunder
>Allah built my pasture
>It's a love affair
>Mainly Muhammad and my ewe.

Thus proving point that niggers are primitive. They are provoked to violence with mere words. Savage apes

fuck off racist


Isis would get the same reception as her majesty
